Wash. Admin. Code § 220-660-300

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 220-660-300 - Mineral prospecting
(1)Description: Mineral prospecting projects excavate, process, or classify aggregate using hand-held mineral prospecting tools and mineral prospecting equipment. When prospectors locate valuable minerals through prospecting, they may attempt to recover larger quantities of the minerals using a variety of equipment, including suction dredges, high bankers, and heavy equipment. The rules in this section apply to the use of pans; nonmotorized sluice boxes; nonmotorized concentrators; minirocker boxes; and hand-held mineral prospecting tools. This section does not apply to metals mining and milling operations as defined in chapter 78.56 RCW. Motorized mineral prospecting methods including, but not limited to, suction dredging, are not authorized in this section. See WAC 220-660-305 for rules for motorized and gravity siphon methods.
(2)Fish life concerns: Mineral prospecting and mining activities can harm fish life and habitat that supports fish life.
(a) Direct impacts from mineral prospecting and mining activities can include:
(i) Mortality from the physical effects of disturbing eggs or fry incubating within the bed; and
(ii) Lower environmental productivity resulting from habitat modifications such as altered stream beds or lowered water quality.
(b) Indirect impacts can include changes in food resources and human disturbances.
(c) The department minimizes impacts of mineral prospecting by restricting the type of mining equipment allowed, limiting excavation zones within streams, and setting allowable timing windows.
(3)General requirements:
(a) A copy of the current Gold and Fish pamphlet is available from the department, and it contains the rules that a person must follow when using the pamphlet as the HPA for the mineral prospecting project.
(b) Alternatively, a person may request exceptions to the Gold and Fish pamphlet by applying for a standard written HPA as described in WAC 220-660-050. The department must deny an HPA when, in the judgment of the department, the project will result in direct or indirect harm to fish life, unless enough mitigation can be assured by provisioning the HPA or modifying the proposal. The department may apply saltwater provisions to written HPAs for tidally influenced areas upstream of river mouths and the mainstem Columbia River downstream of Bonneville Dam.
(c) Nothing in chapter 220-660 WAC relieves a person of the duty to obtain landowner permission and any other required permits before conducting any mineral prospecting activity.
(4)Mineral prospecting in freshwater without timing restrictions:
(a) A person may mineral prospect year-round in all fresh waters of the state, except lakes. A person must follow the rules listed below, but does not need to have the Gold and Fish pamphlet on the job site when working in fresh waters of the state.
(b) When mineral prospecting without timing restrictions, a person may use only hand-held mineral prospecting tools and the following nonmotorized mineral prospecting equipment:
(i) Pans; and
(ii) Sluices, nonmotorized concentrators, mini rocker boxes, and nonmotorized mini high-bankers, with riffle areas totaling three square feet or less, including ganged equipment.
(iii) No other types of mineral prospecting tools or equipment are authorized under this subsection.
(c) A person may not use vehicle-mounted winches. A person may use one nonmotorized hand-operated winch to move boulders or large woody material that is not embedded or located within the wetted perimeter. A person may use additional cables, chains, or ropes to stabilize boulders, or large woody material that is not embedded.
(d) A person may work within the wetted perimeter only from one-half hour before official sunrise to one-half hour after official sunset.
(e) A person may not disturb fish life or redds within the bed. If a person observes or encounters fish life or redds within the bed, or actively spawning fish when collecting or processing aggregate, a person must relocate their operation. A person must avoid areas containing live freshwater mussels. If a person encounters live mussels during excavation, a person must relocate the operation.
(f) Aggregate excavation, collection, and removal:
(i) A person may excavate only by hand or with handheld mineral prospecting tools.
(ii) A person may not excavate, collect, or remove aggregate from within the wetted perimeter. See Figures 1 and 2.

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Figure 1: Cross section of a typical body of water, showing areas where excavation is not permitted under rules for mineral prospecting without timing restrictions.

Dashed lines indicate areas where excavation is not permitted.

(iii) A person may work in only one excavation site at a time. However, a person may use a second excavation site as a settling pond. Multiple persons may work within a single excavation site.
(iv) When collecting or excavating aggregate, a person may not stand within, or allow aggregate to enter, the wetted perimeter.
(v) A person must fill all excavation sites and level all tailing piles before moving to another excavation site or abandoning an excavation site. If a person moves boulders, a person must return them, as well as possible, to their original location.
(vi) A person may not undermine, move, or disturb large woody material embedded in the slopes or located wholly or partially within the wetted perimeter. A person may move large woody material and boulders located entirely within the frequent scour zone, but a person must keep them within the frequent scour zone. A person may not cut large woody material. See Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Permitted and prohibited excavation sites in a typical body of water under rules for mineral prospecting without timing restrictions. Dashed lines indicate areas where excavation is not permitted.

(vii) A person may not undermine, cut, or disturb live, rooted woody vegetation of any kind.
(viii) A person may not excavate, collect, or remove aggregate from the toe of the slope. A person also may not excavate, collect, or remove aggregate from an unstable slope or any slope that delivers, or might deliver sediment to the wetted perimeter or frequent scour zone. See Figures 3 and 4.

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Figure 3: Limits on excavating, collecting, and removing aggregate on stream banks.

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Figure 4: Excavating, collecting and removing aggregate within the wetted perimeter is not permitted.

(g) Processing aggregate:
(i) A person may stand within the wetted perimeter when processing aggregate with pans and sluices.
(ii) A person may not stand on or process directly on redds, or disturb incubating fish life. A person may not allow tailings or visible sediment plumes (visibly muddy water) to enter redds or areas where fish life are located within the bed.
(iii) A person may not level or disturb tailing piles that remain within the wetted perimeter after processing aggregate.
(iv) If a person collected or excavated aggregate outside of the frequent scour zone, a person must classify it at the collection or excavation site before processing.
(v) When using a sluice, a person may process only classified aggregate within the wetted perimeter.
(vi) The maximum width of a sluice, measured at its widest point, including attachments, must not exceed twenty-five percent of the width of the wetted perimeter at the point of placement.
(vii) A person may process with a sluice only in areas within the wetted perimeter that are composed mainly of boulders and bedrock. A person must separate sluice locations by at least fifty feet. A person may not place structures within the wetted perimeter to check or divert the water flow.
(viii) A person may operate nonmotorized mini high-bankers or other concentrators only outside the wetted perimeter. Water may be supplied to the mini high-banker or concentrator only from natural stream flow or from hand-held buckets or containers and may not be supplied through a gravity siphon. A person may not allow visible sediment or muddy water to enter the wetted perimeter. A second excavation site may be used as a settling pond.
(ix) A person may not excavate, collect, remove, or process aggregate within four hundred feet of any fishway, dam, or hatchery water intake.
(x) A person may not disturb existing fish habitat improvement structures or stream channel improvements.
(xi) If at any time, as a result of project activities, a person observes a fish kill or fish life in distress, a person must immediately cease operations and notify the department and the Washington military department emergency management division of the problem. A person may not resume work until the department gives approval. The department will require additional measures to mitigate the prospecting impacts.
(5)Mineral prospecting in fresh waters with timing restrictions:
(a) A person may mineral prospect in fresh waters of the state only during the times identified in subsection (7) of this section. A person must have the Gold and Fish pamphlet on the job site and comply with the provisions listed below.
(b) When mineral prospecting with timing restrictions, a person may use only nonmotorized hand-held mineral prospecting tools and the following mineral prospecting equipment:
(i) Pans; and
(ii) Sluices, nonmotorized concentrators, rocker boxes, and nonmotorized high-bankers, with riffle areas totaling ten square feet or less, including ganged equipment. Water may be supplied to the high-banker or concentrator only from natural stream flow or from hand-held buckets or containers and may not be supplied through a gravity siphon;
(iii) No other types of mineral prospecting tools or equipment are authorized under this subsection.
(c) The widest point of a sluice, including attachments, must not exceed twenty-five percent of the width of the wetted perimeter at the point of placement.
(d) A person may not use vehicle-mounted winches. A person may use one nonmotorized hand-operated winch to move boulders and large woody material that is not embedded, and additional cables, chains, or ropes to stabilize them.
(e) Equipment separation:
(i) A person may use hand-held mineral prospecting tools; pans; or sluices, mini rocker boxes, or nonmotorized mini high-bankers with riffle areas totaling three square feet or less, including ganged equipment, as close to other mineral prospecting equipment as desired.
(ii) When operating any sluice or rocker box with a riffle area larger than three square feet (including ganged equipment), or nonmotorized high-banker, a person's equipment must be at least two hundred feet from all others also operating mineral prospecting equipment. This separation is measured as a radius from the center of the equipment the person is operating. A person may locate this equipment closer than two hundred feet if only one piece of equipment is being used within that two hundred foot radius.
(iii) When operating any sluice or rocker box with a riffle area larger than three square feet (including ganged equipment), or nonmotorized high-banker outside of the wetted perimeter that discharges tailings or wastewater to the wetted perimeter, a person's equipment must be at least two hundred feet from all others also operating mineral prospecting equipment. This separation is measured as a radius from the center of the equipment the person is operating. A person may locate this equipment closer than two hundred feet if only one piece of equipment is being used within that two hundred-foot radius.
(f) A person may work within the wetted perimeter or frequent scour zone only from one-half hour before official sunrise to one-half hour after official sunset. If a person's mineral prospecting equipment exceeds one-half the width of the wetted perimeter of the stream, a person must remove the equipment from the wetted perimeter or move it so that at least fifty percent of the wetted perimeter is free of equipment from one-half hour after official sunset to one-half hour before official sunrise.
(g) A person may not excavate, collect, remove, or process aggregate within four hundred feet of any fishway, dam, or hatchery water intake.
(h) A person must not disturb existing fish habitat improvement structures or stream channel improvements.
(i) A person may not undermine, move, or disturb large woody material embedded in the slopes or located wholly or partially within the wetted perimeter. A person may move large woody material and boulders located entirely within the frequent scour zone, but a person must keep them within the frequent scour zone. A person may not cut large woody material.
(j) A person may not undermine, cut, or disturb live, rooted woody vegetation of any kind.
(k) A person may work in only one excavation site at a time. However, a person may use a second excavation site as a settling pond. Multiple individuals may work within a single excavation site.
(l) A person must fill all excavation sites and level all tailing piles before moving to another excavation site or abandoning an excavation site.
(m) A person may not excavate, collect, or remove aggregate from the toe of the slope. A person also may not excavate, collect, or remove aggregate from an unstable slope or any slope that delivers, or might deliver, sediment to the wetted perimeter or frequent scour zone. See Figures 5 and 6.

