Wash. Admin. Code § 173-360A-0320

Current through Register Vol. 24-12, June 15, 2024
Section 173-360A-0320 - Upgrade requirements for existing UST systems

By December 22, 1998, owners and operators of existing UST systems were required to meet the performance standards for new UST systems in WAC 173-360A-0310 or the upgrade requirements in this section. Existing UST systems not meeting this requirement must be permanently closed in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0810 unless the tanks meet the requirements of this section and an upgrade is determined to be appropriate by the department. This section does not apply to previously deferred UST systems.

(a) The upgrades specified in this section must be performed by or under the direct supervision of a service provider certified in accordance with Part 9 of this chapter.
(b) The upgrades specified in this section must be reported to the department within thirty days using the applicable checklist provided by the department. The checklist must be completed by the service provider.
(c) Records of upgrades completed after October 1, 2018, must be maintained until the UST system is permanently closed or undergoes a change-in-service.
(a)Corrosion protection of metal tanks. Metal tanks must be upgraded to meet one of the following requirements in accordance with a code of practice:
(i)Internal lining. A tank may be upgraded by internal lining if:
(A) The lining is installed in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0490; and
(B) Within ten years after lining, and every five years thereafter, the lined tank is internally inspected in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0440 and found to be structurally sound with the lining still performing in accordance with original design specifications, unless cathodic protection is also installed within ten years of lining the tank, as specified in (a)(iii) of this subsection. If the internal lining is no longer performing in accordance with original design specifications and cannot be repaired in accordance with a code of practice, then the lined tank must be permanently closed in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0810.
(ii)Cathodic protection. A tank may be upgraded by cathodic protection if the cathodic protection system meets the requirements in WAC 173-360A-0310(3)(b)(ii) and (iii) and the integrity of the tank is ensured using one of the following methods:
(A) The tank is internally inspected and assessed to ensure that the tank is structurally sound and free of corrosion holes before the cathodic protection system is installed;
(B) The tank has been installed or internally lined for less than ten years and is monitored monthly for releases in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0630 or 173-360A-0655 through 173-360A-0675;
(C) The tank has been installed or internally lined for less than ten years and is assessed for corrosion holes by conducting two tightness tests that meet the requirements in WAC 173-360A-0635. The first tightness test must be conducted before the cathodic protection system is installed. The second tightness test must be conducted between three and six months following the first operation of the cathodic protection system; or
(D) The tank is assessed for corrosion holes by a method that is determined by the department to prevent releases in a manner that is no less protective of human health and the environment than (a)(ii)(A) through (C) of this subsection.
(iii)Internal lining combined with cathodic protection. A tank may be upgraded by both internal lining and cathodic protection if:
(A) The lining is installed in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0490; and
(B) The cathodic protection system is installed within ten years of the tank being lined and meets the requirements in WAC 173-360A-0310(3)(b)(ii) and (iii).
(b)Corrosion protection of metal tanks - Codes of practice. The following codes of practice may have been used to meet the requirements in (a) of this subsection:
(i) American Petroleum Institute, Standard 1631, "Recommended Practice for the Interior Lining of Existing Steel Underground Storage Tanks";
(ii) National Leak Prevention Association, Standard 631, "Spill Prevention, Minimum 10 Year Life Extension of Existing Steel Underground Tanks by Lining without the Addition of Cathodic Protection";
(iii) National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Recommended Practice 0285, "Control of External Corrosion on Metallic Buried, Partially Buried, or Submerged Liquid Storage Systems";
(iv) American Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practice 1632, "Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems"; or
(v) Steel Tank Institute, Publication F894-91, "Specifications for External Corrosion Protection FRP Composite Underground Steel Storage Tanks."
(c)Corrosion protection of metal piping. Metal piping routinely containing regulated substances and in contact with the ground must be cathodically protected in accordance with a code of practice and meet the requirements of WAC 173-360A-0310(3)(b)(ii) and (iii). The codes of practice listed in WAC 173-360A-0310(2)(a)(iv) may be used to meet this requirement.
(d)Secondary containment of tanks and piping. Tanks and piping that are part of a hazardous substance UST system must meet the secondary containment requirements in WAC 173-360A-0310(4) and (5).
(e)Spill and overfill prevention equipment. UST systems filled by transfers of more than twenty-five gallons at one time must meet the spill and overfill prevention requirements in WAC 173-360A-0310(7) and (8).
(f)Release detection equipment. Release detection equipment must meet the performance standards in Part 6 of this chapter.
(g)Compatibility. UST systems must meet the compatibility requirements in WAC 173-360A-0350.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-360A-0320

Adopted by WSR 18-15-083, Filed 7/18/2018, effective 10/1/2018