Wash. Admin. Code § 182-550-2650

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 182-550-2650 - Base community psychiatric hospitalization payment method for medicaid and CHIP clients and nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients
(1) Effective for dates of admission from July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2007, and in accordance with legislative directive, the agency implemented two separate base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rates, one for medicaid and children's health insurance program (CHIP) clients and one for nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients. Effective for dates of admission on and after July 1, 2007, the base community psychiatric hospitalization payment method for medicaid and CHIP clients and nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients is no longer used. (For the purpose of this section, a "nonmedicaid or non-CHIP client" is defined as a client eligible under the medical care services (MCS) program, as determined by the agency.)
(a) The medicaid base community psychiatric hospital payment rate is a minimum per diem for claims for psychiatric services provided to medicaid and CHIP covered patients, paid to hospitals that accept commitments under the Involuntary Treatment Act (ITA).
(b) The nonmedicaid base community psychiatric hospital payment rate is a minimum allowable per diem for claims for psychiatric services provided to indigent patients paid to hospitals that accept commitments under the ITA.
(2) For the purposes of this section, "allowable" means the calculated allowed amount for payment based on the payment method before adjustments, deductions, or add-ons.
(3) To be eligible for payment under the base community psychiatric hospitalization payment method:
(a) A client's inpatient psychiatric voluntary hospitalization must:
(i) Be medically necessary as defined in WAC 182-5000070. In addition, the agency considers medical necessity to be met when:
(A) Ambulatory care resources available in the community do not meet the treatment needs of the client;
(B) Proper treatment of the client's psychiatric condition requires services on an inpatient basis under the direction of a physician;
(C) The inpatient services can be reasonably expected to improve the client's condition or prevent further regression so that the services will no longer be needed; and
(D) The client, at the time of admission, is diagnosed as having an emotional/behavioral disturbance as a result of a mental disorder as defined in the current published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The agency does not consider withdrawal management to be psychiatric in nature.
(ii) Be approved by the professional in charge of the hospital or hospital unit.
(iii) Be authorized by the appropriate division of behavioral health and recovery (DBHR) designee prior to admission for covered diagnoses.
(iv) Meet the criteria in WAC 182-550-2600.
(b) A client's inpatient psychiatric involuntary hospitalization must:
(i) Be in accordance with the admission criteria in chapters 71.05 and 71.34 RCW.
(ii) Be certified by a DBHR designee.
(iii) Be approved by the professional in charge of the hospital or hospital unit.
(iv) Be prior authorized by the agency or the agency's designee.
(v) Meet the criteria in WAC 182-550-2600.
(4) Payment for all claims is based on covered days within a client's approved length of stay (LOS), subject to client eligibility and agency-covered services.
(5) The medicaid base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rate applies only to a medicaid or CHIP client admitted to a nonstate-owned free-standing psychiatric hospital located in Washington state.
(6) The nonmedicaid base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rate applies only to a nonmedicaid or CHIP client admitted to a hospital:
(a) Designated by the agency as an ITA-certified hospital; or
(b) That has an agency-certified ITA bed that was used to provide ITA services at the time of the nonmedicaid or non-CHIP admission.
(7) For inpatient hospital psychiatric services provided to eligible clients for dates of admission on and after July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2007, the agency pays:
(a) A hospital's department of health (DOH)-certified distinct psychiatric unit as follows:
(i) For medicaid and CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using the agency-specific nondiagnosis related group (DRG) payment method.
(ii) For nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients, the allowable for inpatient hospital psychiatric services is the greater of:
(A) The state-administered program DRG allowable (including the high cost outlier allowable, if applicable), or the agency-specified non-DRG payment method if no relative weight exists for the DRG in the agency's payment system; or
(B) The nonmedicaid base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rate multiplied by the covered days.
(b) A hospital without a DOH-certified distinct psychiatric unit as follows:
(i) For medicaid and CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using:
(A) The DRG payment method; or
(B) The agency-specified non-DRG payment method if no relative weight exists for the DRG in the agency's payment system.
(ii) For nonmedicaid and CHIP clients, the allowable for inpatient hospital psychiatric services is the greater of:
(A) The state-administered program DRG allowable (including the high cost outlier allowable, if applicable), or the agency-specified non-DRG payment method if no relative weight exists for the DRG in the agency's payment system; or
(B) The nonmedicaid base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rate multiplied by the covered days.
(c) A nonstate-owned free-standing psychiatric hospital as follows:
(i) For medicaid and CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using as the allowable, the greater of:
(A) The ratio of costs-to-charges (RCC) allowable; or
(B) The medicaid base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rate multiplied by covered days.
(ii) For nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid the same as for medicaid and CHIP clients, except the base community inpatient psychiatric hospital payment rate is the nonmedicaid rate, and the RCC allowable is the state-administered program RCC allowable.
(d) A hospital, or a distinct psychiatric unit of a hospital, that is participating in the certified public expenditure (CPE) payment program, as follows:
(i) For medicaid and CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using the methods identified in WAC 182-550-4650.
(ii) For nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using the methods identified in WAC 182-550-4650 in conjunction with the nonmedicaid base community psychiatric hospitalization payment rate multiplied by covered days.
(e) A hospital, or a distinct psychiatric unit of a hospital, that is participating in the critical access hospital (CAH) program, as follows:
(i) For medicaid and CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using the agency-specified non-DRG payment method.
(ii) For nonmedicaid and non-CHIP clients, inpatient hospital psychiatric services are paid using the agency-specified non-DRG payment method.

Wash. Admin. Code § 182-550-2650

Amended by WSR 14-16-019, Filed 7/24/2014, effective 8/24/2014
Amended by WSR 16-06-053, Filed 2/24/2016, effective 4/1/2016
Amended by WSR 21-15-128, Filed 7/21/2021, effective 8/21/2021

11-14-075, recodified as §182-550-2650, filed 6/30/11, effective 7/1/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.500. 07-14-053, § 388-550-2650, filed 6/28/07, effective 8/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 2005 c 518, § 204, Part II. 07-06-043, § 388-550-2650, filed 3/1/07, effective 4/1/07.