Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 300, 320

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
320.1 Program Authority, Applicability and Purpose. As authorized by RCW 70.94.151, the Board, by this Regulation, classifies air contaminant sources which may cause or contribute to air pollution. This classification is made according to levels and types of emissions and other characteristics that cause or contribute to air pollution. The Board requires both registration and reporting for these classes of air contaminant sources. The classifications are made for the entire area of jurisdiction of the NWCAA and are made with special reference to effects on health, economic and social factors, and physical effects on property. Information collected through the registration program is used to evaluate the effectiveness of air pollution control strategies and to verify source compliance with applicable air pollution requirements.
320.2 Registration and Reporting. Any person operating or responsible for the operation of an air contaminant source for which registration and reporting are required, shall register the source with the NWCAA. The owner or operator shall make reports to the NWCAA containing information as may be required by the NWCAA concerning location, size, and height of contaminant outlets, processes employed, nature of the air contaminant emission, and such other information as is relevant to air pollution and available or reasonably capable of being assembled.
320.3 Annual Registration Fees. An annual registration fee shall be paid by all registered sources. The Board has determined the fee for each class of air contaminant source to be as shown in Section 324.1. The amount of fees collected shall not exceed the costs of administering this registration program, which shall be defined as:
a) initial registration and annual or other periodic reports from the source owner or operator providing the information directly related to air pollution registration;
b) on-site inspections necessary to verify compliance with registration requirements;
c) data storage and retrieval systems necessary for support of the registration program;
d) emission inventory reports and emission reduction credits computed from information provided by sources pursuant to the requirements of the registration program;
e) staff review, including engineering analysis for accuracy and completeness, of information provided by sources pursuant to the requirements of the registration program;
f) clerical and other office support provided in direct furtherance of the registration program; and
g) administrative support provided in directly carrying out the registration program.
320.4 Any registered source which does not pay the annual registration fee by the end of the registration period shall be considered a new source and shall submit a "Notice of Construction and Application for Approval" and receive approval from the Board prior to resumption of operation or re-entry into the jurisdiction of the NWCAA.
320.5 Registration Required
320.5.1 Source classification list. The following source categories shall register with the NWCAA:
a) abrasive blasting operations;
b) aerosol can-filling facilities;
c) agricultural chemical facilities engaged in the manufacturing of liquid or dry fertilizers or pesticides;
d) agricultural drying and dehydrating operations;
e) alumina processing;
f) ammonium sulfate manufacturing plants;
g) any source category subject to a federal standard of performance (NSPS) under 40 CFR Part 60, other than Subpart S (Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants), Subpart BB (Kraft Pulp Mills), or Subpart AAA (Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters);
h) any source category subject to a federal standard under Section 112 of the Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA) other than 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart M;
i) any source that has elected to opt-out of the operating permit program by limiting its potential-to-emit (synthetic minor) or is required to report periodically to demonstrate nonapplicability to EPA requirements under Sections 111 or 112 of the FCAA;
j) any source that has equipment or control equipment, with an approved Notice of Construction from the NWCAA;
k) any source, stationary source or emission unit with significant emissions;
l) any source or emission unit from which emissions exceed the threshold levels for toxic air pollutants as specified in Chapter 173-401-531 WAC;
m) asphalt and asphalt products production facilities, not including asphalt laying equipment;
n) automobile and light-duty truck surface coating operations;
o) baker's yeast manufacturing;
p) brick and clay manufacturing plants, including tiles and ceramics;
q) casting facilities and foundries, ferrous and nonferrous;
r) cattle feedlots with operational facilities which have an inventory of one thousand or more cattle in operation between June 1 and October 1, where vegetation forage growth is not sustained over the majority of the lot during the normal growth season;
s) chemical manufacturing plants;
t) coal preparation plants;
u) coffee roasting facilities;
