Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 246-817-755 - Moderate sedation with enteral agents(1) A licensed dentist is required to hold a permit of authorization to administer moderate sedation with enteral agents.(2) To obtain a moderate sedation with enteral agents permit, a licensed dentist shall: (a) Comply with the permitting and renewal requirements in WAC 246-817-774; and(b) Successfully complete: (i) A minimum of 16 hours of education and training in minimal sedation as required in WAC 246-817-745(1); and(ii) A minimum of 21 hours of education and training in moderate sedation.(iii) Moderate sedation education and training must:(A) Meet ADA Guidelines for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental Students, adopted by ADA House of Delegates October 2016 or prior adopted version in effect at the time training was completed; and(B) Include medical emergency management, not limited to airway management, conducted in-person with hands-on skills.(3) A licensed dentist shall: (a) Ensure the patient is evaluated for moderate sedation with enteral agents prior to the administration of any sedative.(i) Review at an appropriate time the patient's medical history and medication use and NPO or nothing by mouth status.(ii) Consult with the patient's primary care physician or consulting medical specialist for a patient with significant medical considerations whom have American Society of Anesthesiologists patient classification of III or IV. If the anesthesia provider is unsuccessful in contacting or consulting with the patient's physician or physicians, document the attempt or document the patient has no physician to contact.(iii) Patients body mass index must be assessed as part of a pre-procedural workup.(b) Administer oral sedative agents in the treatment setting or prescribe for patient dosage prior to the appointment.(c) Ensure a second individual is in the office who can immediately respond to any request from the anesthesia provider.(d) Ensure the patient is continuously observed while in the office.(e) Record any adverse reactions in the patient record.(f) Ensure the patient is returned to a level of moderate sedation as quickly as possible, if a patient unintentionally enters a deeper level of sedation. While returning the patient to the moderate level of sedation, periodic monitoring of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure and pulse oximetry must be maintained. In such cases, these same parameters must be taken and recorded at appropriate intervals throughout the procedure and vital signs and level of consciousness must be recorded during the sedation and prior to dismissal of the patient.(g) Ensure a patient receiving moderate sedation with enteral agents is accompanied by a responsible adult upon departure from the treatment facility.(4) A licensed dentist shall comply with the recordkeeping, equipment, and emergency medication requirements in WAC 246-817-724. (a) When a sedative drug is used that has a reversal agent, the reversal agent must be in the office emergency kit and the equipment to administer the reversal agent must be stored with the delivery device.(b) Pulse oximetry equipment or equivalent respiratory monitoring equipment must be available in the office.(5) A licensed dentist who holds a valid moderate sedation with enteral agents permit shall complete seven hours of continuing education every three years as required in WAC 246-817-773.(6) A licensed dentist who holds a valid moderate sedation with enteral agents permit must hold a current and valid BLS certification.Wash. Admin. Code § 246-817-755
Amended by WSR 16-06-106, Filed 3/1/2016, effective 4/1/2016Amended by WSR 24-01-033, Filed 12/11/2023, effective 1/11/2024Statutory Authority: RCW 18.32.640 and 18.32.0365. 09-04-042, § 246-817-755, filed 1/30/09, effective 3/2/09.