Wash. Admin. Code § 220-414-050

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 220-414-050 - Shotgun shell restriction areas
(1) It is unlawful to have in possession more than 15 shotgun shells or to fire (shoot) more than 15 shells in one day on the following areas:
(a) The Island Unit of the Skagit Wildlife Area in Skagit County.
(b) The Spencer Island Unit of the Snoqualmie Wildlife Area in Snohomish County.
(c) The Samish Unit of the Skagit Wildlife Area in Skagit County.
(d) The Johnson/DeBay's Slough Hunt Unit of the Skagit Wildlife Area in Skagit County: In Skagit County beginning at the intersection of Francis Road and DeBay Isle Road (N 48.467817 W -122.255143); then northeast approximately 125 feet to a white corner marker (N 48.46818 W -122.254977); then east approximately 250 feet along the parking area fence line to a white corner marker (N 48.468087 W -122.25392); then north along the fence line approximately 334 feet to corner of fence line (N 48.469067 W -122.253787); then east along the fence line approximately 250 feet to a white corner marker (N 48.469081 W -122.252834); then north approximately 2185 feet to orange corner marker (N 48.475024 W -122.252937); then west approximately 1421 feet to the white corner marker (N 48.4750691 W -122.2582045); then south approximately 1170 feet to the west shoreline of DeBay Slough white corner marker (N 48.471872 W -122.258097); then move easterly and southerly along the west shoreline of DeBay Slough approximately 1850 feet to white corner marker on the south side of DeBay Isle Road (N 48.4680860 W -122.2563066); then easterly along the south side of De-Bay's Isle Road to the intersection of Francis Road and the point of beginning.
(e) The Dungeness Unit of the North Olympic Wildlife Area in Clallam County.
(f) The Samish River Unit of the Skagit Wildlife Area in Skagit County.
(g) The South Padilla Bay Unit of the Skagit Wildlife Area in Skagit County.
(2) It is unlawful to have in possession more than 25 shotgun shells or to fire (shoot) more than 25 shells in one day on the Nis-qually Unit of the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area in Thurston County.

Wash. Admin. Code § 220-414-050

Decodified by WSR 17-05-112, Filed 2/15/2017, effective 3/18/2017. Recodified from § 232-16-770.
Amended by WSR 22-13-110, Filed 6/15/2022, effective 7/16/2022

Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 98-17-042 (Order 98-153), § 232-16-770, filed 8/13/98, effective 9/13/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040 and 77.12.010. 96-18-008 (Order 96-126), § 232-16-770, filed 8/22/96, effective 9/22/96.