Wash. Admin. Code § 173-434-170

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-434-170 - Monitoring and reporting

The owners or operators of each incinerator facility shall conduct routine monitoring of emissions in accordance with a program that has been approved by ecology or the authority. The program must contain quality control and quality assurance procedures.

(1) Monitoring.
(a) The owners or operators shall install, operate, and maintain continuous monitors and recorders for the following:
(i) Opacity;
(ii) Combustion zone temperature;
(iii) Particulate control device temperature;
(iv) Hydrogen chloride and/or sulfur dioxide;
(v) Oxygen;
(vi) Carbon monoxide;
(vii) Combustion air distribution.
(b) The monitors for sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen shall comply with EPA performance specifications and quality assurance and control criteria in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix B and Appendix F respectively, in effect on July 1, 2003.
(c) The monitor for opacity shall comply with EPA performance specifications and quality assurance and control criteria in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix B in effect on July 1, 2003, and EPA-340/1-86-010, Recommended Quality Assurance Procedure for Opacity Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems.
(2) Reporting. Results of the monitoring shall be reported within fifteen days of the end of each calendar month and shall include but may not be limited to data such as:
(a) The average daily maximum and the daily maximum concentration of each monitored pollutant and the daily amount of solid waste burned.
(b) The date, time, and magnitude of any periods during which the standards were exceeded, and what corrective action was or will be taken.
(c) Any period(s) of monitor down time.
(3) Testing. The owners or operators shall conduct emission tests for particulate, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride on a regular basis. These tests may be used to determine acceptable operating parameters. Testing shall be at least annually for incinerator facilities capable of burning two hundred fifty tons or more of solid waste per day and biennially for other facilities.
(4) Other data. Each owner or operator shall furnish upon request by ecology or the authority, other data required to evaluate the incinerator's emissions or emissions control program.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-434-170

Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331 and 70.94.510. 04-01-159 (Order 02-05), § 173-434-170, filed 12/22/03, effective 1/22/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331. 90-19-062 (Order 90-10), § 173-434-170, filed 9/17/90, effective 10/18/90. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 87-07-041 (Order 86-38), § 173-434-170, filed 3/16/87.