If any college staff member has cause to believe that a student presents an imminent danger to himself or herself or other persons on college facilities or to the educational process of the college, then the staff member shall have authority to immediately remove the student from the college premises. The college staff member shall notify, as soon as possible, the vice-president for student services or designee who may initiate summary suspension until such time as the college staff is satisfied the student's dangerous nature has ceased. The duration of summary suspension shall not exceed ten instructional days except that the vice-president for student services or designee may continue summary suspension beyond ten instructional days in circumstances where the student continues to present an imminent danger to the people, facilities, or the educational process pending the disciplinary proceedings provided for in this code.
Wash. Admin. Code § 495C-120-125
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). 00-12-019, § 495C-120-125, filed 5/26/00, effective 6/26/00.