Wash. Admin. Code § 480-54-030

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 480-54-030 - Duty to provide access; make-ready work; timelines
(1) An owner shall provide requesters with nondiscriminatory access for attachments to or in any facility the owner owns or controls, except that if the owner is an electrical company as defined in RCW 80.04.-010, the owner is not obligated to provide access for attachment to its facilities by another electrical company. An owner may deny such access to specific facilities on a nondiscriminatory basis where there is insufficient capacity or for reasons of safety, reliability, and generally applicable engineering principles; provided that the owner may not deny access to a pole based on insufficient capacity if the requester is willing to compensate the owner for the costs to replace the existing pole with a taller pole and otherwise undertake make-ready work to increase the capacity of the pole to accommodate an additional attachment including, but not limited to, using space- and cost-saving attachment techniques, such as boxing (installation of attachments on both sides of the pole at approximately the same height) or bracketing (installation of extension arms), to the extent that the owner uses, or allows occupants to use, such attachment techniques in the communications space of the owner's poles.
(2) All rates, terms, and conditions made, demanded, or received by any owner for any attachment by a licensee or by a utility must be fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient and must be included in an attachment agreement with the licensee or utility. Parties may mutually agree on terms for attachment to or in facilities that differ from those in this chapter. In the event of disputes submitted for commission resolution, any party advocating rates, terms, or conditions that vary from the rules in this chapter bears the burden to prove those rates, terms, or conditions are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient.
(3) Except for overlashing requests described in subsection (11) of this section, a requester must submit a written application to an owner to request access to its facilities. The owner may recover from the requester the reasonable costs the owner actually and reasonably incurs to process the application, including the costs of inspecting the facilities identified in the application and preparing a preliminary estimate for any necessary make-ready work, to the extent these costs are not, and would not ordinarily be, included in the accounts used to calculate the attachment rates in WAC 480-54-060. The owner may survey the facilities identified in the application and may recover from the requester the costs the owner actually and reasonably incurs to conduct that survey. The owner must provide the requester with an estimate of those costs prior to conducting a survey. The owner must complete any such survey and respond in writing to requests for access to the facilities identified in the application within forty-five days from the date the owner receives a complete application, except as otherwise provided in this section. A complete application is an application that provides the information necessary to enable the owner to identify and evaluate the facilities to or in which the requester seeks to attach.
(4) If the owner denies the request in an application for access, in whole or in part, the owner's written response to the application must include an explanation of the reasons for the denial for each facility to which the owner is denying access. Such a response must include all relevant information supporting the denial.
(5) To the extent that it grants the access requested in an application, the owner's written response must inform the requester of the results of the review of the application. Within fourteen days of providing its written response, the owner must provide an estimate of charges to perform all necessary make-ready work, including the costs of completing the estimate. Make-ready work costs are nonrecurring costs that are not included in carrying charges and must be costs that the owner actually and reasonably incurs to provide the requester with access to the facility.
(a) The requester must accept or reject an estimate of charges to perform make-ready work within thirty days of receipt of the estimate. The owner may require the requester to pay all estimated charges to perform make-ready work as part of acceptance of the estimate or before the owner undertakes the make-ready work subject to true-up to the reasonable costs the owner actually incurs to undertake the work.
(b) An owner may withdraw an outstanding estimate of charges to perform make-ready work any time after thirty days from the date the owner provides the estimate to the requester if the requester has not accepted or rejected that estimate. An owner also may establish a date no earlier than thirty days from the date the owner provides the estimate to the requester after which the estimate expires without further action by the owner.
(6) For requests to attach to poles, the owner must determine the time period for completing the make-ready work and provide that information in a written notice to the requester and all known occupants with existing attachments on the poles that may be affected by the make-ready work. The owner and the requester must coordinate the make-ready work with any such occupants, as necessary.
(a) For attachments in the communications space, the notice shall:
(i) Specify where and what make-ready work will be performed.
(ii) Set a date for completion of make-ready work that is no later than sixty days after the notice is sent. For good cause shown, the owner may extend completion of the make-ready work by an additional fifteen days.
(iii) State that any occupant with an existing attachment may modify that attachment consistent with the specified make-ready work before the date set for completion of that work. Any occupant with an existing attachment that does not comply with applicable safety requirements must modify that attachment to bring it into compliance before the date set for completion of the make-ready work. The occupant shall be responsible for all costs incurred to bring its attachment into compliance.
(iv) State that the owner may assert its right to fifteen additional days to complete the make-ready work.
(v) State that if make-ready work is not completed by the completion date set by the owner (or fifteen days later if the owner has asserted its right to fifteen additional days), the owner and the requester may negotiate an extension of the completion date or the requester, after giving reasonable notice to the owner, may hire a contractor from the list of contractors the owner has authorized to work on its poles to complete the specified make-ready work within the communications space. If the owner does not maintain a list of authorized contractors, the requester may choose a contractor without the owner's authorization.
(vi) State the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of a person to contact for more information about the make-ready work.
(b) For wireless antennas or other attachments on poles in the space above the communications space, the notice shall:
(i) Specify where and what make-ready work will be performed.
(ii) Set a date for completion of make-ready work that is no later than ninety days after notice is sent. For good cause shown, the owner may extend completion of the make-ready work by an additional fifteen days.
(iii) State that any occupant with an existing attachment may modify the attachment consistent with the specified make-ready work before the date set for completion of that work. Any occupant with an existing attachment that does not comply with applicable safety requirements must modify that attachment to bring it into compliance before the date set for completion of the make-ready work. The occupant shall be responsible for all costs incurred to bring its attachment into compliance.
(iv) State that the owner may assert its right to fifteen additional days to complete the make-ready work.
(v) State the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of a person to contact for more information about the make-ready work.
(7) For the purpose of compliance with the time periods in this section:
(a) The time periods apply to all requests for access to up to three hundred poles or 0.5 percent of the owner's poles in Washington, whichever is less.
(b) An owner shall negotiate in good faith the time periods for all requests for access to more than three hundred poles or 0.5 percent of the owner's poles in Washington, whichever is less.
(c) An owner may treat multiple requests from a single requester as one request when the requests are filed within the same thirty-day period. The applicable time period for completing the optional survey or required make-ready work begins on the date of the last request the owner receives from the requester within the thirty-day period.
(8) An owner may extend the time periods specified in this section under the following circumstances:
(a) For replacing existing poles to the extent that circumstances beyond the owner's control including, but not necessarily limited to, local government permitting, landowner approval, or adverse weather conditions, require additional time to complete the work; or
(b) During performance of make-ready work if the owner discovers unanticipated circumstances that reasonably require additional time to complete the work. Upon discovery of the circumstances in (a) or (b) of this subsection, the owner must promptly notify, in writing, the requester and other affected occupants with existing attachments. The notice must include the reason for the extension and date by which the owner will complete the work. The owner may not extend completion of make-ready work for a period any longer than reasonably necessary and shall undertake such work on a nondiscriminatory basis with the other work the owner undertakes on its facilities.
(9) If the owner determines that a survey is necessary for responding to a request for attachment to poles and fails to complete a survey of the facilities specified in the application within the time periods established in this section, a requester seeking attachment in the communications space may negotiate an extension of the completion date with the owner or may hire a contractor from the list of contractors the owner has authorized to work on its poles to complete the survey. If the owner does not maintain a list of authorized contractors, the requester may choose a contractor without the owner's authorization.
(10) If the owner does not complete any required make-ready work within the time periods established in this section, a requester seeking attachment in the communications space may negotiate an extension of the completion date with the owner or may hire a contractor from the list of contractors the owner has authorized to work on its poles to complete the make-ready work within the communications space:
(a) Immediately, if the owner declines to exercise its right to perform any necessary make-ready work by notifying the requester that the owner will not undertake that work; or
(b) After the end of the applicable time period authorized in this section if the owner has asserted its right to perform make-ready work and has failed to timely complete that work.

