A rental vehicle is defined in RCW 46.04.465.
Any Washington vehicle licensing office registers rental vehicles.
Annual renewal of rental vehicle registration may be processed through any Washington vehicle licensing office or by mail by meeting the qualifications and paying the appropriate fees. The rental vehicle business registration number must be included on the vehicle registration. The name of the legal or registered owner on a rental vehicle registration must be identical to the business name displayed on the master license.
Rental vehicles must be registered in Washington unless:
A photocopy of the current certificate of registration may be carried in a rental vehicle in lieu of the original certificate of registration.
Rental vehicles may only be used by rental customers, unless the rental vehicle is being moved by the business to another business site, to or from maintenance or repair facilities, or for testing purposes.
The rental vehicle business may submit a vehicle seller's report of sale that protects the seller of a vehicle from certain criminal and civil liabilities arising from use of the vehicle by another person after the vehicle has been sold or a change in ownership has occurred.
Wash. Admin. Code § 308-96A-180
Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 07-02-077, § 308-96A-180, filed 1/2/07, effective 2/2/07; 04-01-162, § 308-96A-180, filed 12/22/03, effective 1/22/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.16.135, [46.16.225], 46.16.490 and 46.16.276. 98-19-075, § 308-96A-180, filed 9/21/98, effective 10/22/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110 and 46.87.023. 95-15-028, § 308-96A-180, filed 7/11/95 effective 8/11/95.