"Applicant" means any person applying to a telecommunications company for new residential basic local exchange service. Applicant does not include developers requesting service for developments.
"Cost of service extension" means the direct and indirect costs of the material and labor to plan and construct the facilities including, but not limited to, permitting fees, rights of way fees, and payments to subcontractors, and does not include the cost of reinforcement, network upgrade, or similar costs.
"Developer" means any owner of a development who offers it for disposition, or an agent of such an owner.
"Development" means land which is divided or is proposed to be divided for the purpose of disposition into four or more lots, parcels, or units.
"Distribution plant" means telephone equipment and facilities necessary to provide new residential basic local exchange service to a premises, but does not include drop wire.
"Drop wire" means company-supplied wire and pedestals to be placed between a premises and the company distribution plant at the applicant's property line. For drop wire installed after January 15, 2001, a drop wire must be sufficient in capacity to allow the provisioning of three individual basic exchange voice-grade access lines.
"Extension of service" means an extension of company distribution plant for new residential basic local exchange service to a location where no distribution plant of the extending company exists at the time an extension of service is requested. An extension is constructed at the request of one or more applicants for service. Extensions of service do not include trenches, conduits, or other support structure for placement of company-provided facilities from the applicant's property line to the premises to be served. Extension of service, as defined in this rule, does not apply to extensions of service to developments or to extensions of service for temporary occupancy or temporary service.
"Extraordinary cost" means a substantial expense resulting from circumstances or conditions beyond the control of the company that are exceptional and unlikely to occur in the normal course of planning and constructing facilities contemplated by this rule.
"Order date" as defined in WAC 480-120-021 (Definitions) means the date when an applicant requests service unless a company identifies specific actions a customer must first complete in order to be in compliance with commission rules. Except as provided in WAC 480-120-061 (Refusing service) and 480-120-104 (Information to consumers), when specific actions are required to be completed by the applicant, the order date becomes the date the company receives the completed application for extension of service.
"Premises" means any structure that is used as a residence, but does not include predominantly commercial or industrial structures.
"Temporary occupancy" means occupancy definitely known to be for less than one year but does not include intermittent or seasonal use when the intermittent or seasonal use will occur in more than a one-year period.
"Temporary service" means service definitely known to be for a short period of time, such as service provided for construction huts, sales campaigns, athletic contests, conventions, fairs, circuses, and similar events.
Wash. Admin. Code § 480-120-071
Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040 and 80.04.160. 08-19-001 and 08-20-113 (Docket UT-073014, General Order R-551), § 480-120-071, filed 9/3/08 and 9/30/08, effective 10/4/08 and 10/31/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 80.04.160, 80.36.080, 80.36.300. 00-24-097 (Order R-474, Docket No. UT-991737), § 480-120-071, filed 12/5/00, effective 1/15/01; Order R-25, § 480-120-071, filed 5/5/71. Formerly WAC 480-120-170.