Section 332-30-148 - Swim rafts and mooring buoys(1) Swim rafts or mooring buoys will not be authorized where such structures will interfere with heavily traveled routes for watercraft, commercial fishing areas or on designated public use - wilderness beaches.(2) Swim rafts or mooring buoys may be authorized on aquatic lands shoreward of the -3 fathom contour or within 200 feet of extreme low water or line of navigability whichever is appropriate. The placement of rafts and buoys beyond the -3 fathom contour or 200 feet will be evaluated on a case by case basis.(3) No more than one structure may be installed for each ownership beyond extreme low water or line of navigability. However, ownerships exceeding 200 feet as measured along the shoreline may be permitted more installations on a case by case basis.(4) Swim rafts or buoys must float at least 12" above the water and be a light or bright color.(5) Mooring buoys may be authorized beyond the limits described above on land designated by the department for anchorages.(6) Vessels for residences, as defined in WAC 332-30-106(62) and floating houses, as defined in WAC 332-30-106(23) shall not moor at swim rafts, mooring buoys, or other moorage facilities not connected to the shoreline, except within an open water moorage and anchorage area leased to a local government agency as provided in WAC 332-30-139(5). Such moorage may occur when necessary because of an emergency that immediately threatens human life or property, for the duration of the emergency only.Wash. Admin. Code § 332-30-148
Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.455, 79.90.460. 02-21-076 (Order 710), § 332-30-148, filed 10/17/02, effective 11/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-148, filed 7/3/80.