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Figure 5: Cross section of a typical body of water showing unstable slopes, stable areas, and permitted or prohibited excavation sites under rules for mineral prospecting with timing restrictions. Dashed line indicates areas where excavation is not permitted.

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Figure 6: Permitted and prohibited excavation sites in a typical body of water under rules for mineral prospecting with timing restrictions. Dashed lines indicates areas where excavation is not permitted.

(n) A person may partially divert a body of water into mineral prospecting equipment. However, at no time may the diversion structure be greater than fifty percent of the width of the wetted perimeter, including the width of the equipment. A person may not divert the body of water outside of the wetted perimeter.
(o) A person may use materials only from within the wetted perimeter, or artificial materials from outside the wetted perimeter, to construct the diversion structure by hand. Before abandoning the site, a person must remove artificial materials used to construct a diversion structure and restore the site to its approximate original condition.
(p) A person may process aggregate collected from the frequent scour zone:
(i) At any location if a person uses pans; mini rocker boxes; nonmotorized mini high-bankers; or sluices or other nonmotorized concentrators with riffle areas three square feet or less, including ganged equipment.
(ii) Only in the frequent scour zone or upland areas landward of the frequent scour zone if a person uses nonmotorized high-bankers with riffle areas totaling ten square feet or less, including ganged equipment; or sluices or rocker boxes that have riffle areas larger than three, but less than ten square feet, including ganged equipment. A person may not discharge tailings to the wetted perimeter when using this equipment. However, a person may discharge wastewater to the wetted perimeter if its entry point into the wetted perimeter is at least two hundred feet from any other wastewater discharge entry point.
(q) A person may process aggregate collected from upland areas landward of the frequent scour zone:
(i) At any location if a person uses pans; or sluices, nonmotorized concentrators, mini rocker boxes, and nonmotorized mini high-bankers with riffle areas totaling three square feet or less, including ganged equipment. A person must classify the aggregate at the excavation site before processing with this equipment within the wetted perimeter or frequent scour zone.
(ii) Only at an upland location landward of the frequent scour zone if a person uses nonmotorized high-bankers or rocker boxes. A person may not allow tailings or wastewater to enter the wetted perimeter or frequent scour zone.
(iii) Within the wetted perimeter or frequent scour zone if a person uses a sluice with a riffle area greater than three square feet. A person must classify the aggregate at the excavation site prior to processing with a sluice with a riffle area exceeding three square feet.
(r) A person must avoid areas containing live freshwater mussels. If a person encounters live mussels during excavation, a person must relocate the operation.
(s) A person may not disturb redds. If a person observes or encounters redds or actively spawning fish when collecting or processing aggregate, a person must relocate the operation.
(t) If at any time, as a result of project activities, a person observes a fish kill or fish life in distress, a person must immediately stop operations and notify the department and the Washington military department emergency management division of the problem. A person may not resume work until the department gives approval. The department will require additional measures to mitigate the prospecting impacts.
(6)Mineral prospecting on ocean beaches:
(a) A person may mineral prospect year-round on ocean beaches of the state. A person must follow the rules listed below, and must have the Gold and Fish pamphlet on the job site when working on ocean beaches of the state, except as noted in this subsection.
(b) A person may mineral prospect only between the line of ordinary high tide and the line of extreme low tide on beaches within the Seashore Conservation Area set under RCW 79A.05.605 and managed by Washington state parks and recreation commission.
(c) No written or pamphlet HPA is required to mineral prospect south of the Copalis River, if a person operates landward of the upper limit of ghost shrimp burrowing in the beach; waterward of the ordinary high tide line; and a person does not use fresh water from fish-bearing streams during operations. See Figure 7.

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Figure 7. Beach area where no written or pamphlet HPA is required.

(d) A person may use only nonmotorized hand-held mineral prospecting tools and the following nonmotorized mineral prospecting equipment:
(i) Pans; and
(ii) Sluices, nonmotorized concentrators, rocker boxes, and nonmotorized high-bankers with riffle areas totaling ten square feet or less, including ganged equipment.
(e) When operated in fish-bearing freshwater streams, the widest point of a sluice, including attachments, must not exceed twenty-five percent of the width of the wetted perimeter at the point of placement.
(f) Water may be supplied to a high-banker or concentrator only from natural stream flow or from hand-held buckets or containers and may not be supplied through a gravity siphon.
(g) A person may not use vehicle-mounted winches. A person may use one nonmotorized hand-operated winch to move boulders and large woody material that is not embedded, and additional cables, chains, or ropes to stabilize them.
(h) A person may work only from one-half hour before official sunrise to one-half hour after official sunset. If a person uses mineral prospecting equipment in a fish-bearing freshwater stream and the equipment exceeds one-half the width of the wetted perimeter of the stream, a person must remove the equipment from the wetted perimeter or move it so that at least fifty percent of the wetted perimeter is free of equipment from one-half hour after official sunset to one-half hour before official sunrise.
(i) A person may not undermine, cut, disturb, or move embedded large woody material or woody debris jams.
(j) A person may work in only one excavation site at a time. However, a person may use a second excavation site as a settling pond. Multiple persons may work within a single excavation site.
(k) A person must backfill all trenches, depressions, or holes created in the beach during project activities before moving to another excavation site (except during use as a settling pond) or leaving an excavation site.
(l) A person may partially divert a body of water into mineral prospecting equipment. However, at no time may the diversion structure be greater than fifty percent of the width of the wetted perimeter of a fish-bearing freshwater stream, including the width of the equipment. A person may not divert the body of water outside of the wetted perimeter.
(m) A person may use materials only from within the wetted perimeter, or artificial materials from outside the wetted perimeter, to construct the diversion structure by hand. Before abandoning the site, a person must remove artificial materials used to construct a diversion structure and restore the site to its approximate original condition.
(n) A person may not disturb live razor clams or other shellfish within the bed. If a person observes or encounters live razor clams or other shellfish during excavation, the person must relocate the operation.
(o) If at any time, as a result of project activities, a person observes a fish kill or fish life in distress, a person must immediately stop operations and notify the department, and the Washington military department emergency management division of the problem. A person may not resume work until the department gives approval. The department will require additional measures to mitigate the prospecting impacts.
(7)Authorized work times by specific state waters for mineral prospecting and placer mining projects:
(a) A person may conduct mineral prospecting and placer mining under subsections (5) and (6) of this section only in the state waters and during the times specified in the following table of authorized work times.
(b) The general work time for a county applies to all state waters within that county unless otherwise indicated in the table.
(c) The work time for state waters identified in the table of authorized work times applies to all its tributaries, unless otherwise indicated. Some state waters occur in multiple counties. Check the table for the county in which mineral prospecting or placer mining is to be conducted to determine the work time for that water body.
(d) Where a tributary is identified as a boundary, that boundary is the line perpendicular to the receiving stream that is projected from the most upstream point of the tributary mouth to the opposite bank of the receiving stream. See Figure 8.
(e) Mineral prospecting and placer mining within water bodies identified in the table of authorized work times as "submit application" are not authorized under the Gold and Fish pamphlet. A person must obtain a standard written HPA to work in these water bodies.

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Figure 8: Where the boundary is located if a tributary listed as a boundary.

Table 1

Authorized Work Times by Specific State Waters for Mineral Prospecting and Placer Mining Projects

Washington Counties and State Waters (Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) in parentheses)

Mineral Prospecting is Allowed Only Between These Dates

Adams County

July 1 - October 31

Crab Creek (41.0002)

July 16 - February 28

Esquatzel Creek (36.MISC)

June 1 - February 28

Palouse River (34.0003)

July 16 - February 28

Asotin County

July 16 - September 15

Snake River (35.0002)

See Below

Alpowa Creek (35.1440)

July 16 - December 15

Asotin Creek (35.1716)

July 16 - August 15

Couse Creek (35.2147)

July 16 - December 15

Grande Ronde River (35.2192)

July 16 - September 15

Ten Mile Creek (35.2100)

July 16 - December 15

Benton County

June 1 - September 30

Columbia River

See Below

Glade Creek (31.0851)

August 1 - September 30

Yakima River (37.0002)

June 1 - September 15

Amon Wasteway (37.0009)

June 1 - September 30

Corral Creek (37.0002)

June 1 - September 30

Spring Creek (37.0205)

June 1 - September 30

Chelan County

July 16 - August 15

Columbia River

See Below

Antoine Creek (49.0294) - Mouth to falls at river mile 1.0

July 1 - February 28

Antoine Creek (49.0294) - Upstream of falls at river mile 1.0

July 1 - March 31

Chelan River (47.0052) - Mouth to Chelan Dam

July 16 - September 30

Colockum Creek (40.0760)

July 1 - October 31

Entiat River (46.0042) - Mouth to Entiat Falls

July 16 - July 31

Entiat River (46.0042) - Upstream of Entiat Falls

July 16 - March 31

Crum Canyon (46.0107)

