Wash. Admin. Code § 392-550-050

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 392-550-050 - Assessment requirements
(a) All students enrolled in alternative learning experience courses or course work must be assessed at least annually, using, for full-time students, the state assessment for the student's grade level and using any other annual assessments required by the school district or charter school.
(i) Part-time students must be assessed at least annually.
(ii) Part-time students who are receiving home-based instruction under chapter 28A.200 RCW or who are enrolled in an approved private school under chapter 28A.195 RCW are not required to participate in the assessments required under chapter 28A.655 RCW.
(2) Any student whose alternative learning experience enrollment is claimed as greater than 0.8 full-time equivalent in any one month through the January count date must be included by the school district or charter school in any required state or federal accountability reporting for that school year, subject to existing state and federal accountability rules and procedures.
(a) Students enrolled in nonresident district alternative learning experience courses or course work who are unable to participate in required annual state assessments at the nonresident district must have the opportunity to participate in such required annual state assessments at the district of physical residence, subject to that district's planned testing schedule.
(i) It is the responsibility of the nonresident enrolling district to establish a written agreement with the district of physical residence that facilitates all necessary coordination between the districts and with the student and, where appropriate, the student's pa-rent(s) to fulfill this requirement. Such coordination may include arranging for appropriate assessment materials, notifying the student of assessment administration schedules, arranging for the forwarding of completed assessment materials to the enrolling district for submission for scoring and reporting, arranging for any allowable testing accommodations, and other steps as may be necessary.
(ii) The written agreement may include rates and terms for payment of reasonable fees by the enrolling district to the district of physical residence to cover costs associated with planning for and administering the assessments to students not enrolled in the district of physical residence.
(iii) Assessment results for students assessed according to these provisions must be included in the enrolling district's accountability measurements, and not in the district of physical residence's accountability measurements.
(a) School districts and charter schools offering alternative learning experience courses or course work to students enrolled in full-day kindergarten under RCW 28A.150.315 must administer WaKIDS to identify the skills, knowledge, and characteristics of kindergarten students at the beginning of the school year in order to support social-emotional, physical, and cognitive growth and development of individual children; support early learning provider and parent involvement; and inform instruction.
(b) To maintain fidelity to the state WaKIDS assessment protocol, the WaKIDS assessment requires multiple weekly observations of students by certificated teachers each week during the eight-week assessment window. Observations must take place either in person or through synchronous digital instructional contact.

Wash. Admin. Code § 392-550-050

Adopted by WSR 20-15-062, Filed 7/10/2020, effective 8/10/2020
Amended by WSR 22-15-060, Filed 7/15/2022, effective 8/15/2022