v) composting operations, including commercial, industrial and municipal, but exempting residential and agricultural composting activities;
w) concrete product manufacturers and ready mix and premix concrete plants;
x) crematoria or animal carcass incinerators;
y) dry cleaning plants;
z) ethylene dichloride, polyvinyl chloride, or vinyl chloride plants;
aa) explosives production;
bb) flexible polyurethane foam production;
cc) flexible vinyl and urethane coating and printing operations;
dd) gasoline stations (>200,000 gallons per year) and bulk gasoline plants (>200,000 gallons per year);
ee) gelcoat, polyester, resin, or vinylester coating manufacturing operations at commercial or industrial facilities;
ff) glass manufacturing plants;
gg) grain, seed, animal feed, legume, and flour processing operations and handling facilities;
hh) graphic art systems;
ii) hay cubers and pelletizers;
jj) hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities;
kk) hospitals, specialty and general medical surgical;
ll) ink manufacturers;
mm) insulation fiber manufacturers;
nn) lead-acid battery manufacturing plants;
oo) lime manufacturing plants;
pp) materials handling and transfer facilities that generate fine particulate, which may include pneumatic conveying, cyclones, baghouses, and industrial housekeeping vacuuming systems that exhaust to the atmosphere;
qq) meat packing plants;
rr) metal plating and anodizing operations;
ss) metallic and nonmetallic mineral processing plants, including rock crushing plants, and sand and gravel operations;
tt) mills: such as lumber, plywood, shingle, woodchip, veneer operations, dry kilns, pulpwood insulating board, or any combination thereof;
uu) mills: wood products (cabinet works, casket works, furniture, wood byproducts);
vv) mineral wool production;
ww) mineralogical processing plants;
xx) municipal waste combustors;
yy) natural gas transmission and distribution (SIC 4953);
zz) nitric acid plants;
bbb) other metallurgical processing plants;
ccc) paper manufacturers;
ddd) petroleum refineries;
eee) pharmaceuticals production;
fff) plastics and fiberglass product fabrication facilities;
ggg) pneumatic materials conveying operations and industrial housekeeping vacuuming systems that exhaust more than 1000 acfm to the atmosphere;
hhh) portland cement plants;
iii) primary copper smelters, lead smelters, magnesium refining and zinc smelters, but excluding primary aluminum plants;
jjj) refuse systems including: incinerators, dumps and landfills (active and inactive, including covers, gas collection systems or flares);
kkk) rendering plants;
lll) salvage operations (scrap metal, junk);
mmm) semiconductor manufacturing;
nnn) shipbuilding and ship repair (surface coating);
ooo) soil and groundwater remediation projects;
ppp) soil vapor extraction (active), thermal soil desorption, or groundwater air stripping remediation projects;
qqq) sulfuric acid plants;
rrr) surface coating manufacturers;
sss) surface coating operations including: metal, cans, pressure sensitive tape, labels, coils, wood, plastic, rubber, glass, paper and other substrates, excluding surface coating by use of aqueous solution or suspension;
ttt) synthetic fiber production facilities;
uuu) tire recapping facilities;
vvv) utilities (combination of electrical and gas, and other utility services (SIC 4931, 4932, 4939);
www) vegetable oil production;
xxx) wastewater treatment plants;
yyy) wood treatment; and
zzz) any source, including any listed above, that has been determined through review by the Control Officer to warrant registration, due to the amount and nature of air contaminants produced, or the potential to contribute to air pollution, with special reference to effects on health, economic and social factors, and physical effects on property.
320.5.2 Equipment classification list. The owner or operator of the following equipment shall register with the NWCAA:
a) all natural gas only fired boilers above 10 million Btu per hour input;
b) chemical concentration evaporators;
c) degreasers of the cold or vapor type in which more than five percent of the solvent is comprised of halogens or such aromatic hydrocarbons as benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene or xylene;
d) flares utilized to combust any gaseous material;
e) fuel burning equipment with a heat input of more than one million Btu per hour, except heating, air conditioning systems, or ventilating systems not designed to remove contaminants generated by or released from equipment;
f) ovens, burn-out or heat-treat;
g) stationary internal combustion engines and turbines rated at five hundred horsepower or more;
h) storage tanks, reservoirs, or containers:
1) with a rated capacity greater than 6,000 gallons storing volatile organic liquids, other than petroleum liquids, having a true vapor pressure equal to or greater than 1.5 psia.
2) With a rated capacity greater than 40,000 gallons storing petroleum liquids having a true vapor pressure equal to or greater than 1.5 psia.
i) vapor collection systems within commercial or industrial facilities;
j) waste oil burners above 0.5 million Btu heat output; and
k) woodwaste incinerators.

Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 300, 320

PASSED: November 12, 1998 AMENDED: November 12, 1999, July 14, 2005, June 9, 2011