Wash. Admin. Code § 296-856-30010

Current through Register Vol. 24-17, September 1, 2024
Section 296-856-30010 - Periodic exposure evaluations

Exemption: Periodic employee exposure monitoring is not required if exposure monitoring results conducted to fulfill requirements in this chapter, Exposure evaluations, WAC 296-856-20050, are below both the action level (AL) and 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL).

You must obtain employee exposure monitoring results as specified in Table 2 by repeating Steps 1 and 7 of the exposure evaluation process found within this chapter, in Exposure evaluations, WAC 296-856-20050.

Note: If you document that one work shift consistently has higher exposure monitoring results than another for a particular operation, then you may limit sample collection to the work shift with higher exposures and use those results to represent all employees performing the operation on other shifts.

Table 2 Periodic Exposure Evaluation Frequencies

If employee exposure monitoring resultsThen
Are above the action level (AL) of 0.5 ppm Conduct additional exposure monitoring at least every six months for the employees represented by the monitoring results
Are above the short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 2 ppm Repeat exposure monitoring at least once a year, or more often as necessary to evaluate employee exposure
Have decreased to below the AL and the STEL You may stop periodic employee exposure monitoring for employees represented by the monitoring results.
AND Note: You need to monitor again if there is a change in any of the following that may result in new or increased employee exposures:
The decrease is demonstrated by two consecutive exposure evaluations made at least seven days apart

* Production

* Processes

* Exposure controls, such as ventilation systems or work practices


* Equipment

Wash. Admin. Code § 296-856-30010

Amended by WSR 18-22-116, Filed 11/6/2018, effective 12/7/2018

Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. 06-08-087, § 296-856-30010, filed 4/4/06, effective 9/1/06.