Section 173-517-120 - Conservation standardEcology has determined that a conservation standard for new permit-exempt withdrawals authorized under RCW 90.44.050 is necessary to conserve available water and protect instream resources.
(1) For the purposes of this chapter the conservation standard for permit-exempt withdrawals is defined as follows: (a) Water use from a permit-exempt well must be consistent with Jefferson County or Clallam County code, as applicable, and other applicable laws, including the statute on permit exemptions, RCW 90.44.050, and this rule.(b) A permit-exempt well serving an individual user shall not exceed a maximum of 500 gpd or an annual average more than 350 gpd, for all permit-exempt uses authorized under RCW 90.44.050.(c) A well serving a group domestic system shall not exceed a maximum use of 500 gpd or an annual average more than 350 gpd, for each residence, and shall not exceed a total use of 5,000 gpd for the group. The design and construction of group domestic systems must be consistent with applicable state department of health requirements and applicable Jefferson County or Clallam County requirements.(2) New permit-exempt well use exceeding 500 gpd for an individual use, including individual uses associated with a group domestic withdrawal, may occur provided all of the following are met: (a) Water use greater than 500 gpd must be offset through implementation of an approved mitigation plan as described in WAC 173-517-030(12). If monitoring of a mitigation plan shows the mitigation is not effective, departmental approval of the mitigation plan shall be suspended and the water use shall cease until the department approves a new or revised mitigation plan; and(b) Total water use shall not exceed 5,000 gpd.(3) New permit-exempt withdrawals must measure water use in accordance with WAC 173-517-180.Wash. Admin. Code § 173-517-120
Statutory Authority: Chapters 90.54, 90.22, 90.82, 90.03, and 90.44 RCW. 09-24-080 (Order 04-02), § 173-517-120, filed 11/30/09, effective 12/31/09.