Wash. Admin. Code § 222-30-100

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 222-30-100 - Slash disposal or prescribed burning
(1)Slash disposal or prescribed burning are prohibited in the core zone.
(2)Slash disposal techniques:
(a) Any conventional method of slash disposal may be used, except in Type A or B Wetlands, wetland management zones, and RMZ core and inner zones, Type Np RMZs, sensitive sites, and on sites where the department determines that a particular method would cause unreasonable risk to leave trees, public resources or site productivity. Conventional methods of slash disposal include the following: Controlled broadcast burning; pile or windrow and burn; pile or windrow without burning; mechanical scatter and compaction; scarification; chip, mulch or lop and scatter; burying; and physical removal from the forest lands: Provided, That on land shown to have low productivity potential the landowner or operator shall obtain the department's approval of its regeneration plan prior to utilizing controlled broadcast burning as a slash disposal technique. In riparian management inner zones, slash disposal shall be by hand, unless approved by the department. Slash disposal methods that employ machine piling, mechanical scatter and/or compaction, scarification or other techniques that result in soil disturbance shall not be allowed in equipment limitation zones. Scarification shall not be allowed within wetlands. Machine piling is not allowed in Type A and B Wetlands. Department approval, through a burning permit, is required for burning within an equipment limitation zone.
(b) All slash burning requires a burning permit from the department which provides for compliance with the smoke management plan and reasonable care to protect Type A and B Wetlands, wetland management zones, riparian management zones, equipment limitation zones, soil, residual timber, public resources, and other property.
(3)Slash isolation, reduction, or abatement is required when the department determines there is an extreme fire hazard according to law (see chapter 332-24 WAC).
(4)Slash disposal is required where the forest landowner has applied for and been granted an extension of time for reforestation on the grounds that slash disposal is necessary or desirable before reforestation.
(5)Removing slash and debris from streams.

"Slash" or "debris" which can reasonably be expected to cause significant damage to the public resource shall be removed from Type S, F or Np Waters, to above the 100-year flood level and left in a location or manner minimizing risk of re-entry into the stream, lake or pond and if substantial accumulations of slash exist below the 100-year flood level of Type S, F or Np Waters, slash disposal is required. See WAC 222-16-025(4) for general provisions that apply to forest practices hydraulic projects in Type S and F Waters, and board manual section 4, Guidelines for clearing slash and debris from Type Np and Ns Waters.

(6)Fire trails.
(a) Construct drainage structures as needed to control erosion.
(b) Reasonable care shall be taken to minimize excavation during fire trail construction and sidecast shall only be permitted above the 100-year flood level.
(c) Fire trails shall not be located within Type A or B Wetlands, wetland management zones, equipment limitation zones or riparian zones without prior written approval of the department. Hand constructed fire trails are preferred within forested wetlands. When machine built fire trails are necessary for control of burning, trail width and excavation shall be minimized.
(7)Disturbance avoidance for northern spotted owls. Burning within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1st and August 31st, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted owl under WAC 222-16-080(6)(a), (e), or (f).
(8)Disturbance avoidance for marbled murrelets. Slash disposal or prescribed burning shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an occupied marbled murrelet site during the critical nesting season, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if the forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the marbled murrelet under WAC 222-16-080(6)(a) or (c).

Wash. Admin. Code § 222-30-100

Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040(3). WSR 13-21-032, § 222-30-100, filed 10/8/13, effective 12/30/13. Statutory Authority: Chapter 34.05 RCW, RCW 76.09.040, [76.09.]050, [76.09.]370, 76.13.120(9). WSR 01-12-042, § 222-30-100, filed 5/30/01, effective 7/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 97-24-091, § 222-30-100, filed 12/3/97, effective 1/3/98; WSR 97-15-105, § 222-30-100, filed 7/21/97, effective 8/21/97. Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 96-12-038, § 222-30-100, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 92-15-011, § 222-30-100, filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040. WSR 87-23-036 (Order 535), § 222-30-100, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. WSR 82-16-077 (Resolution No. 82-1), § 222-30-100, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263, § 222-30-100, filed 6/16/76. WSR 13-21-003, § 222-30-100, filed 10/3/2013, effective 11/3/2013