Section 323-12-040 - Purpose - Policy(1) The purpose of this chapter is to describe military department policy, assign responsibility, and establish procedures for the integration of environmental considerations into department planning and decision making. This chapter implements the State Environmental Policy Act and SEPA rules as they apply to actions of the military department.(2) It is the policy of the department that significant adverse economic, social, and environmental effects relating to any proposed department action will be fully considered in planning and implementing such actions, and that final decisions on such action should be made in the best overall public interest, and taking into consideration:(a) The need for immediate response to state emergencies;(b) The adverse environmental, social, and economic effects of the proposed action; and(c) The costs of eliminating or minimizing such adverse effects.(3) All practicable means consistent with the department's mission should be employed to minimize or avoid adverse environmental consequences.Wash. Admin. Code § 323-12-040
Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.21C RCW. 87-05-014 (Order 87-01), § 323-12-040, filed 2/11/87.