- Section 388-829A-020 - What are alternative living services?
- Section 388-829A-030 - What type of training and support may the alternative living service provider offer?
- Section 388-829A-040 - Who is eligible to receive alternative living services?
- Section 388-829A-050 - Who is eligible to contract with DDD to provide alternative living services?
- Section 388-829A-060 - Who may not be contracted to provide alternative living services?
- Section 388-829A-070 - Where must alternative living services be provided?
- Section 388-829A-080 - How many hours of alternative living services may a client receive?
- Section 388-829A-090 - May an alternative living provider claim reimbursement for more than one client at a time?
- Section 388-829A-100 - May an alternative living provider offer personal care or respite services?