The purpose of this commission is to promote the general welfare of the state by assisting in the retention, expansion, and attraction of hardwood-related industries in the state of Washington. This shall be accomplished in the following manner:
(1) Create a climate for development and support of the industry.(2) Coordinate efforts to enhance and promote the expansion of the forest industry among state and federal agencies, industrial organizations, and institutions of higher learning.(3) Develop products and markets for various species and grades of hardwoods.(4) Study and recommend a tax program that will attract new firms and promote stability for existing firms.(5) Develop an enhancement and protection program that will reduce waste and respect environmental sensitivity.(6) Develop financial assistance programs from public and private moneys for attraction and expansion of new and existing primary, secondary, and tertiary processing facilities.(7) Utilize recognized experts in educational institutions, public and private foundations, and agencies of the state to facilitate research into economic development, hardwood silviculture, woodland management, development of new products, and public education.(8) Cooperate with the department of natural resources in the development of best management practices for hardwood resources.Wash. Admin. Code § 244-12-020
Statutory Authority: 1991 c 67. 91-14-055, § 244-12-020, filed 6/27/91, effective 7/1/91.