Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 300, 324

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 324 - FEES
324.1 Annual Registration Fees
(A) All registered air pollution sources shall pay the appropriate fee(s), which shall be established to cover the cost of administering the program, adjusted periodically based on the three-year average change of the "December annual average - Seattle/Tacoma/Bremerton Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers", rounded to the nearest dollar or other index, as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
(B) Upon assessment by the NWCAA, registration fees are due and payable. A source shall be assessed a late penalty in the amount of 25 percent of the registration fee for failure to pay the registration fee within 30 days after the due date. The late penalty shall be in addition to the registration fee.
324.2 New Source Review Fees
(A) New source review fees and fees for review of an application to replace or substantially alter the emission control technology installed on an existing stationary source emission unit shall be submitted with each Notice of Construction (NOC) application or request for a NOC applicability determination.
(B) The applicable fee(s) shall be established to cover the direct and indirect costs of processing an application, adjusted periodically based on the three-year average change of the "December annual average - Seattle/Tacoma/Bremerton Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers", rounded to the nearest dollar or other index, as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution by the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.3 Variance Fee. The applicable fee(s) shall be established in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.4 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits. The applicable fee(s) shall be established in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.5 Plan and examination, filing, SEPA review, and emission reduction credit fees may be reduced at the discretion of the Control Officer by up to 75 percent for existing stationary sources implementing pollution prevention or undertaking voluntary and enforceable emission reduction projects.
324.6 RACT Fee. The applicable fee(s) shall be established to cover the costs of developing, establishing, or reviewing categorical or case-by-case RACT requirements, adjusted periodically based on the three-year average change of the "December annual average - Seattle/Tacoma/Bremerton Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers", rounded to the nearest dollar or other index, as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA. Fees shall be due and payable upon receipt of invoice and shall be deemed delinquent if not fully paid within 30 days of invoice.
324.7 Order Fee. The applicable fee(s) shall be established to cover the direct and indirect costs of administering the program, adjusted periodically based on the three-year average change of the "December annual average - Seattle/Tacoma/Bremerton Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers", rounded to the nearest dollar or other index, as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.8 Asbestos Program Fee. The applicable fee(s) shall be established to cover the direct and indirect costs of administering the program as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.9 Agricultural Burning Fee. The applicable fee(s) shall be established as described in RCW 70.94.6528 and WAC 173-430-041 as referenced in NWCAA 104.1 as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.10 Outdoor Burning Fee. The applicable fee(s) shall be established to cover the cost of administering the program as set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NWCAA.
324.20 Procedure for Adoption and Revision of Fee Schedules. A proposed resolution that adopts or changes any fee schedules described in this section shall be posted on the NWCAA website for not less than 30 days prior to the Board of Directors meeting at which the Board takes action on the resolution. In addition, an electronic version of the proposed fee schedule or proposed fee schedule changes shall be provided by e-mail to any person requesting notice of proposed fee schedules or proposed fee schedule changes, not less than 30 days prior to the Board meeting at which such changes are considered. It shall be the ongoing responsibility of a person requesting electronic notice of proposed fee schedule amendments to provide their current e-mail address to the NWCAA; however, no person is required to request such notice. Each notice of a proposed fee schedule or proposed fee schedule change shall provide for a comment period on the proposal of not less than 30 days. Any such proposal shall be subject to public comment at the Board meeting where such changes are considered. No final decision on a proposed fee schedule or proposed fee schedule change shall be taken until the public comment period has ended and any comments received during the public comment period have been considered.

Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 300, 324

PASSED: November 12, 1998 AMENDED: November 12, 1999, June 14, 2001, July 10, 2003, July 14, 2005, November 8, 2007, August 9, 2012, March 14, 2013, September 11, 2014