Section 246-272B-03000 - Site review - Predesign reportAt a minimum, the predesign report must include the following information:
(1) Contact information for the owner and design engineer;(2) Site address, legal description, and name of the county where the project is located;(3) Vicinity map showing: (b) Project property boundaries;(c) Parcels surrounding and adjoining the project property boundaries; and(d) Zoning and current land use of all identified properties and parcels.(4) Site map scaled to clearly show: (b) Topographic contours with maximum intervals of five feet, including the data source for the map;(d) Slopes greater than thirty percent;(e) Areas of soil or slope instability;(g) All items identified in WAC 246-272B-06050, Table 3 that are within the minimum horizontal setback distance noted in the table;(h) All wells within one thousand feet of the project property boundaries;(i) Location of one hundred-year flood boundaries, if any, within the mapped area;(j) Proposed primary and reserve drainfield boundaries; and(5) Identification of tribal lands and archaeological resources within one thousand feet of the primary or reserve drainfield perimeter.(6) A description of underground utilities at the site;(7) USDA NRCS soil map and mapping unit description;(8) A narrative discussion of the LOSS project describing at a minimum: (a) The development with specific residential and nonresidential facilities identified;(b) The drinking water source serving the development;(c) The total land area available, in acres, for the development and all LOSS components;(d) Applicable parts of the city, town, or county comprehensive plan or development regulations for all property the LOSS will be sited on and the development it serves, including the primary and reserve drainfield areas;(e) How the LOSS project complies and is consistent with local comprehensive plans and land use and development regulations, including standards developed for any sensitive or critical areas designated by a city, town, county, or local health jurisdiction within one thousand feet of the drainfield perimeter;(f) Any city, town, county, or local health jurisdiction requirement for the property to connect to public sewer;(g) Expected project design flow and waste strength;(h) Proposed treatment and dispersal method; and(i) A description of how the owner proposes to meet the ownership and management requirements in WAC 246-272B-04100(2).(9) Soil logs meeting the requirements in WAC 246-272B-03400 from the primary and reserve drainfield areas;(10) Soil type and hydraulic loading rate using Table 1 in WAC 246-272B-03400;(11) Narrative describing the physical characteristics of the primary and reserve drainfield site including: (a) Topography and slope;(c) Predominant soil type;(e) Site drainage patterns; and(f) Water table and any restrictive layers.(12) Calculations and a discussion showing that the proposed site meets the minimum land area requirements of WAC 246-272B-03500 using the values in Table 2 in that section for the identified soil types; and(13) If available, a copy of the SEPA checklist and determination or other environmental review and local planning determination for the development.Wash. Admin. Code § 246-272B-03000
Statutory Authority: RCW 70.118B.020. 11-12-035, § 246-272B-03000, filed 5/25/11, effective 7/1/11.