Wash. Admin. Code § 173-303-910

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-303-910 - Petitions
(1) General petitions.
(a) Any person may petition the department to modify or revoke any provision in this chapter. This subsection sets forth general requirements which apply to all such petitions. The remaining subsections of this section describe additional requirements for specific types of petitions.
(b) Each petition must be submitted to the department by certified mail and must include:
(i) The petitioner's name and address;
(ii) A statement of the petitioner's interest in the proposed action;
(iii) A description of the proposed action, including (where appropriate) suggested regulatory language; and
(iv) A statement of the need and justification for the proposed action, including any supporting tests, studies, or other information.
(c) The department will make a tentative decision to grant or deny the petition and give public notice of the tentative decision in writing. The notice will be distributed to interested persons on a mailing list developed specifically for petitions and persons expressing interest in amendments to this chapter. The public comment period will be a minimum of twenty-one days.
(d) Upon the written request of any interested person, the director may, at his discretion, hold a conference to consider oral comments on the action proposed in the petition. A person requesting a conference must state the issues to be raised and explain why written comments would not suffice to communicate the person's views. The director may in any case decide on his own motion to hold a conference.
(e) After evaluating all public comments the department will make a final decision in accordance with RCW 34.05.-330 or 34.05.240. The department will either deny the petition in writing (stating its reasons for denial), or grant the petition and, when appropriate, initiate rule-making proceedings in accordance with RCW 34.05.330.
(2) Petitions for equivalent testing or analytical methods.
(a) Any person seeking to add a testing or analytical method to WAC 173-303-110 may petition for a regulatory amendment under this section. To be successful, the person must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the proposed method is equal to or superior to the corresponding method prescribed in WAC 173-303-110, in terms of its sensitivity, accuracy, and precision (i.e., reproducibil-ity).
(b) Each petition must include, in addition to the information required by subsection (1) of this section:
(i) A full description of the proposed method, including all procedural steps and equipment used in the method;
(ii) A description of the types of wastes or waste matrices for which the proposed method may be used;
(iii) Comparative results obtained from using the proposed method with those obtained from using the relevant or corresponding methods prescribed in WAC 173-303-110;
(iv) An assessment of any factors which may interfere with, or limit the use of, the proposed method; and
(v) A description of the quality control procedures necessary to ensure the sensitivity, accuracy and precision of the proposed method.
(c) After receiving a petition for an equivalent testing or analytical method, the department may request any additional information on the proposed method which it may reasonably require to evaluate the proposal.
(d) If the department amends the regulations to permit use of a new testing method, the method will be incorporated at WAC 173-303-110(3) and in a document which will be available from the department.
(3) Petitions for exempting dangerous wastes from a particular generator. Note that a generator must also petition the U.S. EPA to exempt their waste if it is a federally listed waste.
(a) Any generator seeking to exempt his dangerous waste may petition the department for exemption from the requirements of WAC 173-303-070 through 173-303-100.
(b) To be successful, the generator must make the demonstrations required in WAC 173-303-072(3) and, where applicable, (4).
(c) Each petition must include, in addition to the information required by subsection (1) of this section:
(i) The name and address of the laboratory facility performing the sampling or tests of the waste;
(ii) The names and qualifications of the persons sampling and testing the waste;
(iii) The dates of sampling and testing;
(iv) The location of the generating facility;
(v) A description of the manufacturing processes or other operations and feed materials producing the waste and an assessment of whether such processes, operations, or feed materials can or might produce a waste that is not covered by the demonstration;
(vi) A description of the waste and an estimate of the average and maximum monthly and annual quantities of waste covered by the demonstration;
(vii) Pertinent data on and discussion of the factors delineated in WAC 173-303-072(3) and, where applicable, (4);
(viii) A description of the methodologies and equipment used to obtain the representative samples;
(ix) A description of the sample handling and preparation techniques, including techniques used for extraction, containerization and preservation of the samples;
(x) A description of the tests performed (including results);
(xi) The names and model numbers of the instruments used in performing the tests and the date of the last calibration for instruments which must be calibrated according to manufacturer's instructions; and
(xii) The following statement signed by the generator of the waste or his authorized representative:

I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this demonstration and all attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

