Wash. Admin. Code § 388-97-1000

Current through Register Vol. 24-12, June 15, 2024
Section 388-97-1000 - Resident assessment

The department amended or suspended portions of this section from April 13, 2020, through May 10, 2021, in response to the state of emergency related to the COV-ID-19 pandemic. For requirements in place during that time, see WAC 388-97-10001.

(1) The nursing home must:
(a) Provide resident care based on a systematic, comprehensive, interdisciplinary assessment, and care planning process in which the resident participates, to the fullest extent possible;
(b) Conduct initially and periodically a comprehensive, accurate, standardized, reproducible assessment of each resident's functional capacity;
(c) At the time each resident is admitted:
(i) Have physician's orders for the resident's immediate care; and
(ii) Ensure that the resident's immediate care needs are identified in an admission assessment.
(d) Ensure that the comprehensive assessment of a resident's needs describes the resident's capability to perform daily life functions and significant impairments in functional capacity.
(2) The comprehensive assessment must include at least the following information:
(a) Identification and demographic information;
(b) Customary routine;
(c) Cognitive patterns;
(d) Communication;
(e) Vision;
(f) Mood and behavior patterns;
(g) Psychosocial well-being;
(h) Physical functioning and structural problems;
(i) Continence;
(j) Disease diagnosis and health conditions;
(k) Dental and nutritional status;
(l) Skin conditions;
(m) Activity pursuit;
(n) Medications;
(o) Special treatments and procedures;
(p) Discharge potential;
(q) Documentation of summary information regarding the assessment performed; and
(r) Documentation of participation in assessment.
(3) The nursing home must conduct comprehensive assessments:
(a) No later than 14 days after the date of admission;
(b) Promptly after a significant change in the resident's physical or mental condition; and
(c) In no case less often than once every 12 months.
(4) The nursing home must ensure that:
(a) Each resident is assessed no less than once every three months, and as appropriate, the resident's assessment is revised to assure the continued accuracy of the assessment; and
(b) The results of the assessment are used to develop, review, and revise the resident's comprehensive plan of care under WAC 388-97-1020.
(5) The skilled nursing facility and nursing facility must:
(a) For the required assessment, complete the state approved resident assessment instrument (RAI) for each resident in accordance with federal requirements;
(b) Maintain electronic or paper copies of completed resident assessments in the resident's active medical record for 15 months; this information must be maintained in a centralized location and be easily and readily accessible;
(c) Place the hard copies of the signature pages in the clinical record of each resident if a facility maintains their RAI data electronically and does not use electronic signatures;
(d) Assess each resident not less than every three months, using the state approved assessment instrument; and
(e) Transmit all state and federally required RAI information for each resident to the department:
(i) In a manner approved by the department;
(ii) Within 14 days of completion of any RAI assessment required under this subsection; and
(iii) Within 14 days of discharging or admitting a resident for a tracking record.

Wash. Admin. Code § 388-97-1000

Amended by WSR 18-11-001, Filed 5/2/2018, effective 6/2/2018
Amended by WSR 24-07-008, Filed 3/7/2024, effective 4/7/2024

Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.51 and 74.42 RCW. 13-04-093, § 388-97-1000, filed 2/6/13, effective 3/9/13. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.51 and 74.42 RCW and 42 C.F.R. 489.52. 08-20-062, § 388-97-1000, filed 9/24/08, effective 11/1/08.