If the owner does not maintain a list of authorized contractors, the requester may choose a contractor without the owner's authorization.

(11) An occupant need not submit an application to the owner if the occupant intends only to overlash additional communications wires or cables onto communications wires or cables it previously attached to poles with the owner's consent under the following circumstances:
(a) The occupant must provide the owner with written notice fifteen business days prior to undertaking the overlashing. The notice must identify no more than one hundred affected poles and describe the additional communications wires or cables to be overlashed so that the owner can determine any impact of the overlashing on the poles or other occupants' attachments. The notice period does not begin until the owner receives a complete written notice that includes the following information:
(i) The size, weight per foot, and number of wires or cables to be overlashed; and
(ii) Maps of the proposed overlash route, including pole numbers if available.
(b) A single occupant may not submit more than five notices or identify more than a total of one hundred poles for overlashing in any ten business day period. The applicable time period for responding to multiple notices begins on the date of the last notice the owner receives from the occupant within the ten business day period.
(c) The occupant may proceed with the overlashing described in the notice unless the owner provides a written response, within ten business days of receiving the occupant's notice, prohibiting the overlashing as proposed. The owner may recover from the requester the costs the owner actually and reasonably incurs to inspect the facilities identified in the notice and to prepare any written response. The occupant must correct any safety violations caused by its existing attachments before overlashing additional wires or cables on those attachments.
(d) The owner may refuse to permit the overlashing described in the notice only if, in the owner's reasonable judgment, the overlashing would have a significant adverse impact on the poles or other occupants' attachments. The refusal must describe the nature and extent of that impact, include all relevant information supporting the owner's determination, and identify the make-ready work that the owner has determined would be required prior to allowing the proposed overlashing. The parties must negotiate in good faith to resolve the issues raised in the owner's refusal.
(e) A utility's or licensee's wires or cables may not be overlashed on another occupant's attachments without the owner's consent and unless the utility or licensee has an attachment agreement with the owner that includes rates, terms, and conditions for overlashing on the attachments of other occupants.

Wash. Admin. Code § 480-54-030

Adopted by WSR 15-21-090, Filed 10/21/2015, effective 1/1/2016