Section 388-826-0138 - What questions are in the child foster home rate assessment and how are responses scored?(1) The child foster home rate assessment consists of thirteen questions.(2) Scores are based on the parent or legal guardian's report, natural supports available, documented support plans (e.g., nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy), and report of care provided by the child foster home provider.(3) The assessment excludes any additional paid supports provided, such as nursing and therapies.(4) The hours are assessed against the number of hours expected to support a typically developing child the same age as the client.(5) Daily living: What is the average number of hours per day spent supporting the client with daily living tasks like dressing, grooming, toileting, feeding and providing specialized body care? Do not include private duty nursing hours in this average. Hours per day | Score |
0 to 1 | 30 |
2 to 5 | 91 |
6 to 9 | 213 |
10 to 20 | 396 |
Over 20 | 609 |
(6) Physical needs: What is the average number of hours per day spent providing assistance to the client that is not included in the "daily living" category above? Examples include assistance with: Mobility; prosthetics; communication; other assistive devices; airway management (monitors, ventilators); pressure sores; and enteral nutrition. Do not include private duty nursing hours in this average. Hours per day | Score |
0 to 1 | 30 |
2 to 5 | 91 |
6 to 20 | 274 |
Over 20 | 609 |
(7) Behavioral needs: What is the average number of hours per day spent providing behavioral, emotional, and mental health supports to the client? Do not include hours under subsection (8)(b) of this section in this average. Hours per day | Score |
0 to 1 | 30 |
2 to 5 | 91 |
6 to 13 | 335 |
14 to 24 | 578 |
Over 24 | 731 |
(8) Therapeutic plan: What is the average number of hours per week spent implementing a plan prescribed by a professional related to the child's physical, behavioral, emotional, or mental health therapy? The foster parent must provide a copy of each plan to the assessor. (a) What is the average number of hours per week spent providing or attending physical, occupational, and speech therapy? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 3 | 13 |
4 to 9 | 30 |
10 to 46 | 65 |
Over 46 | 390 |
(b) What is the average number of hours per week spent participating in or implementing services identified in the client's behavioral support plan, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA) or counseling? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 3 | 13 |
4 to 19 | 48 |
20 to 60 | 104 |
Over 60 | 390 |
(9) Appointments: What is the average number of hours per week spent scheduling, traveling to and from, and participating in appointments? The foster parent must provide documentation of appointments to the assessor.(a) What is the average number of hours per week spent scheduling, traveling to and from, and participating in doctor visits, dental visits, rehabilitation, and therapy visits? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 5 | 13 |
6 to 14 | 39 |
Over 14 | 82 |
(b) What is the average number of hours per week spent scheduling, traveling to and from, and participating in community activities, such as recreation, leisure, sports, and extra-curricular activities? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 3 | 13 |
4 to 7 | 30 |
8 to 20 | 48 |
Over 20 | 130 |
(10) House care: What is the average number of times per week spent repairing, cleaning, and replacing household items and medical equipment, over and above normal wear and tear, due to: (a) A chronic medical condition? Times per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 6 |
2 to 7 | 24 |
Times per week | Score |
8 to 19 | 58 |
20 to 38 | 91 |
Over 38 | 238 |
(b) Destructive behavior? Times per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 6 |
2 to 3 | 15 |
4 to 9 | 28 |
10 to 22 | 58 |
Over 22 | 162 |
(11) Development and socialization skills: What is the average number of hours per week spent providing guidance and assistance?(a) What is the average number of hours per week spent helping with homework and learning new activities? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 3 | 13 |
4 to 11 | 30 |
12 to 30 | 87 |
Over 30 | 249 |
(b) What is the average number of hours per week spent interacting with other professionals, such as meeting with teachers, visiting the client's school, speaking on the phone with school personnel, participating in individual education plan development and review? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 3 | 13 |
4 to 5 | 22 |
6 to 12 | 30 |
Over 12 | 82 |
(c) What is the average number of hours per week spent developing socialization and functional life skills, like making positive choices, being accountable, managing money, exploring the community, and relating to peers, adults, and family members? Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 7 | 22 |
8 to 19 | 56 |
20 to 60 | 173 |
Over 60 | 403 |
(12) Child and family engagement plan: What is the average number of hours per week spent coordinating the child and family engagement plan? The plan must be available for review by the assessor. Hours per week | Score |
0 to 1 | 4 |
2 to 3 | 13 |
4 to 12 | 30 |
Over 12 | 82 |
Wash. Admin. Code § 388-826-0138
Amended by WSR 18-23-004, Filed 11/7/2018, effective 12/8/2018Amended by WSR 21-15-059, Filed 7/15/2021, effective 8/15/2021Statutory Authority: RCW 74.13.750. 07-15-003, § 388-826-0138, filed 7/6/07, effective 8/6/07.