July 16 - March 31

Mad River (46.0125)

July 16 - July 31

Indian Creek (46.0128)

July 16 - February 28

Lake Chelan (47.0052)

Submit Application

Railroad Creek (47.0410)

July 16 - September 30

Stehekin River (47.0508)

Submit Application

Twenty-Five Mile Creek (47.0195)

July 16 - September 30

Other Lake Chelan tributaries outside of North Cascades National Park

July 1 - August 15

Other Lake Chelan tributaries within North Cascades National Park

Submit Application

Number 1 Canyon (45.0011)

July 1 - February 28

Number 2 Canyon (45.0012)

July 1 - February 28

Squilchuck Creek (40.0836) - Mouth to South Wenatchee Avenue

July 1 - September 30

Squilchuck Creek (40.0836) - Upstream of South Wenatchee Avenue

July 1 - February 28

Stemilt Creek (40.0808) - Mouth to falls

July 1 - September 30

Stemilt Creek (40.0808) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - February 28

Wenatchee River (45.0030) - Mouth to Hwy 2 Bridge in Leavenworth

July 15 - September 30

Wenatchee River (45.0030) - Hwy 2 Bridge in Leavenworth to Lake Wenatchee

July 15 - August 15

Beaver Creek (45.0751)

July 1 - September 30

Chiwaukum Creek (45.0700)

July 1 - July 31

Chiwawa River (45.0759) - Mouth to Phelps Creek

July 1 - July 31

Chiwawa River (45.0759) - Upstream of Phelps Creek

July 1 - July 31

Deep Creek (45.0764)

July 1 - February 28

Phelps Creek (45.0875)

July 16 - August 15

Icicle Creek (45.0474) -Mouth to Johnny Creek

July 1 - July 31

Icicle Creek (45.0474) - Upstream of Johnny Creek

July 1 - July 31

Fourth of July Creek (45.0525)

July 1 - February 28

Lake Wenatchee (45.0030)

Submit Application

Little Wenatchee (45.0985) - Mouth to Wilderness Boundary

July 1 - July 31

Little Wenatchee (45.0985) - Upstream of Wilderness Boundary

Submit Application

White River (45.1116) - Mouth to White River Falls

July 1 - July 31

White River (45.1116) - Upstream of White River Falls

July 1 - February 28

Nason Creek (45.0888)

July 1 - July 31

Peshastin Creek (45.0232) - Mouth to Etienne Creek

July 16 - August 15

Peshastin Creek (45.0232) - Upstream of Etienne Creek

August 1 - February 28

Ingalls Creek (45.0273) - Mouth to Cascade Creek

Submit Application

Ingalls Creek (45.0273) - Upstream of Cascade Creek

July 16 - February 28

Etienne Creek (45.0323) - Mouth to falls at stream mile 2.9

Submit Application

Etienne Creek (45.0323) - Upstream of falls at stream mile 2.9

July 16 - February 28

Ruby Creek (45.0318)

July 16 - February 28

Tronson Creek (45.0346)

August 1 - February 28

Scotty Creek (45.0376)

August 1 - February 28

Shaser Creek (45.0365)

August 1 - February 28

Clallam County

July 16 - September 15

Clallam River (19.0129)

August 1 - August 15

Dungeness River (18.0018)

Submit Application

Independent Creek (18.MISC)

August 1 - August 31

Elwha River (18.0272)

August 1 - August 15

Hoko River (19.0148)

August 1 - September 15

Jimmycomelately Creek (17.0285)

August 1 - August 31

Lake Ozette (20.0046)

Submit Application

Little Quilcene River (17.0076)

July 16 - August 31

Lake Ozette tributaries

July 16 - September 15

Lyre River (19.0031)

August 1 - September 15

McDonald Creek (18.0160)

August 1 - September 15

Morse Creek (18.0185)

August 1 - August 15

Ozette River (20.0046)

July 16 - September 15

Pysht River (19.0113)

August 1 - September 15

Quillayute River (20.0096, 20.0162, 20.0175)

August 1 - August 15

Bogachiel River (20.0162)

Submit Application

Calawah River (20.0175)

August 1 - August 15

Salmon Creek (17.0245)

July 16 - August 31

Sekiu River (19.0203)

August 1 - September 15

Snow Creek (17.0219)

July 16 - August 31

Sol Duc River (20.0096)

Submit Application

Lake Pleasant (20.0313)

Submit Application

Lake Pleasant tributaries

July 16 - September 15

Sooes River (20.0015)

July 16 - September 15

Clark County

July 16 - September 30

Columbia River

See Below

Lacamas Creek (28.0160) - Mouth to dam

August 1 - August 31

Lacamas Creek (28.0160) - Upstream of dam

August 1 - September 30

Lewis River (27.0168)

August 1 - August 15

East Fork Lewis River (27.0173) - Mouth to Lucia Falls

August 1 - August 15

East Fork Lewis River (27.0173) - Lucia Falls to Sunset Falls

August 1 - February 28

East Fork Lewis River (27.0173) - Upstream of Sunset Falls

August 1 - February 28

Lake River (28.0020)

January 1 - December 31

Burnt Bridge Creek (28.0143)

August 1 - August 31

Salmon Creek (28.0059)

August 1 - August 31

Whipple Creek (28.0038)

August 1 - September 30

North Fork Lewis River (27.0334) - Confluence of East Fork to Merwin Dam

August 1 - August 15

Cedar Creek (27.0339)

August 1 - September 15

North Fork Lewis River (27.0334) - Merwin Dam to Lower Falls

July 16 - August 15

Canyon Creek (27.0442)

July 16 - February 28

North Fork Lewis River (27.0168) - Upstream of Lower Falls

July 16 - August 15

Washougal River (28.0159) - Mouth to headwaters

August 1 - August 31

Columbia County

July 16 - September 30

Touchet River (32.0097)

August 1 - August 15

Grande Ronde River tributaries (35.2192)

July 16 - August 15

North Fork Touchet/Wolf Fork (32.0761)

Submit Application

South Fork Touchet (32.0708)

Submit Application

Tucannon River (35.0009)

July 16 - August 15

Walla Walla River (32.0008) - Mouth to Oregon state line

July 16 - September 15

Mill Creek (32.1436) -Mouth to Oregon state line

August 1 - August 15

Cowlitz County

July 16 - September 30

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - South Fork Chehalis River -Mouth to Fisk Falls

August 1 - August 31

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - South Fork Chehalis River -Upstream of Fisk Falls

August 1 - August 31

Columbia River

See Below

Abernathy Creek (25.0297)

July 16 - September 15

Burke Creek (27.0148)

August 1 - August 31

Burris Creek (27.0151)

August 1 - August 31

Bybee Creek (27.0142)

August 1 - August 31

Canyon Creek (27.0147)

August 1 - August 31

Coal Creek (25.0340)

July 16 - September 15

Clark Creek (25.0371)

August 1 - August 31

Cowlitz River (26.0002) - Mouth to barrier dam at river mile 49.5

July 16 - August 15

Coweeman River (26.0003) - Mouth to Baird Creek

August 1 - August 31

Coweeman River (26.0003) - Upstream of Baird Creek

August 1 - August 31

Cowlitz River (26.0002) - Tributaries below barrier dam to mouth

July 16 - September 30

Owl Creek (26.1441)

July 16 - September 15

Toutle River (26.0227)

July 16 - August 15

North Fork Toutle River (26.0314) - Mouth to Debris Dam

July 16 - August 15

North Fork Toutle River (26.0314) - Upstream of Debris Dam

July 16 - August 15

Green River (26.0323) - Mouth to Shultz Creek

July 16 - September 30

Green River (26.0323) - Upstream of Shultz Creek

July 16 - September 30

South Fork Toutle (26.0248) - Mouth to Bear Creek

July 16 - September 15

South Fork Toutle (26.0248) - Upstream of Bear Creek

July 16 - September 15

Tributaries to Silver Lake

July 16 - September 30

Germany Creek (25.0313)

July 16 - September 15

Kalama River (27.0002) - Mouth to Kalama Falls

August 1 - August 15

Kalama River (27.0002) - Upstream of Kalama Falls

August 1 - August 15

Lewis River (27.0168) - Mouth to East Fork Lewis River

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Lewis River (27.0334) - Confluence of East Fork to Merwin Dam

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Lewis River (27.0334) - Merwin Dam to Lower Falls

July 16 - August 15

Mill Creek (25.0284)

July 16 - September 15

Schoolhouse Creek (27.0139)

August 1 - August 31

Douglas County

July 1 - September 30

Columbia River

See Below

Douglas Creek Canyon (44.0146)

May 16 - January 31

Foster Creek (50.0065)

August 1 - April 15

McCarteney Creek (44.0002)

July 1 - February 28

Pine/Corbaley Canyon Creek (44.0779)

September 16 - April 15

Rock Island Creek (44.0630)

July 1 - September 30

Ferry County

July 1 - August 31

Columbia River

See Below

Kettle River (60.0002)

June 16 - August 31

Boulder Creek (60.0130) - Mouth to Hodgson Road Bridge

Submit Application

Boulder Creek (60.0130) - Upstream of Hodgson Road Bridge

June 16 - February 28

Deadman Creek (60.0008) - Mouth to SR395 Crossing

Submit Application

Deadman Creek (60.0008) - Upstream of SR395

June 16 - February 28

Goosmus Creek (60.0254)

June 16 - February 28

Toroda Creek (60.0410)

July 1 - September 30

San Poil River (52.0004)

