Not more than twenty-four hours after impoundment of any vehicle (excluding bicycles and skateboards), the university shall mail a notice to the registered owner of the vehicle and to any other person who claims the right to possession of the vehicle, if those persons can be identified. The university shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from impounding, immobilization, or storage. Impounding a vehicle does not remove the obligation for any fines associated with the violation.
Wash. Admin. Code § 478-118-410
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.560 and 28B.20.130. 05-08-017, § 478-118-410, filed 3/28/05, effective 4/28/05; 02-15-174, § 478-118-410, filed 7/24/02, effective 8/24/02.