Wash. Admin. Code § 222-22-050

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 222-22-050 - Level 1 watershed resource assessment
(1) To begin a watershed resource assessment on a WAU, the department acting under WAC 222-22-040(2) or a forest landowner or owners acting under WAC 222-22-040(3) may assemble a level 1 resource assessment team consisting of analysts qualified under WAC 222-22-030(1) or, at its option, may begin the watershed analysis as a level 2 resource assessment under WAC 222-22-060. Each level 1 team shall include persons qualified in the disciplines indicated as necessary in the methodology, and should generally include a person or persons qualified in the following:
(a) Forestry;
(b) Forest hydrology;
(c) Forest soil science or geology;
(d) Fisheries science;
(e) Geomorphology;
(f) Cultural anthropology; and
(g) Archaeology.

Any owner, and any cooperating group of owners, of ten percent or more of the nonfederal forest land acreage in the WAU and any affected Indian tribe shall be entitled to include one qualified individual to participate on the team at its own expense. The cultural resources module must include the participation of the affected Indian tribe(s). See board manual section 11, J. Cultural Resources Module, Introduction, 1) Using this methodology in formal watershed analysis.

(2) The level 1 team shall perform an inventory of the WAU utilizing the methodology, indices of resource condition, and checklists set forth in the manual in accordance with the following:
(a) The team shall survey the WAU for fish, water, and capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions, and conduct an assessment for cultural resources.
(b) The team shall display the location of these resources on a map of the WAU, except mapping of tribal cultural resources sites must be approved by the affected tribe. The location of archaeological sites shall be on a separate map that will be exempt from public disclosure per RCW 42.56.300.
(c) For public resources (fish, water, and capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions):
(i) The team shall determine the current condition of the resource characteristics of these resources, shall classify their condition as "good," "fair," or "poor," and shall display this information on the map of the WAU. The criteria used to determine current resource conditions shall include indices of resource condition, in addition to such other criteria as may be included in the manual. The indices will include two levels, which will distinguish between good, fair, and poor conditions.
(ii) The team shall assess the likelihood that identified watershed processes in a given physical location will be adversely changed by one forest practice or by cumulative effects and that, as a result, a material amount of water, wood, sediment, or energy (e.g., affecting temperature) will be delivered to fish, water, or capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions. (This process is referred to in this chapter as "adverse change and deliverability.") (For example, the team will address the likelihood that road construction will result in mass wasting and a slide that will in turn reach a stream.) The team shall rate this likelihood of adverse change and deliverability as "high," "medium," "low," or "indeterminate." Those likelihoods rated high, medium, or indeterminate shall be displayed on the map of the WAU.
(iii) For each instance of high, medium, or indeterminate likelihood of adverse change and deliverability identified under (c)(ii) of this subsection, the team shall assess the vulnerability of potentially affected resource characteristics. Criteria for resource vulnerability shall include indices of resource condition as described in (c)(i) of this subsection and quantitative means to assess the likelihood of material adverse effects to resource characteristics caused by forest practices. (For example, the team will assess the potential damage that increased sediment caused by a slide reaching a stream will cause to salmon spawning habitat that is already in fair or poor condition.) The team shall rate this vulnerability "high," "medium," "low," or "indeterminate" and shall display those vulnerabilities on the map of the WAU. If there are no other criteria in the manual to assess vulnerability at the time of the assessment, current resource condition shall be used, with good condition equivalent to low vulnerability, fair condition equivalent to medium vulnerability, and poor condition equivalent to high vulnerability.
(iv) The team shall identify as areas of resource sensitivity, as provided in table 1 of this section, the locations in which a management response is required under WAC 222-22-070(3) because, as a result of one forest practice or of cumulative effects, there is a combination of a high, medium, or indeterminate likelihood of adverse change and deliverability under (c)(ii) of this subsection and a low, medium, high, or indeterminate vulnerability of resource characteristics under (c)(iii) of this subsection:

Table 1

Areas of Resource Sensitivity and Management Response

Likelihood of Adverse Change and Deliverability










Prevent or avoid





Response: Minimize


Prevent or avoid





Prevent or avoid


Prevent or avoid

The team shall display the areas of resource sensitivity on the map of the WAU.

(v) The decision criteria used to determine low, medium, and high likelihood of adverse change and deliverability shall be as set forth in the manual. A low designation generally means there is minimal likelihood that there will be adverse change and deliverability. A medium designation generally means there is a significant likelihood that there will be adverse change and deliverability. A high designation generally means that adverse change and deliverability is more likely than not with a reasonable degree of confidence. Any areas identified as indeterminate in the level 1 assessment shall be classified for the purposes of the level 1 assessment as medium until a level 2 assessment is done on the WAU under WAC 222-22-060, during which the uncertainties shall be resolved.
(d) For cultural resources, the team shall follow the methodology outlined in the cultural resources module to determine the risk call for cultural resources based upon resource vulnerability and resource importance.
(e) The team shall prepare a causal mechanism report regarding the relationships of each process identified in (c) and (d) of this subsection. The report shall demonstrate that the team's determinations were made in accordance with the manual. If, in the course of conducting a level 1 assessment, the team identifies areas in which voluntary corrective action will significantly reduce the likelihood of material, adverse effects to the condition of a resource characteristic, the team shall include this information in the report, and the department shall convey this information to the applicable landowner.
(3) Within twenty-one days of mailing notice under WAC 222-22-040(4), the level 1 team shall submit to the department its draft level 1 assessment, which shall consist of the map of the WAU marked as set forth in this section and the causal mechanism report proposed under subsection (2)(e) of this section. If the level 1 team is unable to agree as to one or more resource sensitivities or potential resource sensitivities, or the causal mechanism report, alternative designations and an explanation shall be included in the draft assessment. Where the draft level 1 assessment delivered to the department contains alternative designations, the department shall within twenty-one days of the receipt of the draft level 1 assessment make its best determination and approve that option which it concludes most accurately reflects the proper application of the methodologies, indices of resource condition, and checklists set forth in the manual.
(4) If the level 1 assessment contains any areas in which the likelihood of adverse change and deliverability or resource vulnerability are identified as indeterminate under this section or if the level 1 methodology recommends it, the department shall assemble a level 2 assessment team under WAC 222-22-060 to resolve the uncertainties in the assessment, unless a forest landowner acting under WAC 222-22-040(3) has conducted a level 2 assessment on the WAU.
(5) Pending the completion of the level 2 assessment, if any, on the WAU, the department shall select interim prescriptions using the process and standards described in WAC 222-22-070(1), (2), and (3) and 222-22-080(3). Before submitting recommended interim prescriptions to the department, the field managers' team under WAC 222-22-070(1) shall review the recommended prescriptions with available representatives of the jurisdictional management authorities of the fish, water, capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions, and cultural resources in the WAU, including, but not limited to, the departments of fish and wildlife, ecology, and affected Indian tribes.

Wash. Admin. Code § 222-22-050

Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040. 11-12-009, § 222-22-050, filed 5/20/11, effective 6/20/11; 08-24-011, § 222-22-050, filed 11/21/08, effective 12/22/08; 05-12-119, § 222-22-050, filed 5/31/05, effective 7/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 97-24-091, § 222-22-050, filed 12/3/97, effective 1/3/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.170 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 94-01-134, § 222-22-050, filed 12/20/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, § 222-22-050, filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92.