June 16 - September 30

Granite Creek (52.0099) - Mouth to Powerhouse Dam

June 16 - September 30

Granite Creek (52.0099) - Upstream of Powerhouse Dam

June 16 - February 28

West Fork San Poil River (52.0192) - Mouth to Deep Creek

June 16 - September 30

West Fork San Poil River (52.0192) - Upstream of Deep Creek

June 16 - September 30

Gold Creek (52.0197)

June 16 - February 28

Franklin County

June 1 - September 30

Columbia River

See Below

Snake River

See Below

Palouse River (34.0003)

July 16 - February 28

North bank tributaries of the lower Snake River between Palouse River and the mouth of the Snake River

June 16 - October 31

Garfield County

July 16 - September 30

Snake River (35.0003)

See Below

Alpowa Creek (35.1440)

July 16 - December 15

Asotin Creek (35.1716)

July 16 - August 15

Deadman Creek (35.0688)

July 16 - December 15

Grande Ronde River tributaries (35.2192)

July 16 - August 15

Meadow Creek (35.0689)

July 16 - December 15

Tucannon River (35.0009) - Mouth to Panjab Creek

July 16 - August 15

Tucannon River (35.0009) - Upstream of Panjab Creek

July 16 - August 15

Pataha Creek (35.0123) - Mouth to Pataha Creek

January 1 - December 31

Pataha Creek (35.0123) - Upstream of Pataha Creek

July 16 - December 31

Grant County

July 1 - October 31

Columbia River

See Below

Crab Creek (41.0002)

July 16 - September 15

Grays Harbor County

July 16 - October 15

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - Mouth to Porter Creek

August 1 - August 31

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - Porter Creek to Fisk Falls

August 1 - August 15

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - Upstream of Fisk Falls

August 1 - August 15

Cedar Creek (23.0570)

August 1 - September 30

Cloquallum Creek (22.0501)

August 1 - September 30

Porter Creek (23.0543)

August 1 - September 30

Satsop River (22.0360)

August 1 - August 31

Wishkah River (22.0191)

August 1 - October 15

Wynoochee River (22.0260)

August 1 - September 30

Copalis River (21.0767)

August 1 - October 15

Elk River (22.1333)

July 1 - October 31

Hoquiam River (22.0137)

August 1 - October 15

Humptulips River (22.0004) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - September 30

Humptulips River (22.0004) - Upstream of Forks

August 1 - September 30

Johns River (22.1270)

August 1 - September 30

Moclips River (21.0731)

August 1 - October 15

North River (24.0034)

August 1 - September 30

Queets River (21.0001)

August 1 - August 15

Quinault River (21.0398)

August 1 - August 15

Raft River (21.0337)

August 1 - October 15

Island County

June 16 - October 15

Cavalero Creek (06.0065)

June 16 - December 15

Chapman Creek (06.0070)

June 16 - December 15

Crescent Creek (06.0002)

June 16 - December 15

Cultus Creek (06.0026)

June 16 - March 15

Deer Creek (06.0024)

June 16 - March 15

Dugualla Creek (06.0001)

June 16 - March 15

Glendale Creek (06.0025)

June 16 - December 15

Kristoferson Creek (06.0062-06.0063)

May 1 - December 15

Maxwelton Creek (06.0029)

June 16 - December 15

North Bluff Creek (06.0006)

June 16 - March 15

Old Clinton Creek (06.0023)

June 16 - March 15

Jefferson County

July 16 - October 31

Big Quilcene River (17.0012) - Mouth to falls

July 16 - August 31

Big Quilcene River (17.0012) - Falls to Forks

August 1 - February 28

Big Quilcene River (17.0012) - Upstream of Forks

August 1 - February 28

Bogachiel River (20.0162)

Submit Application

Chimacum Creek (17.0203)

July 16 - September 15

Donovan Creek (17.0115)

July 1 - October 15

Dosewallips River (16.0442)

July 16 - August 15

Duckabush River (16.0351)

July 16 - August 15

Dungeness River (18.0018)

August 1 - August 15

Elwha River (18.0272)

August 1 - August 15

Goodman Creek (20.0406)

August 1 - September 15

Hoh River (20.0422)

August 1 - August 15

Little Quilcene River (17.0076)

July 16 - August 31

Queets River (21.0001)

August 1 - August 15

Matheny Creek (21.0165)

August 1 - August 15

Sams River (21.0205)

August 1 - August 15

Quinault River (21.0398)

August 1 - August 15

Salmon Creek (17.0245)

July 16 - August 31

Skokomish River (16.0001)

August 1 - August 31

Snow Creek (17.0219)

July 16 - August 31

Tarboo Creek (17.0129)

August 1 - September 30

Thorndyke Creek (17.0170)

August 1 - October 15

King County

July 16 - September 30

Cedar River (08.0299) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 31

Cedar River (08.0299) - Upstream of Forks

August 1 - August 31

Issaquah Creek (08.0178)

August 1 - August 31

Sammamish River (08.0057)

August 1 - August 31

Steele Creek (08.0379)

July 16 - February 28

Green River (Duwamish River) (09.0001) - Mouth to Sawmill Creek

August 1 - August 31

Green River (Duwamish River) (09.0001) - Upstream of Sawmill Creek

August 1 - August 31

Lake Washington tributaries (08.LKWA)

August 1 - August 31

Snoqualmie River (07.0219) - Mouth to Snoqualmie Falls

August 1 - August 15

Snoqualmie River (07.0219) - Snoqualmie Falls to mouth of South Fork

July 16 - February 28

Patterson Creek (07.0376)

July 16 - September 30

Middle Fork Snoqualmie River (07.0219) - Mouth to Taylor Creek

July 16 - February 28

Middle Fork Snoqualmie River (07.0219) - Upstream of Taylor Creek

July 16 - February 28

Goat Creek (07.0754)

July 16 - February 28

North Fork Snoqualmie River (07.0527) - Mouth to Lennox Creek

July 16 - February 28

North Fork Snoqualmie River (07.0527) - Upstream of Lennox Creek

July 16 - February 28

Deep Creek (07.0562)

July 16 - February 28

Illinois Creek (07.0624)

July 16 - February 28

Lennox Creek (07.0596)

July 16 - February 28

Bear Creek (07.0606)

July 16 - February 28

Raging River (07.0384)

August 1 - September 15

South Fork Skykomish River (07.0012) - Mouth to Sunset Falls

August 1 - August 15

South Fork Skykomish River (07.0012) - Upstream of Sunset Falls

August 1 - August 15

Beckler River (07.1413) - Mouth to Boulder Creek

August 1 - August 15

Beckler River (07.1413) - Upstream of Boulder Creek

July 16 - February 28

Rapid River (07.1461) - Mouth to Meadow Creek

August 1 - August 31

Rapid River (07.1461) - Upstream of Meadow Creek

August 1 - February 28

Index Creek (07.1264) - Mouth to Mud Lake Creek

August 1 - August 31

Index Creek (07.1264) - Upstream of Mud Lake Creek including Salmon Creek

July 16 - February 28

Miller River (07.1329) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 15

Miller River (07.1329) - Upstream of Forks

August 1 - August 15

Coney Creek (07.1347)

July 16 - February 28

East Fork Miller River (07.1329) - Mouth to Great Falls Creek

July 16 - August 15

East Fork Miller River (07.1329) - Upstream of Great Falls Creek

July 16 - February 28

Foss River (07.1562) -Mouth to Forks

July 16 - August 31

East Fork Foss River (07.1562) - Mouth to Burn Creek

July 16 - August 15

East Fork Foss River (07.1562) - Upstream of Burn Creek

July 16 - February 28

West Fork Foss River (07.1573) - Mouth to falls at river mile 2.0

July 16 - August 31

West Fork Foss River (07.1573) - Upstream of falls at river mile 2.0

July 16 - February 28

West Fork Miller River (07.1335)

July 16 - February 28

Money Creek (07.1300) - Mouth to 0.5 mile upstream of Kimball Creek

August 1 - August 31

Money Creek (07.1300) - Upstream of 0.5 mile upstream of Kimball Creek

August 1 - February 28

Kimball Creek (07.1301)

August 1 - August 31

Tye River (07.0012) - Mouth to Alpine Falls

August 1 - August 31

Tye River (07.0012) - Upstream of Alpine Falls

July 16 - February 28

South Fork Snoqualmie River (07.0467)

July 16 - February 28

Denny Creek (07.0517)

July 16 - February 28

Tolt River (07.0291) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 31

North Fork Tolt River (07.0291) - Mouth to Yellow Creek

July 16 - September 15

North Fork Tolt River (07.0291) - Upstream of Yellow Creek

July 16 - February 28

South Fork Tolt River (07.0302) - Mouth to dam

July 16 - September 15

South Fork Tolt River (07.0302) - Upstream of Tolt Reservoir

July 16 - February 28

Yellow Creek (07.0337)

July 16 - February 28

White River (10.0031)

July 16 - August 15

Greenwater River (10.0122)

July 16 - August 15

Kittitas County

July 1 - September 30

Brushy Creek (40.0612)

July 1 - February 28

Colockum Creek (40.0760)

July 1 - October 31

Quilomene Creek (40.0613)

July 1 - October 31

Stemilt Creek (40.0808) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - February 28

Tarpiscan Creek (40.0723)

July 1 - February 28

Tekiason Creek (40.0686)

July 1 - February 28

Whiskey Dick Creek (40.0591)

July 1 - February 28

Yakima River (39.0002) - Roza Dam to Teanaway River

August 1 - August 31

Naches River (38.0003) -Tieton River to Bumping River

July 1 - August 15

Little Naches River (38.0852) - Mouth to Matthew Creek

July 16 - August 15

Little Naches River (38.0852) - Upstream of Matthew Creek

July 16 - August 15

Pileup Creek (38.0932)

