- Section 388-835-0720 - What general requirements apply to settlements between DSHS and providers?
- Section 388-835-0725 - What requirements apply to paying overpayments and underpayments?
- Section 388-835-0730 - What if the amount of overpayment or underpayment is being disputed?
- Section 388-835-0735 - What requirements apply to a provider's proposed preliminary settlement?
- Section 388-835-0740 - How must DSHS respond to a provider's proposed preliminary settlement?
- Section 388-835-0745 - What recourse does a provider have if DSHS rejects their proposed preliminary settlement?
- Section 388-835-0750 - What requirements apply to final settlements?
- Section 388-835-0755 - Can a provider disagree with a final settlement report?
- Section 388-835-0760 - What if DSHS conducts an audit during the final settlement process?
- Section 388-835-0765 - Why is a state facility settlement important?
- Section 388-835-0770 - How is a state facility settlement calculated?
- Section 388-835-0775 - How is a state facility settlement implemented?
- Section 388-835-0780 - Does DSHS have a responsibility to notify each provider regarding prospective reimbursement rates?
- Section 388-835-0785 - Can DSHS increase prospective reimbursement rates?
- Section 388-835-0790 - How does a provider request a rate increase?
- Section 388-835-0795 - What requirements apply to providers who receive rate increases?