Chapter 480-106 - Electric companies-Purchases of electricity from qualifying facilities
- Section 480-106-001 - Purpose
- Section 480-106-002 - Application of rules
- Section 480-106-003 - Exemptions from rules in chapter 480-106 WAC
- Section 480-106-007 - Definitions "Avoided costs"
- Section 480-106-010 - Obligations of qualifying facilities to the utility
- Section 480-106-020 - Obligations of the utility to qualifying facilities
- Section 480-106-030 - Tariff for purchases from qualifying facilities
- Section 480-106-040 - Schedules of estimated avoided costs
- Section 480-106-050 - Rates for purchases from qualifying facilities
- Section 480-106-060 - Rates for sales to qualifying facilities
- Section 480-106-070 - System emergencies
- Section 480-106-080 - Interconnection costs