July 16 - August 31

Gold Creek (38.MISC)

July 16 - February 28

Swauk Creek (39.1157)

July 16 - September 30

Baker Creek (39.1157)

July 16 - September 30

First Creek (39.1157)

July 16 - September 30

Iron Creek (39.1157)

July 16 - September 30

Williams Creek (39.1157)

July 16 - September 30

Boulder Creek (39.1157)

July 16 - February 28

Cougar Gulch (39.1157)

July 16 - February 28

Lion Gulch (39.1157)

July 16 - February 28

Yakima River (39.0002) -Teanaway River to Easton Dam

August 1 - August 31

Yakima River (39.0002) - Upstream of Easton Dam

August 1 - August 31

Cle Elum River (39.1434) - Mouth to dam

July 16 - August 31

Cle Elum River (39.1434) - Upstream of Cle Elum Dam

Submit Application

Big Boulder Creek (39.1434MISC)

August 1 - February 28

Camp Creek (39.1434MISC)

August 1 - February 28

Fortune Creek (39.1434MISC)

August 1 - August 15

South Fork Fortune Creek (39.1434MISC)

August 1 - February 28

Howson Creek (39.1434)

July 16 - February 28

Little Salmon Le Sac Creek (39.1482)

August 1 - August 15

Paris Creek (39.1434MISC)

August 1 - February 28

Salmon Le Sac Creek (39.1520)

August 1 - February 28

Kachess River (39.1739) - Upstream of Lake Kachess

Submit Application

Kachess River (39.1739) - Below dam

July 16 - August 15

Box Canyon Creek (39.1765)

Submit Application

Mineral Creek (39.1792)

August 1 - August 15

Lake Keechelus (39.1842) tributaries

July 16 - August 15

Gold Creek (Lake Keech-elus) (39.1842)

Submit Application

Manastash Creek (39.0988)

July 16 - September 30

Naneum Creek (39.0821)

July 16 - September 30

Taneum Creek (39.1081) - Mouth to I-90

July 16 - August 31

Taneum Creek (39.1157) - Upstream of I-90

July 16 - September 30

Teanaway River (39.1236)

July 16 - August 31

NF Teanaway River (39.1260)

Submit Application

Umtanum Creek (39.0553)

July 16 - September 30

Wenas Creek, Below dam (39.0032)

July 16 - October 15

Wenas Creek, Upstream of Wenas Lake (39.0032)

July 16 - February 28

Other Yakima River tributaries not listed

July 16 - August 31

Kitsap County

July 16 - October 15

Anderson Creek (15.0211)

August 1 - November 15

Barker Creek (15.0255)

August 1 - September 30

Big Beef Creek (15.0389)

August 1 - August 15

Big Scandia Creek (15.0280)

August 1 - September 30

Blackjack Creek (15.0203)

August 1 - September 30

Burley Creek (15.0056)

August 1 - September 30

Chico Creek (15.0229)

August 1 - October 15

Clear Creek (15.0249)

August 1 - September 30

Curley Creek (15.0185)

August 1 - September 30

Dewatto River (15.0420)

August 1 - August 15

Dogfish Creek (15.0285)

August 1 - August 15

Gorst Creek (15.0216)

August 1 - August 15

Grovers Creek (15.0299)

August 1 - August 31

Johnson Creek (15.0387)

August 1 - October 31

Ollala Creek (15.0107)

August 1 - September 30

Ross Creek (15.0209)

August 1 - November 15

Salmonberry Creek (15.0188)

August 1 - November 30

Seabeck Creek (15.0400)

August 1 - August 15

Steele Creek (15.0273)

August 1 - September 30

Tahuya River (15.0446)

August 1 - August 31

Union River (15.0503)

August 1 - August 31

Klickitat County

July 15 - September 30

Alder Creek (31.0459)

August 1 - September 30

Chapman Creek (31.0192)

August 1 - September 30

Glade Creek (31.0851)

August 1 - September 30

Juniper Canyon Creek (31.0378)

August 1 - September 30

Klickitat River (30.0002) - Mouth to Klickitat hatchery

Submit Application

Klickitat River (30.0002) - Upstream of Klickitat hatchery

Submit Application

Little White Salmon River (29.0131) - Mouth to Cabbage Creek

July 16 - January 31

Little White Salmon River (29.0131) - Upstream of Cabbage Creek

July 16 - January 31

Pine Creek (31.0354)

August 1 - September 30

Rock Creek (31.0014)

August 1 - September 30

Six Prong Creek (31.0465)

August 1 - September 30

White Salmon River (29.0160) - Mouth to Cascade Creek

July 16 - August 15

White Salmon River (29.0160) - Upstream of Cascade Creek

July 16 - August 15

Wood Gulch Creek (31.0263)

August 1 - September 30

Lewis County

August 1 - September 30

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - Mouth to South Fork Chehalis River

August 1 - August 15

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - Upstream of South Fork Chehalis River

August 1 - August 31

Newaukum River (23.0882) - Mouth to South Fork

August 1 - August 31

Newaukum River (23.0882) - Upstream of South Fork

August 1 - August 31

Skookumchuck River (23.0761)

August 1 - August 31

Cowlitz River (26.0002)

August 1 - August 15

Cispus River (26.0668) - Mouth to Squaw Creek (26.1010)

August 1 - August 15

Cispus River (26.0668) - Squaw Creek to Chambers Creek

July 16 - February 28

Cispus River (26.0668) - Upstream of Chambers Creek

July 16 - February 28

Yellowjacket Creek (26.0757)

August 1 - August 15

McCoy Creek (26.0766) - Mouth to lower falls

August 1 - August 15

McCoy Creek (26.0766) - Upstream of lower falls

July 16 - February 28

Walupt Creek (26.1010)

Submit Application

Packwood Lake tributaries

August 16 - September 15

Tilton River (26.0560) - Mouth to North Fork

August 1 - September 30

Tilton River (26.0560) - Upstream of North Fork

August 1 - September 30

Toutle River (26.0227)

August 1 - August 31

North Fork Toutle River (26.0314)

July 16 - August 15

Green River (26.0323)

July 16 - September 30

Deschutes River (13.0028)

July 16 - August 31

Little Deschutes River (13.0110)

July 16 - February 28

Nisqually River (11.0008) - Upstream of Alder Lake

July 16 - September 30

Lincoln County

June 16 - February 28

Columbia River

See Below

Hawk Creek (53.0101) - Mouth to falls

June 16 - August 31

Hawk Creek (53.0101) - Upstream of falls

June 16 - February 28

Upper Crab Creek (42.0001)

June 16 - February 28

Wilson Creek (43.0020)

June 16 - February 28

Mason County

August 1 - October 15

Cloquallum Creek (22.0501)

August 1 - September 30

Coulter Creek (15.0002)

August 1 - August 31

Dewatto River (15.0420)

August 1 - August 31

Goldsborough Creek (14.0035)

August 1 - October 15

John Creek (16.0253)

August 1 - August 31

Hamma Hamma River (16.0251) - Mouth to falls

August 1 - August 31

Johns Creek (14.0049)

August 1 - August 15

Lilliwaup River (16.0230) - Mouth to falls

August 1 - August 31

Lilliwaup River (16.0230) - Upstream of falls

August 1 - February 28

Mill Creek (14.0029)

August 1 - August 15

Satsop River (22.0360)

August 1 - August 31

Schaerer Creek (16.0326)

August 1 - August 31

Sherwood Creek (14.0094)

August 1 - August 15

Skokomish River (16.0001) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 31

Skokomish River (16.0001) - Upstream of Forks

August 1 - August 31

Tahuya River (15.0446)

August 1 - August 31

Twanoh Creek (14.0134)

August 1 - October 31

Union River (15.0503)

August 1 - August 31

Okanogan County

July 1 - August 15

Aneas Creek (49.0243) - Mouth to falls

July 16 - August 31

Aneas Creek (49.0243) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Chewiliken Creek (49.0232) - Mouth to falls

July 16 - August 31

Chewiliken Creek (49.0232) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Chiliwist Creek (49.0034) - Mouth to falls

July 16 - August 31

Chiliwist Creek (49.0034) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Foster Creek (50.0065)

July 1 - February 28

Methow River (48.0007) - Columbia confluence to Twisp River

July 1 - July 31

Methow River tributaries between Black Canyon Creek and Gold Creek

July 1 - February 28

Black Canyon Creek (48.0015) - Mouth to Left Fork

Submit Application

Black Canyon Creek (48.0015) - Upstream of Left Fork

July 1 - February 28

Gold Creek (48.0104) -Mouth to Foggy Dew Creek

Submit Application

Foggy Dew Creek (48.0153) - Mouth to Foggy Dew Falls

Submit Application

Foggy Dew Creek (48.0153) - Upstream of Foggy Dew Falls

July 1 - February 28

Middle Fork Gold Creek (48.0139)

July 1 - February 28

North Fork Gold Creek (48.0104)

Submit Application

Crater Creek (48.0177) - Mouth to Martin Creek

Submit Application

Crater Creek (48.0177) - Upstream of Martin Creek

July 1 - February 28

Martin Creek (48.0177)

July 1 - February 28

South Fork Gold Creek (48.0105) - Mouth to Rainy Creek

Submit Application

South Fork Gold Creek (48.0105) - Upstream of Rainy Creek

July 1 - February 28

Rainy Creek (48.0105)

July 1 - February 28

McFarland Creek (48.0090) - Mouth to Vinegar Gulch

Submit Application

McFarland Creek (48.0090) - Upstream of Vinegar Gulch

July 1 - February 28

Methow River tributaries between Libby Creek and Beaver Creek

July 1 - February 28

Beaver Creek (48.0307)