(d) After receiving a petition for a dangerous waste exemption, the department may request any additional information which it may reasonably require to evaluate the petition.
(e) An exemption will only apply to the waste generated by the particular generator covered by the demonstration and will not apply to waste from any other generator.
(f) The department may exempt only part of the waste for which the demonstration is submitted where there is reason to believe that variability of the waste justifies a partial exemption.
(g) The department may (but will not be required to) grant a temporary exemption before making a final decision under subsection (1) of this section, whenever it finds that there is a substantial likelihood that an exemption will be finally granted.
(h) Any waste for which an exemption is sought will remain designated and be subject to the applicable requirements of this chapter until the generator of the waste is notified by the department that his waste is exempt.
(4) Petition for exclusion.
(a) Any generators seeking exclusion of a class of similar or identical wastes under WAC 173-303-071, excluded categories of waste, may petition the department for exclusion. To be successful, the generator(s) must make the demonstrations required in WAC 173-303-072(6) for all those wastes generated in the state which might be excluded pursuant to granting a petition submitted under this subsection. No class of wastes will be excluded if any of the wastes are regulated as hazardous waste under 40 C.F.R. Part 261.
(b) Each petition for exclusion must include the information required by subsections (1) and (3)(c) of this section and any other information required by the department.
(c) After receiving a petition for exclusion, the department may request any additional information it deems necessary to evaluate the petition.
(5) Petition for designation change. The provisions of (a)(i) of this subsection do not apply to any dangerous waste which is also designated as a hazardous waste under 40 C.F.R. Part 261, Subpart D.
(a) A generator may petition the department to change the designation of his waste as follows:
(i) A waste which is designated only for toxicity pursuant to WAC 173-303-100 but which is toxic solely because it is highly acidic or basic (i.e., due to high or low pH) may be subject only to the requirements for corrosive dangerous wastes, provided that the generator can demonstrate this fact to the department's satisfaction through information provided under (b) of this subsection; and
(ii) A waste which is designated EHW may be redesignated DW, provided that the generator can demonstrate that such redesignation is appropriate through information provided under (b) of this subsection.
(b) A petition under this subsection must include:
(i) The information required by subsections (1) and (3) (c) of this section; and
(ii) Such other information as required by the department.
(c) A designation change under this subsection will become effective only after the department has approved the change and notified the generator of such approval.
(6) Petitions to allow land disposal of a waste restricted under WAC 173-303-140.
(a) Any person seeking a land disposal restriction exemption allowed under WAC 173-303-140(6) must submit a petition to the department. The petition must include the following general information:
(i) The petitioner's name and address;
(ii) A statement of the petitioner's interest in the proposed action;
(iii) A description of the proposed action;
(iv) A statement of the need and justification for the proposed action;
(v) An identification of the specific waste and the specific land disposal unit for which the exemption is desired;
(vi) A waste analysis to describe fully the chemical and physical characteristics of the subject waste. All waste and environmental sampling, test, and analysis data must be accurate and reproducible to the extent that state-of-the-art techniques allow; and
(vii) A quality assurance and quality control plan that addresses all sampling and testing aspects of the information provided in the petition.
(b) In addition to the general information requirements in subsection (a) of this section, the following specific information must be provided in the petition for individual case-by-case exemptions.
(i) Petition for land disposal exemption for treatment residuals. Petitions for exemption of treatment residuals, as allowed under WAC 173-303-140(6)(a), must:
(A) Provide the type of waste management or treatment method applied to the waste and the rationale for selecting this method as the best achievable management method; and
(B) Document that the land disposal of the treatment residual would not pose a greater risk to public health and the environment than land disposal of the original wastes, including an analysis of the treatment residuals to fully describe their chemical and physical characteristics; and
(C) Provide the management alternatives for the treatment residuals and the factors which, if an exemption is not granted, would prevent the utilization of the best achievable management method for the original dangerous waste.
(ii) Petition for economic hardship exemption. Petitions for exemption on the basis of economic hardship, as allowed under WAC 173-303-140(6)(b), must:
(A) Supply the current management costs and the projected management costs to comply with the requirements of WAC 173-303-140; and
(B) Provide the source of information utilized in determining the economic estimates; and
(C) Provide a discussion of how the projected compliance costs would impose an unreasonable economic burden.
(iii) Petition for leachable inorganic waste exemption. Petitions for exemption of leachable inorganic wastes, as allowed under WAC 173-303-140(6)(c), must:
(A) Provide information demonstrating that the stabilization of the dangerous waste is less protective of public health and the environment than landfilling; or
(B) Provide a list of stabilization facilities that could accept the dangerous waste and information demonstrating that they do not have available capacity to stabilize the waste; or
(C) Provide information describing the types of stabilization utilized which did not reduce the solubility and mobility of the dangerous waste constituents and describe any other stabilization methods that have been considered but not utilized.
(iv) Petition for organic/carbonaceous waste exemption. Petitions for exemption of organic/carbonaceous wastes, as allowed under WAC 173-303-140(6)(c), must:
(A) Provide information demonstrating that recycling, treatment and incineration facilities are unavailable for the waste, including a map marked both with the point of waste generation and the point(s) of the nearest treatment, recycling and incineration facility(s) that could manage the dangerous waste; or
(B) Provide information demonstrating that the alternative management methods for organic/carbonaceous waste are less protective of public health and the environment than stabilization and landfilling; or
(C) Provide information demonstrating that:
(I) Recycling and treatment facilities are unavailable for the waste, including a map marked both with the point of waste generation and the point(s) of the nearest treatment, recycling and incineration facility(s) that could manage the dangerous waste; and
(II) The organic/carbonaceous waste has a heat content less than 3,000 BTU/LB or a moisture content greater than sixty-five percent.
(c) Each petition must include the following statement signed by the petitioner or an authorized representative:

