Chapter 480-143 - Commission general - Transfers of property
- Section 480-143-100 - Application of rules
- Section 480-143-110 - Filing
- Section 480-143-120 - Transfers of property
- Section 480-143-130 - Purchase of property
- Section 480-143-140 - General contents
- Section 480-143-150 - Statement required for nonpublic service company purchases
- Section 480-143-160 - Public hearing
- Section 480-143-170 - Application in the public interest
- Section 480-143-180 - Disposal and determination of necessary or useful property
- Section 480-143-190 - Annual filing of property transferred without authorization
- Section 480-143-200 - Certain telephone leases are exempt
- Section 480-143-210 - Transfer customer notice requirements