Career guidance specialists must meet the following requirements in addition to those set forth in WAC 181-79A-150(1) and (2) and 181-79A-155:
Certificates under this section are renewed under chapter 181-79A WAC. At least fifteen continuing education credit hours must be related to the knowledge and skills areas listed in subsection (2) (b) of this section.
Holders of expired one-year occupational information specialist, or one-year career and technical education counselor certificates, may apply for the initial career guidance specialist certificate, and will be considered to have met the requirements to obtain an initial career guidance specialist certificate with completion of one hundred continuing education credit hours within the previous five years from the date of the renewal application.
These holders of expired one-year certificates must present evidence to the superintendent of public instruction of completing the continuing education credit hours within the five years prior to the date of the renewal application.
Holders of expired three-year or five-year occupational information specialist, or three-year or five-year career and technical education counselor certificates, may apply for the initial career guidance specialist certificate, and will be considered to have met the requirements to obtain an initial career guidance specialist certificate with completion of one hundred continuing education credit hours within the previous five years from the date of the renewal application.
These holders of expired three-year or five-year certificates must present evidence to the superintendent of public instruction of completing the continuing education credit hours within the five years prior to the date of the renewal application.
Wash. Admin. Code § 181-77-081