Wash. Admin. Code § 246-366A-130

Current through Register Vol. 24-18, September 15, 2024
Section 246-366A-130 - Water quality monitoring - Lead
(1) School officials shall:
(a) Sample plumbing fixtures that are regularly used for drinking or cooking.
(b) Use a laboratory to analyze all required water samples that is accredited by the department of ecology, or other appropriate agency if outside Washington state, according to EPA drinking water laboratory certification criteria.
(2) Water sampling protocols. School officials shall:
(a) Collect representative samples, according to the percentages required by subsections (3) and (4) of this section, from each type and age of plumbing fixture regularly used for drinking or cooking.
(i) For type of fixture, use at least the three types: Drinking fountains, water coolers and faucets.
(ii) For age of fixture, use at least two groupings: Those manufactured prior to 1999, and those manufactured since January 1, 1999.
(b) Sample as follows:
(i) Make sure cold water is the last to run through the fixture to be tested.
(ii) Allow water to sit in the plumbing system at least eight hours. No water may pass through the fixture during that time.
(iii) Place the 250 ml sample bottle under the faucet and open the cold water tap. Fill the bottle to the shoulder or the line marked "250 ml," turn off the water and cap the bottle tightly.
(3) Initial monitoring schedule for lead.
(a) School officials shall conduct initial monitoring by sampling fifty percent of the plumbing fixtures regularly used for drinking or cooking in elementary schools or used by preschool children in K-12 schools within one year after the effective date of this section. This may be either from fifty percent of the fixtures in each school or from all of the fixtures in fifty percent of the schools within a district. School districts shall sample the remaining fifty percent of the fixtures within two years after the effective date of this section.
(b) School officials shall conduct initial monitoring by sampling at least twenty-five percent of each type and age of plumbing fixture, as specified under subsection (2)(a) of this section, regularly used by students for drinking or cooking in:
(i) Middle and junior high schools within three years after the effective date of this section; and
(ii) High schools within four years after the effective date of this section.
(c) School officials, with local health officer approval, may apply samples collected after September 1, 2003, toward meeting the initial monitoring requirement if all plumbing fixtures with lead results above 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion have been removed from service, or have been or are being addressed according to subsection (5) of this section, and samples were:
(i) From plumbing fixtures regularly used for drinking or cooking; and
(ii) Collected consistent with subsection (2) of this section.
(4) Ongoing monitoring for lead.
(a) School officials shall repeat lead monitoring every five years, beginning within:
(i) Seven years after the effective date of this section for elementary schools;
(ii) Eight years after the effective date of this section for middle and junior high schools; and
(iii) Nine years after the effective date of this section for high schools.
(b) School officials shall use sampling protocols in subsection (2) of this section to collect samples in all schools from:
(i) No less than twenty-five percent of each type and age of plumbing fixture which is not a "very low lead" plumbing fixture; and
(ii) No less than ten percent of each type of plumbing fixture which is a "very low lead" plumbing fixture.
(c) Schools that are Group A public water systems are not required to do ongoing lead monitoring required by (a) of this subsection if the schools meet the lead monitoring requirements in chapter 246-290 WAC.
(5) Corrective actions. School officials shall:
(a) For all plumbing fixtures with sample results of lead above 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion, immediately shut off these fixtures or make them inoperable.
(b) For all plumbing fixtures of the same type and age as any fixture with results above 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion:
(i) Take immediate corrective action according to (a) of this subsection; or
(ii) Collect first draw samples within ten business days. Upon receipt of sample results, immediately shut off or make inoperable all plumbing fixtures with results of lead above 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion.
(c) To provide drinking water at the location of these fixtures, take one or more of the following remedies:
(i) Bottled water. If bottled water is used, provide bottled water that is produced by a Washington state department of agriculture-approved bottling operation or out-of-state or international bottler whose product meets federal Food and Drug Administration regulations.
(ii) Manual flushing. Manual flushing may be used only as a temporary remedy. If manual flushing is used:
(A) Take flush samples from twenty-five percent of each type and age of the fixtures planned to be included in the flushing program to determine the flushing time necessary to reduce lead to below 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion. Start by following the sample collection protocol of first-draw samples described in subsection (2)(b) of this section with the addition of letting the water run for thirty seconds before filling the bottle.
(B) Open the tap of every fixture included in the flushing program every morning before the school facility opens and let the water run for the length of time established in (c)(ii)(A) of this subsection.
(iii) Automated flushing. If automated flushing is used, take samples from twenty-five percent of each type and age of the fixtures included in the flushing program to demonstrate that the automated system reduces lead to below 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion.
(iv) Fixture replacement. If individual plumbing fixtures are replaced:
(A) Precondition the new plumbing fixtures by running water through the fixture continuously for twenty-four hours; and
(B) Collect first draw samples after preconditioning and verify sample results of lead below 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion. If the preconditioned plumbing fixture does not yield a sample result below this level, (a) of this subsection applies.
(v) Treatment. Before treatment is used, submit an engineering project report to the department, per WAC 246-290-110. Installation of treatment devices will result in the school's designation as a public water supply. School officials shall then ensure they comply with the Group A public water system rules and regulations, chapter 246-290 WAC and water works operator certification rules and regulations, chapter 246-292 WAC.
(6) Notification requirements. School officials shall:
(a) Notify school facility staff, students, parents, and the local health officer within five business days of the school officials receiving lead sampling results above 0.020 milligrams per liter or 20.0 parts per billion.
(b) Make all results available for review upon request.

Wash. Admin. Code § 246-366A-130

Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. 10-01-174, 10-12-018 and 11-10-080, § 246-366A-130, filed 12/22/09, 5/21/10 and 5/3/11, effective 7/1/13.