Section 230-15-295 - Digital video recording equipment requirements Digital recording, including audio recording where required, using a digital recording and storage system, must:
(1) Record all images on a hard drive; and(2) Lock so that access to the erase and reformat functions and system data files is restricted to persons authorized in the internal controls; and(3) Provide uninterrupted recording of surveillance, during playback or copying. Licensees may use motion-activated recording; and(4) Be capable of copying original images maintaining the original native format; and(5) Be stored at a rate of not less than twenty-five images per second; and(6) Record images at a minimum resolution of 320 x 240 and display during playback at a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 or meet subsection (11)(d) of this section; and(7) Store images in a format that is readable by our computer equipment; and(8) Store images in a format that we can verify and authenticate; and(9) Include the accurate time and date the video was originally recorded on the recorded images; and(10) Be equipped with an uninterruptible power source to allow a proper system shutdown; and(11) Meet the additional requirements in this subsection if you open a new Class F or house-banked card room using digital video recording equipment or install new digital video recording equipment in your existing Class F or house-banked card room. However, if you buy an existing card room, you will not be required to meet these requirements until you install new digital video recording equipment. (a) Each user must have a sign in with a unique ID and password that is not shared with other users; and(b) Have an audio or visual indication of a malfunction; and(c) Digital video recording equipment must track at least the following functions, which are available to us and a person designated by the licensee to oversee the equipment (system administrator) by a menu button on the digital video recording system: (i) Date and time users log in and out; and(ii) Date and time when video signals from gaming cameras are interrupted and when connection is restored; and(iii) Date, time, and user when video is recorded to removable storage media along with the date, time, and camera being copied; and(iv) Date and time when the equipment fails to record video or audio when required; and(v) Date and time when remote access to equipment begins and ends along with the ability to identify the person or organization accessing the equipment and the files accessed during the remote access.(d) Record and playback images with sufficient magnification and clarity that shows fluid motion and allows the viewer to clearly distinguish the value of currency, coins, gaming chips, playing cards, and outcome of the game and effectively monitor in detail all required areas.Wash. Admin. Code § 230-15-295
Amended by WSR 14-21-080, Filed 10/13/2014, effective 1/1/2015Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 07-09-033 (Order 608), § 230-15-295, filed 4/10/07, effective 1/1/08.