Wash. Admin. Code § 173-410-040

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-410-040 - Emission standards

In addition to the general applicability of chapters 173-400 and 173-490 WAC to all emission sources; no sulfite pulping mill shall cause or permit air contaminant emissions in excess of the limits listed below. Specific emission standards listed in this chapter will take precedence over the general emission standards of chapter 173-400 WAC.

(1) Sulfur dioxide.
(a) The total average daily emissions from a sulfite pulping mill, or a portion of a sulfite pulping mill which practices incineration of the spent sulfite liquor, shall not exceed ten grams of sulfur dioxide per kilogram (twenty pounds per ton) of air dried, unbleached pulp produced.
(b) The total average daily emissions from a sulfite pulping mill, or a portion of a sulfite pulping mill that does not incinerate the spent sulfite liquor, shall not exceed two grams of sulfur dioxide per kilogram (four pounds per ton) of air dried, unbleached pulp produced.
(c) The blow system emissions shall not exceed 0.1 grams of sulfur dioxide per minute, on a fifteen minute average, per kilogram (0.2 pounds per ton) of air dried, unbleached pulp discharged from the digester.
(d) Emissions from the recovery system and acid plant shall not exceed 800 ppm of sulfur dioxide for any hourly average.
(e) Emissions from recovery systems constructed after January 24, 1972, shall not exceed 300 ppm of sulfur dioxide for any hourly average.
(f) Emissions from any emissions unit, other than a recovery system, a blow system or an acid plant, shall not exceed 1000 ppm of sulfur dioxide, corrected to seven percent oxygen in the case of combustion unit, for any hourly average.
(2) Particulate.
(a) Emissions of particulate from recovery systems constructed before January 24, 1972, shall not exceed 0.23 grams per dry cubic meter of exhaust at standard conditions (0.10 grains/dscf) corrected to eight percent oxygen.
(b) Emissions of particulate matter from recovery systems constructed after January 24, 1972, shall not exceed 0.14 grams per dry cubic meter of exhaust at standard conditions (0.06 grains/dscf) corrected to eight percent oxygen.
(c) The emission of particulates from emissions units other than acid plants or recovery systems shall not exceed the following maximums:
(i) 0.46 grams per dry cubic meter at standard conditions (0.2 grains/dscf) corrected to seven percent oxygen, for units which combust wood and wood residue to produce steam and which commenced construction prior to January 1, 1983.
(ii) 0.12 grams per dry cubic meter at standard conditions (0.05 grains/dscf) corrected to seven percent oxygen, for units which combust fuel other than wood and wood residue to produce steam, and which commenced construction after January 1, 1983.
(iii) 0.23 grams per dry cubic meter at standard conditions (0.1 grains/dscf) corrected to seven percent oxygen in the case of combustion units, for units not classified under (c) (i) or (ii) of this subsection.
(3) Opacity.
(a) No person shall cause or allow the emission of a plume from a recovery system or acid plant which has an average opacity greater than thirty-five percent, for more than six consecutive minutes in any sixty minute period.
(b) Visible emissions from units other than acid plants or recovery systems shall comply with WAC 173-400-040(2), except when an alternative opacity limit established under WAC 173-400-081 or 173-400-082 is applicable.
(4) Operation and maintenance. At all times, including periods of abnormal operations and upset conditions, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any affected facility, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to ecology which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source.
(5) No recovery system shall emit total reduced sulfur (TRS) gases in excess of 17.5 ppm for a daily average.
(6) More restrictive limits. Ecology may set more restrictive emissions limits than the specific limits set in this chapter (after public involvement and hearing), if there is reason to believe that the emission(s) from a source is a cause of public nuisance or a cause of violation of ambient air quality standards. The source shall, within ninety days from notification of the more restrictive limits, achieve operation that will prevent further recurrence of the nuisance or violation.
(7) Source testing. To demonstrate compliance with this chapter, the provisions of WAC 173-400-105 shall apply to all sources to which this chapter is applicable.
(8) Alternative emission limitation. An owner or operator may request an alternative emission limitation (as defined in WAC 173-400-030) under:
(a) WAC 173-400-081 for an action covered under a notice of construction application; or
(b) WAC 173-400-082 for a permit modification.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-410-040

Amended by WSR 19-10-028, Filed 4/23/2019, effective 5/24/2019

Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 91-05-064 (Order 90-06), § 173-410-040, filed 2/19/91, effective 3/22/91. Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.21A and 70.94 RCW. 83-09-036 (Order DE 83-13), § 173-410-040, filed 4/15/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331 and 70.94.395. 80-11-061 (Order DE 80-16), § 173-410-040, filed 8/20/80.