I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this petition and all attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

(d) Each petition must be submitted to:

Department of Ecology

HWTR Program

Attn Land Disposal Exemption

P.O. Box 47600 Olympia,

WA 98504-7600

(e) After receiving a petition, the department may request any additional information that reasonably may be required to evaluate the petition and accompanying demonstration, such as a comprehensive characterization of the disposal unit site including an analysis of background air, soil, and water quality. Simulation models must be calibrated for the specific waste and site conditions, and verified for accuracy by comparison with actual measurements.
(i) The department will make a tentative decision to grant or deny the petition and give public notice of the tentative decision in writing. The notice will be distributed to interested persons on a mailing list developed specifically for petitions and persons expressing interest in amendments to this chapter. The public comment period will be a minimum of twenty-one days.
(ii) Upon the written request of any interested person, the department may, at its discretion, hold a conference to consider oral comments on the action proposed in the petition. A person requesting a conference must state the issues to be raised and explain why written comments would not suffice to communicate the person's views. The department may in any case decide on its own motion to hold a conference.
(iii) After evaluating all public comments the department will make a final decision in accordance with RCW 34.05.240 or 34.05.330. The department will either deny the petition in writing (stating its reasons for denial), or grant the petition.
(g) Prior to the department's decision, the applicant is required to comply with all restrictions on land disposal under WAC 173-303-140. The department should respond to a petition within ninety days.
(h) If an exemption is granted, the department may include specific conditions as deemed necessary by the department to protect public health and the environment.
(i) If granted, the exemption will apply to land disposal of the specific restricted waste at the individual disposal unit described in the petition and accompanying demonstration. The exemption will not apply to any other restricted waste at that disposal unit, nor will it apply to that specific restricted waste at any other disposal unit.
(j) If an exemption is granted, the department may withdraw the exemption on the following bases:
(i) If there is a threat to public health and the environment; or
(ii) If there is migration of dangerous waste constituents from the land disposal unit or site for as long as the waste remains dangerous; or
(iii) If the department finds reason to believe that the information submitted in a petition is inaccurate or has been falsified such that the petition should have been denied.
(k) The term of an exemption granted under this subsection will be established by the department at the time of issuance.
(l) Any exemption granted by the department does not relieve the petitioner of his responsibilities in the management of dangerous waste under chapter 173-303 WAC.
(m) The department may (but will not be required to) grant a temporary exemption before making a final decision, whenever it finds that there is a substantial likelihood that an exemption will be finally granted. Temporary exemptions will not be subject to the procedures of (f) of this subsection. Temporary exemptions will not be a cause of delaying final decision making on the petition request.
(7) Petitions to amend WAC 173-303-573 to include additional dangerous wastes.
(a) Any person seeking to add a dangerous waste or a category of dangerous waste to the universal waste regulations of WAC 173-303-573 may petition for a regulatory amendment under this section and WAC 173-303-573(39) and (40).
(b) To be successful, the petitioner must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that regulation under the universal waste regulations of WAC 173-303-573: Is appropriate for the waste or category of waste; will improve management practices for the waste or category of waste; and will improve implementation of the dangerous waste program. The petition must include the information required by subsection (1) of this section. The petition should also address as many of the factors listed in WAC 173-303-573(40) as are appropriate for the waste or category of waste addressed in the petition.
(c) The department will grant or deny a petition using the factors listed in WAC 173-303-573(40). The decision will be based on the weight of evidence showing that regulation under WAC 173-303-573 is appropriate for the waste or category of waste, will improve management practices for the waste or category of waste, and will improve implementation of the dangerous waste program.
(d) The department may request additional information needed to evaluate the merits of the petition.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-303-910

Amended by WSR 20-20-045, Filed 9/30/2020, effective 10/31/2020

Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. 09-14-105 (Order 07-12), § 173-303-910, filed 6/30/09, effective 7/31/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, and 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. 04-24-065 (Order 03-10), § 173-303-910, filed 11/30/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. 98-03-018 (Order 97-03), § 173-303-910, filed 1/12/98, effective 2/12/98; 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-910, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95; 94-01-060 (Order 92-33), § 173-303-910, filed 12/8/93, effective 1/8/94. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. 88-02-057 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-910, filed 1/5/88, effective 2/5/88; 86-12-057 (Order DE-85-10), § 173-303-910, filed 6/3/86; 84-14-031 (Order DE 84-22), § 173-303-910, filed 6/27/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-910, filed 2/10/82.