Submit Application

Frazer Creek (48.0309)

July 1 - February 28

Lightning Creek (48.0361)

July 1 - February 28

Middle Fork Beaver Creek (48.0307)

July 1 - February 28

South Fork Beaver Creek (48.0342)

July 1 - February 28

Libby Creek (48.0203) - Mouth to Hornet Draw Creek

Submit Application

Libby Creek (48.0203) - Upstream of Hornet Draw

July 1 - February 28

Methow River (48.0007) - Twisp River to Goat Creek

July 1 - July 31

Methow River (48.0007) - Upstream of Goat Creek

July 1 - July 31

Chewuch River (48.0728) - Mouth to Meadow Creek

July 1 - July 31

Chewuch River (48.0728) - Upstream of Meadow Creek

July 1 - February 28

Early Winters Creek (48.1408) - Mouth to Silver Star Creek

Submit Application

Early Winters Creek (48.1408) - Upstream of Silver Star Creek

July 1 - February 28

Goat Creek (48.1364) - Mouth to 500 feet upstream of Montana Creek

Submit Application

Goat Creek (48.1364) - 500 feet Upstream of Montana Creek to Roundup Creek

July 1 - February 28

Goat Creek (48.1364) - Upstream of Roundup Creek

Submit Application

Lost River (48.0592)

July 16 - August 15

Twisp River (48.0374)

July 1 - July 31

Buttermilk Creek (48.0466)

Submit Application

North Creek (48.0674)

Submit Application

North Fork Twisp River (48.0691)

July 1 - February 28

South Creek (48.0641) - Upstream of Louis Creek

July 1 - February 28

South Creek (48.0641) - Mouth to Louis Creek

Submit Application

South Fork Twisp River (48.0698)

July 1 - February 28

Wolf Creek (48.1300)

Submit Application

Myers Creek (60.0517)

July 1 - February 28

Bolster Creek (60.0517)

July 1 - February 28

Ethel Creek (60.0517)

July 1 - February 28

Gold Creek (60.0517)

July 1 - February 28

Mary Ann Creek (60.0517)

July 1 - February 28

North Fork Mary Ann Creek (60.0517)

July 1 - February 28

Okanogan River (49.0019) - Mouth to Zosel Dam

July 1 - August 31

Antoine Creek (49.0294) - Mouth to velocity gradient at river mile 1.0

July 1 - February 28

Antoine Creek (49.0294) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Bonaparte Creek (49.0246) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Bonaparte Creek (49.0246) - Mouth to Bonaparte Falls at river mile 1.0

July 1 - February 28

Loup Loup Creek (49.0048) - Mouth to Loup Loup Falls at river mile 2.4

July 1 - February 28

Loup Loup Creek (49.0048) - Upstream of Loup Loup Falls at river mile 2.4

July 1 - March 31

Mosquito Creek (49.0321) - Mouth to falls

July 1 - August 31

Mosquito Creek (49.0321) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Nine Mile Creek (49.0516)

July 1 - February 28

Omak Creek (49.0138) - Mouth to Mission Falls at river mile 5.4

July 1 - February 28

Omak Creek (49.0138) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

Salmon Creek (49.0079) - Mouth to diversion

July 1 - August 31

Salmon Creek (49.0079) - Upstream of diversion

July 1 - February 28

Similkameen River (49.0325) - Mouth to Enloe Dam

July 1 - August 31

Similkameen River (49.0325) - Enloe Dam to Palmer Creek

June 1 - October 31

Similkameen River (49.0325) - Upstream of Palmer Creek

July 1 - October 31

Sinlahekin Creek (49.0349) - Mouth to barrier dam at Connors Lake

July 1 - August 31

Cecile Creek (49.0447)

July 1 - February 28

Chopaka Creek (49.0357)

July 1 - February 28

Toats Coulee Creek (49.0368)

July 1 - February 28

Cougar Creek (49.0368)

July 1 - February 28

Siwash Creek (49.0284) - Falls to headwaters

July 1 - March 31

Siwash Creek (49.0284) - Mouth to falls at river mile 1.4

July 1 - February 28

Tonasket Creek (49.0501) - Mouth to Tonasket Falls at river mile 1.8

July 1 - February 28

Tonasket Creek (49.0501) - Upstream of Tonasket Falls at river mile 1.8

July 1 - March 31

Tunk Creek (49.0211) - Mouth to falls

July 1 - February 28

Tunk Creek (49.0211) - Upstream of falls

July 1 - March 31

San Poil River (52.0004)

June 16 - September 30

West Fork San Poil (52.0192)

June 16 - September 30

Gold Creek (52.0197)

June 16 - February 28

Toroda Creek (60.0410)

July 1 - September 30

Pacific County

August 1 - September 30

Bear River (24.0689)

August 1 - September 30

Bone River (24.0405)

August 1 - September 30

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190)

August 1 - August 15

Columbia River

See Below

Chinook River (24.MISC)

August 1 - September 30

Grays River (25.0093)

July 16 - September 15

Naselle River (24.0543)

August 1 - September 15

Nemah River (24.0460)

August 1 - September 30

Niawiakum River (24.0417)

August 1 - September 30

North River (24.0034)

August 1 - September 30

Palix River (24.0426)

August 1 - September 30

Willapa River (24.0251)

August 1 - September 30

Pend Oreille County

July 1 - August 31

Little Spokane River (55.0003)

August 1 - March 15

West Branch Little Spokane River (55.0439)

August 1 - March 15

Harvey Creek (62.0310) - Mouth to Rocky Fork of Harvey Creek

August 1 - August 31

Harvey Creek (62.0310) - Upstream of Rocky Fork of Harvey Creek

July 16 - February 28

Pend Oreille River (62.0002)

Submit Application

Big Muddy Creek (62.0279)

August 1 - March 15

Bracket Creek (62.0815)

August 1 - March 15

Calispel Creek (62.0628)

August 1 - August 31

Exposure Creek (62.0261)

August 1 - August 31

Kent Creek (62.0819)

August 1 - March 15

Le Clerc Creek (62.0415)

August 1 - August 31

Lime Creek (62.0014)

August 1 - March 15

Lodge Creek (62.0859)

August 1 - August 31

Lost Creek (62.0322)

August 1 - March 15

Marmust Creek (62.0842)

August 1 - March 15

Pee Wee Creek (62.0007) - Mouth to falls

August 1 - August 31

Pee Wee Creek (62.0007) - Upstream of falls

August 1 - March 15

Renshaw Creek (62.0310)

August 1 - March 15

Sullivan (O'Sullivan) Creek (62.0074)

August 1 - August 31

North Fork Sullivan Creek (62.0075)

August 1 - August 31

Tributaries of Deep Creek in Pend Oreille County (61.0195)

July 16 - August 15

Currant Creek (61.0249)

July 16 - August 15

Meadow Creek (61.0351)

July 16 - August 15

Rocky Creek (61.0364)

July 16 - August 15

Silver Creek (61.0195)

July 16 - August 15

Smackout Creek (61.0226)

July 16 - August 15

Pierce County

July 16 - August 31

Chambers/Clover Creek Watershed (12.MISC)

July 16 - September 30

Flett Creek (12.0009)

July 16 - October 31

Leach Creek (12.0008)

July 16 - September 30

Nisqually River (11.0008) - Mouth to Alder Lake

July 16 - August 31

Nisqually River (11.0008) - Upstream of Alder Lake

July 16 - September 30

Mashel River (11.0101) - Mouth to Busy Wild Creek

July 16 - September 30

Mashel River (11.0101) - Upstream of Busy Wild Creek

July 16 - September 30

Puyallup River (10.0021) - Mouth to PSE Electron Powerhouse Outfall

July 16 - August 31

Puyallup River (10.0021) - Upstream of PSE Electron Powerhouse Outfall

July 16 - August 15

Carbon River (10.0413)

July 16 - August 15

Cayada Creek (10.0525) - Mouth to falls about 800 feet upstream

July 16 - August 31

Cayada Creek (10.0525) - Upstream of the falls

January 1 - December 31

South Prairie Creek (10.0429)

July 16 - August 15

Voight Creek (10.0414) - Mouth to falls at river mile 4.0

July 16 - August 31

Voight Creek (10.0414) - Upstream of falls river mile 4.0

July 16 - February 28

White River (10.0031)

July 16 - August 15

Clearwater River (10.0080)

July 16 - August 15

Greenwater River (10.0122)

July 16 - August 15

Huckleberry Creek (10.0253)

July 16 - August 15

West Fork White River (10.0186)

July 16 - August 15

Sequalitchew Creek (12.0019)

July 16 - September 30

San Juan County

July 1 - August 31

Cascade Creek (02.0057), Orcas Island - Upstream of Lower Falls

July 1 - February 28

Cascade Creek (02.0057), Orcas Island, Buck Bay to falls located approximately 300 feet above mouth

July 1 - October 31

Doe Creek (02.MISC), San Juan Island, Westcott Bay to falls (approximately 250 feet from mouth)

June 16 - October 15

False Bay Creek (02.MISC) - San Juan Island; mouth to lake

July 1 - October 31

Glenwood Springs, Orcas Island; direct tributary to Eastsound Bay

July 1 - October 15

Moran Creek (02.MISC) - Orcas Island; from Cascade Lake delta upstream 1/4 mile

July 1 - October 15

Unnamed Creek (02.0041) - San Juan Island; mouth to lake

July 1 - October 15

Skagit County

August 1 - September 15

Granite Creek (04.2313) - Upstream of East Creek

July 16 - February 28

North Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0135) - Mouth to Squire Creek

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0135) - Squire Creek to Cascade Creek

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0135) - Upstream of Cascade Creek

July 16 - February 28

Samish River (03.0005)

