Wash. Admin. Code § 467-02-030

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 467-02-030 - Exempted records

In accordance with RCW 42.56.210, the following personal and other records shall be exempt from public inspection and copying:

(1) Personal information in any files maintained for students in public schools, patients or clients of public institutions or public health agencies, welfare recipients, prisoners, probations or parolees.
(2) Personal information in files maintained for employees, appointees or elected officials of any public agency to the extent that disclosure would violate their right to privacy.
(3) Information required of any taxpayer in connection with the assessment or collection of any tax if the disclosure of the information to other persons would violate the tax-payer's right to privacy or would result in unfair competitive disadvantage to such taxpayer.
(4) Specific intelligence information and specific investigative records compiled by investigative, law enforcement, and penology agencies, and state agencies vested with the responsibility to discipline members of any profession, the nondisclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement or for the protection of any person's right to privacy.
(5) Information revealing the identity of persons who file complaints with investigative, law enforcement, or penology agencies, except as the complainant may authorize.
(6) Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to administer a license, employment or academic examination.
(7) Valuable formulae, designs, drawings computer source code or object code and research data obtained by any agency within five years of the request for disclosure when disclosure would produce private gain and public loss (RCW 42.56.270(1)).
(8) Preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations and intra-agency memorandums in which opinions are expressed or policies formulated or recommended except that a specific record shall not be exempt when publicly cited by an agency in connection with any agency action.
(9) Records which are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts.
(10) All applications for public employment, including the names of applicants, resumes, and other related materials submitted with respect to an applicant.
(11) The residential addresses and residential telephone numbers of the employees or volunteers of a public agency which are held by the agency in personnel records, employment or volunteer rosters, or mailing lists of employees or volunteers.
(12) Records, maps, or other information identifying the location of archaeological sites in order to avoid the looting or depredation of such sites.
(13) Any library record, the primary purpose of which is to maintain control of library materials, or to gain access to information, which discloses or could be used to disclose the identity of a library user.
(14) Personal or financial information supplied by or on behalf of a person, firm, or corporation for the purpose of qualifying to submit a bid or proposal for as required by RCW 42.56.230 and defined by RCW 9.35.005.
(15) The exemptions of this section shall be inapplicable to the extent that information, the disclosure of which would violate personal privacy or vital governmental interests, can be deleted from the specific records sought. No exemption shall be construed to permit the nondisclosure of statistical information not descriptive of any readily identifiable person or persons.

Wash. Admin. Code § 467-02-030

Amended by WSR 17-24-123, Filed 12/6/2017, effective 1/6/2018

Statutory Authority: RCW 43.59.040. 91-23-101, § 467-02-030, filed 11/20/91, effective 12/21/91; Order 1, § 467-02-030, filed 4/11/77.