Wash. Admin. Code § 388-106-1900

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 388-106-1900 - What definitions apply to MAC and TSOA services?

The following definitions apply to MAC and TSOA services:

"Care plan" means the plan developed by the department in GetCare that summarizes the services described in WAC 388-106-1915 that you chose to receive.

"Care receiver" means an adult age 55 and over who has been authorized for MAC or TSOA services.

"Caregiver" means a spouse, relative, or friend (age 18 and over) who has primary responsibility for the care or supervision of an adult who meets eligibility criteria and does not receive direct, public, or private payment such as a wage for the caregiving services they provide.

"Caregiver assistance services" are services that take the place of those typically performed by an unpaid caregiver in support of the care receiver's unmet needs for assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).

"Caregiver phases" means the phases a caregiver experiences as the needs of the care receiver change, which in turn changes the responsibilities and tasks of caregiving. The change in responsibilities and tasks impacts the relationship between the caregiver and the care receiver. There are five phases showing the change in relationship roles from primarily family member to primarily caregiver. The five phases are:

(1) Phase one - Acting as a relative/friend almost all of the time;
(2) Phase two - Acting most often as a relative/friend, but sometimes as a caretaker;
(3) Phase three - Acting equally as a relative/friend and as a caregiver;
(4) Phase four - Acting most often as a caregiver, but sometimes you are still a relative/friend; and
(5) Phase five - Acting as a caregiver almost all of the time.

"Family caregiver" means the same as "caregiver."

"GetCare" means a statewide web-based information system that includes a client management component that includes screening and assessment tools for use by area agencies on aging (AAA) and other aging and disability network partners.

"GetCare assessment" is a process during which the department gathers information for an individual without a caregiver in the following areas: Functional needs, diagnoses and conditions, behavior health supports, oral health, and nutritional health to assist the individual with choosing step three services.

"GetCare screening" is a process during which the department gathers information for an individual without a caregiver in order to determine risk scores. The information covers the following areas: Function needs, fall risk, availability of informal help, memory and decision-making issues, and emotional well-being. The risk scores are used to determine if the individual is referred for a full GetCare assessment.

"Health maintenance and therapies" are clinical or therapeutic services that assist the care receiver to remain in their home or the caregiver to remain in their caregiving role and provide high quality care. Services are provided for the purpose of preventing further deterioration, improving, or maintaining current level of functioning.

"Identity discrepancy" means a negative psychological state that occurs when the activities and responsibilities that a caregiver assumes with regard to the care receiver are inconsistent with the care-giver's expectations or personal norms concerning these activities and responsibilities.

"MAC" means medicaid alternative care, which is a federally funded program authorized under section 1115 of the Social Security Act. It enables an array of person-centered services to be delivered to unpaid caregivers caring for a medicaid eligible person who lives in a private residence (such as their own home or a family member's home) and chooses to receive community-based services.

"Medicaid transformation project" refers to the authority granted to the state by the federal government under section 1115 of the Social Security Act. This is a five year demonstration waiver to support health care systems prepare for and implement health reform and provide new targeted medicaid services to eligible individuals with significant needs. It includes MAC and TSOA programs.

"Personal assistance services" are supports involving the labor of another person to help the care receiver complete activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living that they are unable to perform independently. Services may be provided in the care receiver's home or to access community resources.

"RDAD" means reducing disability in Alzheimer's disease. This program is designed to improve the ability of the person with memory problems to complete activities of daily living while also helping caregivers provide assistance to the person.

"Service provider" means an agency or organization contracted with the department.

"Specialized medical equipment and supplies" are goods and supplies needed by the care receiver that are not covered under the medicaid state plan, medicare, or private insurance.

"TCARE" means tailored caregiver assessment and referral, which is an evidence-based caregiver coordination process designed to assist department assessors who work with family caregivers to support adults living with disabilities. TCARE is designed to tailor services to the unique needs of each caregiver to help reduce stress, depression, and burdens associated with caregiving. TCARE was developed by a research team at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee led by Dr. Rhonda Montgomery in collaboration with over 30 organizations serving family caregivers. The TCARE process is licensed for use by Tailored Care Enterprises, Inc.

"TCARE assessment" is a part of the TCARE process during which the department assessors gather responses to all of the TCARE screening questions and additional questions focused on both the caregiver's experience and the care receiver's situation, such as memory issues, behavioral needs, assistance needs with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, and diagnoses/conditions.

"TCARE screening" is a part of the TCARE process during which the department gathers information from the caregiver to determine scores and ranges for the caregiver's identity discrepancy, burdens, uplifts, and depression. The ranges are used to determine if the caregiver is referred for a full TCARE assessment.

"Training and education" are services and supports to help care-givers gain skills and knowledge to implement services and supports needed by the care receiver to remain at home and skills needed by the caregiver to remain in their role.

"TSOA" means tailored supports for older adults, which is a federally-funded program approved under section 1115 of the Social Security Act. It enables the delivery of person-centered services to:

(1) Caregivers who care for an eligible person as defined in WAC 388-106-1910; and
(2) Eligible persons as defined in WAC 388-106-1910, without a caregiver.

Wash. Admin. Code § 388-106-1900

Adopted by WSR 18-08-033, Filed 3/27/2018, effective 4/27/2018
Amended by WSR 22-18-004, Filed 8/25/2022, effective 9/25/2022
Amended by WSR 23-15-060, Filed 7/14/2023, effective 8/14/2023