August 1 - September 15

Skagit River (03.0176/04.0176)

Submit Application

Baker River (04.0435) - Mouth to Baker Dam

Submit Application

Cascade River (04.1411)

Submit Application

Day Creek (03.1435)

July 16 - February 28

Lookout Creek (04.1447)

July 16 - February 28

Sibley Creek (04.1481)

July 16 - February 28

Day Creek (03.0299) - Mouth to Rocky Creek

Submit Application

Day Creek (03.0299) - Upstream of Rocky Creek

August 1 - February 28

Finney Creek (04.0392) - Mouth to Big Fir Creek

Submit Application

Finney Creek (04.0392) - Upstream of Big Fir Creek

July 16 - February 28

Illabot Creek (04.1346)

Submit Application

Sauk River (04.0673) - Mouth to Forks

Submit Application

Sauk River (04.0673) - Upstream of Forks

August 1 - August 15

Suiattle River (04.0710)

Submit Application

Wiseman Creek (03.0280) - Mouth to SR20

Submit Application

Wiseman Creek (03.0280) - Upstream of SR20

July 16 - February 28

South Fork Nooksack River (01.0246) - Mouth to falls at river mile 30

Submit Application

South Fork Nooksack River (01.0246) - Falls at river mile 30 to Wanlick Creek

Submit Application

South Fork Nooksack River (01.0246) - Upstream of Wanlick Creek

Submit Application

Skamania County

July 15 - September 15

Columbia River

See Below

Cispus River (26.0668)

August 1 - August 15

Cispus River (26.0668) tributaries located in Skamania County

August 1 - October 31

East Fork Lewis River (27.0173) - Lucia Falls to Sunset Falls

August 1 - February 28

East Fork Lewis River (27.0173) - Upstream of Sunset Falls

August 1 - February 28

Green River (26.0323) (Tributary of North Fork Toutle River)

July 16 - September 30

Hamilton Creek (28.0303)

August 1 - August 31

Hardy Creek (28.0303)

August 1 - August 31

Little White Salmon River (29.0131) - Mouth to Hatchery

July 16 - August 15

Little White Salmon River (29.0131) - Hatchery to Cabbage Creek

July 16 - January 31

Little White Salmon River (29.0131) - Upstream of Cabbage Creek

July 16 - January 31

North Fork Lewis River (27.0168) - Merwin Dam to Lower Falls

July 16 - August 15

Canyon Creek (27.0442)

July 16 - February 28

North Fork Lewis River (27.0168) - Upstream of Lower Falls

July 16 - February 28

Washougal River (28.0159) - Mouth to Stebbins Creek

August 1 - August 31

Washougal River (28.0159) - Upstream of Stebbins Creek

August 1 - August 31

White Salmon River (29.0160) - Mouth to Cascade Creek

July 16 - August 15

White Salmon River (29.0160) - Upstream of Cascade Creek

July 16 - August 15

Wind River (29.0023)

August 1 - August 15

Woodward Creek (28.0298)

August 1 - August 31

Snohomish County

July 16 - September 15

Lake Washington tributaries

August 1 - August 15

Sauk River (04.0673) -Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 15

Sauk River (04.0673) -Upstream of Forks

August 1 - August 15

Suiattle River (04.0710)

August 1 - August 15

Snohomish River (07.0012) - Mouth to Highway 9

August 1 - October 31

Snohomish River (07.0012) - Upstream of Highway 9

August 1 - August 15

Pilchuck River (07.0125) - Mouth to city of Snohomish Diversion Dam

August 1 - August 31

Pilchuck River (07.0125) - City of Snohomish Diversion Dam to Boulder Creek

August 1 - September 15

Pilchuck River (07.0125) - Upstream of Boulder Creek

August 1 - September 15

Skykomish River (07.0012) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 15

Deer Creek (05.0173) - Mouth to stream mile 0.5

August 1 - August 31

Deer Creek (05.0173) - Upstream of stream mile 0.5

August 1 - February 28

North Fork Skykomish River (07.0982) - Mouth to Bear Creek Falls

August 1 - August 31

North Fork Skykomish River (07.0982) - Bear Creek Falls to Deer Falls

August 1 - August 31

North Fork Skykomish River (07.0982) - Deer Falls to West Cady Creek

August 1 - February 28

North Fork Skykomish River (07.0982) - Upstream of West Cady Creek

August 1 - February 28

Howard Creek (07.1042)

July 16 - February 28

Silver Creek (07.1053) - Mouth to Lake Gulch

August 1 - August 31

Silver Creek (07.1053) - Upstream of Lake Gulch

August 1 - February 28

Troublesome Creek (07.1085)

August 1 - February 28

West Fork Troublesome Creek (07.1092)

August 1 - August 31

South Fork Skykomish River (07.0012) - Mouth to Sunset Falls

August 1 - August 15

Beckler River (07.1413) - Mouth to Boulder Creek

August 1 - August 15

Beckler River (07.1413) - Upstream of Boulder Creek

July 16 - February 28

Rapid River (07.1461) - Mouth to Meadow Creek

August 1 - August 31

Rapid River (07.1461) - Upstream of Meadow Creek

August 1 - February 28

Sultan River (07.0881) - Mouth to Diversion Dam at river mile 9.4

August 1 - August 31

Sultan River (07.0881) - Diversion Dam to anadromous fish blockage at river mile 15.7 (0.7 river miles downstream from Culmback Dam)

August 1 - August 31

Sultan River (07.0881) anadromous fish blockage at river mile 15.7 (0.7 river miles downstream from Culmback Dam) to Elk Creek

July 16 - February 28

Sultan River (07.0881) - Upstream of Elk Creek

July 16 - February 28

Wallace River (07.0940) - Mouth to Wallace Falls

August 1 - August 31

Wallace River (07.0940) - Upstream of Wallace Falls

August 1 - February 28

Olney Creek (07.0946) - Mouth to Olney Falls

August 1 - August 31

Olney Creek (07.0946) - Upstream of Olney Falls

August 1 - February 28

Snoqualmie River Mouth to falls (07.0219)

August 1 - August 15

All other Snohomish River tributaries

August 1 - August 31

Stillaguamish River (05.0001) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 31

North Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0135) - Mouth to Squire Creek

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0135) - Squire Creek to Cascade Creek

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0135) - Upstream of Cascade Creek

July 16 - February 28

South Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0001) - Mouth to Deer Creek

August 1 - August 15

South Fork Stillaguamish River (05.0001) - Upstream of Deer Creek

August 1 - August 15

Spokane County

June 16 - August 31

Latah Creek (56.0003)

June 16 - August 31

Little Spokane River (55.0600) - Mouth to Deer Creek

June 16 - August 31

Little Spokane River (55.0600) - Upstream of Deer Creek

June 16 - August 31

Spokane River (57.0001)

June 16 - August 31

Stevens County

July 16 - August 31

Columbia River

See Below

Big Sheep Creek (61.0150)

July 16 - August 15

Colville River (59.0002) - Mouth to the falls

July 16 - September 30

Colville River (59.0002) - Upstream of the falls

July 16 - September 30

Deep Creek (61.0195)

July 16 - August 15

Onion Creek (61.0098)

July 16 - August 15

Sheep Creek (59.0861)

July 16 - September 30

Lake Roosevelt tributaries from the mouth of the Spokane River to mouth of the Colville River

July 16 - February 28

Lake Roosevelt tributaries from the mouth of the Colville River north to the B.C. border

July 16 - February 28

Tributaries of Little Spokane River (55.0600)

June 16 - August 31

Calispel Creek (62.0628)

August 1 - August 31

Other tributaries to the Pend Oreille River in Stevens County

July 1 - August 31

Thurston County

July 16 - September 15

Cedar Creek (23.0570)

August 1 - September 30

Chehalis River (22.0190/23.0190) - Upstream of Porter Creek

August 1 - August 15

Skookumchuck River (23.0761) - Mouth to Skoo-kumchuck Reservoir

August 1 - August 31

Skookumchuck River (23.0761) - Upstream of Skookumchuck Reservoir

August 1 - August 31

Deschutes River (13.0028) - Mouth to Deschutes Falls

July 16 - August 31

Deschutes River (13.0028) - Upstream of Deschutes Falls

July 16 - August 31

Ellis Creek (13.0022)

May 16 - September 30

Little Deschutes River (13.0110)

July 16 - February 28

McLane Creek (13.0138)

August 1 - October 31

Percival Creek (13.0029)

July 16 - August 31

Nisqually River (11.0008)

July 16 - August 31

Tributaries of Nisqually River (11.0008)

July 16 - August 31

Porter Creek (23.0543)

August 1 - September 30

Schneider Creek (14.0009)

August 1 - October 31

Waddell Creek (23.0677)

August 1 - September 30

Woodard Creek (13.0012)

July 16 - August 31

Woodland Creek (13.0006)

July 16 - September 30

Wahkiakum County

July 16 - September 15

Columbia River

See Below

Abernathy Creek (25.0297)

July 16 - September 15

Deep River (25.0011)

July 16 - September 15

Elochoman River (25.0236)

July 16 - September 15

Grays River (25.0093)

July 16 - September 15

Mill Creek (25.0284)

July 16 - September 15

Naselle River (24.0543)

July 16 - September 15

Skamokowa Creek (25.0194)

July 16 - September 15

Walla Walla County

July 16 - September 30

Walla Walla River (32.0008) - Mouth to Oregon state line

July 16 - September 15

Mill Creek (32.1436) - Mouth to Oregon state line

August 1 - August 15

Touchet River (32.0097) - Mouth to Forks

August 1 - August 15

North Fork Touchet/Wolf Fork (32.0761)

Submit Application

South Fork Touchet (32.0708)

Submit Application

Whatcom County

July 16 - August 15

Damfino Creek (00.0032)

July 16 - August 31

Nooksack River (01.0120)

Submit Application

Cascade Creek (02.0057) - Mouth to FR 37

Submit Application

Cascade Creek (02.0057) - Upstream of FR 37

July 16 - February 28

Middle Fork Nooksack River (01.0339) - Mouth to city of Bellingham Diversion Dam

Submit Application

Middle Fork Nooksack River (01.0339) - Upstream of city of Bellingham Diversion Dam

Submit Application

North Fork Nooksack River (01.0120) - Mouth to Nooksack Falls

Submit Application

North Fork Nooksack River (01.0120) - Upstream of Nooksack Falls

Submit Application

Barometer Creek (01.0513)

July 16 - February 28

Ruth Creek (01.0531)

July 16 - February 28

Swamp Creek (01.0518)

July 16 - February 28

Wells Creek (02.0057)

Submit Application

Bar Creek (01.0500)

July 16 - February 28

South Fork Nooksack (01.0246) - Mouth to Wan-lick Creek

Submit Application

South Fork Nooksack (01.0246) - Upstream of Wanlick Creek

Submit Application

Samish River (03.0005)

July 16 - August 15

Skagit River (03.0176/04.0176)

Submit Application

Baker River (04.0435) - Mouth to Baker Lake Dam (04.0435)

Submit Application

Baker River (04.0435) - Baker Lake to National Park boundary

Submit Application

Boulder Creek (04.0499)

July 16 - February 28

Park Creek (04.0506) - Mouth to fish passage barrier at river mile 1.6

Submit Application

Park Creek (04.0506) - Upstream of river mile 1.6

July 16 - February 28

Swift Creek (04.0509) - Mouth to Rainbow Creek

Submit Application

Swift Creek (04.0509) - Upstream of Rainbow Creek

July 16 - February 28

Ross Lake tributaries (03.0176/04.0176)

Submit Application

Ruby Creek (04.2199)

Submit Application

Canyon Creek (04.2458) - Mouth to Barron Creek

Submit Application

Canyon Creek (04.2458) - Upstream of Barron Creek and tributaries

October 1 - February 28

Barron Creek (04.2591)

October 1 - February 28

Boulder Creek (04.2478) - Mouth to 300 feet upstream

Submit Application

Boulder Creek (04.2478) - 300 feet upstream of mouth to headwaters

October 1 - February 28

Friday Creek (04.2549) - Mouth to 300 feet upstream

Submit Application

Friday Creek (04.2549) - 300 feet upstream of mouth to headwaters

October 1 - February 28

Holmes Creek (04.2473) - Mouth to 300 feet upstream

Submit Application

Holmes Creek (04.2473) - 300 feet upstream of mouth to headwaters

October 1 - February 28

Mill Creek (04.2504) - Mouth to 300 feet upstream

Submit Application

Mill Creek (04.2504) - 300 feet upstream of mouth to headwaters

October 1 - February 28

Nickol Creek (04.2476) - Mouth to 300 feet upstream

Submit Application

Nickol Creek (04.2476) - 300 feet upstream of mouth to headwaters

October 1 - February 28

North Fork Canyon Creek (04.2583) - Mouth to Elk Creek

Submit Application

Cascade Creek (05.2584)

October 1 - February 28

North Fork Canyon Creek (04.2583) - Upstream of Elk Creek

October 1 - February 28

Slate Creek (04.2557) - Mouth to falls at river mile 0.6

Submit Application

Slate Creek (04.2557) - Upstream of falls at river mile 0.6

October 1 - February 28

Granite Creek (04.2313) - Mouth to East Creek

Submit Application

Granite Creek (04.2313) - Upstream of East Creek and tributaries

October 1 - February 28

Saar Creek (00.0003)

August 1 - September 30

Silesia Creek (00.0042) - Canadian border to Middle Fork

July 16 - August 15

Silesia Creek (00.0042) - Middle Fork to National Park boundary

July 16 - February 28

Rapid Creek (00.0048)

July 16 - February 28

West Fork Silesia Creek (00.0044)

July 16 - February 28

Winchester Creek (00.0045)

July 16 - February 28

Whitman County

July 16 - December 15

Snake River (35.0002)

See Below

Alkali Flats Creek (35.0570)

July 16 - December 15

Almota Creek (35.1017)

July 16 - December 15

Little Almota Creek (35.1018)

July 16 - December 15

Palouse River (34.0003) - Mouth to Palouse Falls

July 16 - September 30

Palouse River (34.0003) - Upstream of Palouse Falls

July 16 - February 28

Penewawa Creek (35.0916)

July 16 - December 15

Wawawi Canyon Creek (35.1165)

July 16 - December 15

Yakima County

June 1 - September 15

Glade Creek (31.0851)

August 1 - September 30

Klickitat River (30.0002)

Submit Application

Yakima River (37.0002/38.0002/39.0002) - Mouth to Roza Dam

June 1 - September 15

Ahtanum Creek (37.1382)

June 16 - September 30

North Fork Ahtanum Creek (37.1382)

Submit Application

South Fork Ahtanum Creek (37.1382)

Submit Application

Naches River (38.0003) - Mouth to Tieton River

July 1 - October 15

Naches River (38.0003) - Upstream of mouth of Tieton River to Bumping River

July 1 - August 15

Bumping River (38.0998)

July 16 - August 15

American River (38.1000)

Submit Application

Gold Creek (38.MISC)

July 16 - February 28

Kettle Creek (38.1033)

Submit Application

Miner Creek (38.1027)

July 16 - February 28

Morse Creek (38.1072) - Mouth to SR410 crossing

August 1 - August 15

Morse Creek (38.1072) - Upstream of SR410 crossing

August 1 - February 28

Rock Creek (38.MISC)

July 16 - February 28

Timber Creek (38.1062)

August 1 - August 15

Union Creek (38.1045) - Upstream of 500 feet above falls

August 1 - February 28

Union Creek (38.1045) - Mouth to 500 feet above falls

Submit Application

Other American River tributaries not listed

August 1 - February 28

Deep Creek (38.MISC)

Submit Application

Copper Creek (38.MISC)

August 1 - August 15

Cowiche Creek (38.0005) - Mouth to South Fork Cowiche Creek

July 1 - September 30

North Fork Cowiche Creek (38.0008)

July 1 - February 28

South Fork Cowiche Creek (38.0031) - Mouth to Reynolds Creek

July 1 - September 30

South Fork Cowiche Creek (38.0031) - Upstream of Reynolds Creek

July 16 - October 31

Granite Creek (38.MISC)

August 1 - August 15

Little Naches River (38.0852) - Mouth to Matthews Creek

July 16 - August 15

Little Naches River (38.0852) - Upstream of Matthews Creek

July 16 - August 15

Crow Creek (38.0858)

July 16 - August 15

Nile Creek (38.0692)

July 16 - October 15

Rattlesnake Creek (38.0518)

July 16 - August 15

Tieton River (38.0166) - Mouth to Rimrock Dam

July 1 - August 31

North Fork Tieton River (38.0291) - Below Clear Lake Dam

Submit Application

North Fork Tieton River (38.0291) - Upstream of Clear Lake

July 1 - August 15

Clear Creek (38.0317)

July 16 - February 28

South Fork Tieton River (38.0374) - Below South Fork Falls

Submit Application

South Fork Tieton River (38.0374) - Upstream of South Fork Falls

July 16 - February 28

Indian Creek (38.0302)

Submit Application

Tributaries of Tieton River below Rimrock Dam

July 16 - February 28

Umtanum Creek (39.0553)

July 16 - September 30

Wenas Creek (39.0032)

July 16 - October 15

Other Yakima River tributaries

July 16 - August 31

Columbia River


Mouth to the I-205 Bridge

August 1 - March 31

I-205 Bridge to Bonneville Dam

July 16 - September 15

Bonneville Dam to Snake River

July 16 - February 28

Snake River to Priest Rapids Dam

July 16 - September 30

Priest Rapids Dam to Mouth of Crab Creek

July 16 - February 28

Mouth of Crab Creek to Wanapum Dam

July 16 - September 30

Wanapum Dam to the SR 285 bridge in South Wenatchee

July 16 - February 28

SR 285 bridge in South Wenatchee to the SR 2 bridge

July 16 - September 30

SR 2 bridge to one mile downstream of the Chelan River

July 16 - February 28

From one mile downstream of the Chelan River to the SR 97 bridge

July 16 - September 30

From SR 97 bridge to Chief Joseph Dam

July 16 - February 28

Chief Joseph Dam to Grand Coulee Dam

June 16 - March 31

Grand Coulee Dam to Canadian border

Submit Application

All Columbia River tributaries

See County Listings

Snake River


Mouth to Ice Harbor Dam

July 16 - September 30

Ice Harbor Dam to Mouth of Clearwater River

July 16 - March 31

Mouth of Clearwater River to state line

August 1 - August 31

All Snake River tributaries

See County Listings


Submit Application

Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound, Hood Canal

Submit Application

Ocean beaches within the Seashore Conservation Area established under RCW 79A.05.605

January 1 - December 31

All waters within Indian tribal reservation, National Park, state park, or wilderness boundaries, except those within the Seashore Conservation Area established under RCW 79A.05.605

Submit Application

Wash. Admin. Code § 220-660-300

Adopted by WSR 15-02-029, Filed 12/30/2014, effective 7/1/2015
Amended by WSR 18-10-054, Filed 4/27/2018, effective 6/1/2018
Amended by WSR 19-12-126, Filed 6/5/2019, effective 11/1/2019
Amended by WSR 21-09-066, Filed 4/19/2021, effective 5/20/2021