Wash. Admin. Code § 173-303-610

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-303-610 - Closure and post-closure
(1) Applicability.
(a) Subsections (2) through (6) of this section, (which concern closure), apply to the owners and operators of all dangerous waste facilities.
(b) Subsections (7) through (11) of this section, (which concern post-closure care), apply to the owners and operators of all regulated units (as defined in WAC 173-303-040) at which dangerous waste will remain after closure, to tank systems that are required under WAC 173-303-640(8) to meet the requirements of landfills, to surface impoundments, waste piles, and miscellaneous units as specified in WAC 173-303-650(6), 173-303-660(9), and 173-303-680(4), respectively; to containment buildings that are required under 40 C.F.R. 264.1102 (incorporated by reference at WAC 173-303-695) to meet the requirements for landfills; and, unless otherwise authorized by the department, to the owners and operators of all facilities which, at closure, cannot meet the removal or decontamination limits specified in subsection (2)(b) of this section.
(c) Owners and operators of off-site recycling facilities subject to WAC 173-303-120(3) or (4), and off-site used oil processors subject to regulation under WAC 173-303-515(9) are subject to:
(i) WAC 173-303-610(2) Closure performance standard; and
(ii) WAC 173-303-610(12) Off-site recycling and used oil processor closure plans.
(d) For the purposes of the closure and post-closure requirements, any portion of a facility which closes is subject to the applicable closure and post-closure standards even if the rest of the facility does not close and continues to operate.
(e) Except for subsection (2)(a) of this section, the director may, in an enforceable document, replace all or part of the requirements of this section and the unit-specific requirements referenced in subsection (2)(b) of this section with alternative requirements when they deter-mine:
(i) A dangerous waste unit is situated among other solid waste management units or areas of concern, a release has occurred, and both the dangerous waste unit and one or more of the solid waste management units or areas of concern are likely to have contributed to the release; and
(ii) It is not necessary to apply the requirements of this section (or the unit-specific requirements referenced in subsection (2)(b) of this section) because the alternative requirements will protect human health and the environment.
(2) Closure performance standard. The owner or operator must close the facility in a manner that:
(i) Minimizes the need for further maintenance;
(ii) Controls, minimizes or eliminates to the extent necessary to protect human health and the environment, post-closure escape of dangerous waste, dangerous constituents, leachate, contaminated runoff, or dangerous waste decomposition products to the ground, surface water, groundwater, or the atmosphere; and
(iii) Returns the land to the appearance and use of surrounding land areas to the degree possible given the nature of the previous dangerous waste activity.
(b) Where the closure requirements of this section, or of WAC 173-303-630(10), 173-303-640(8), 173-303-650(6), 173-303-655(6), 173-303-655(8), 173-303-660(9), 173-303-665(6), 173-303-670(8), 173-303-680(2) through (4), or 40 C.F.R. 264.1102 (incorporated by reference at WAC 173-303-695) call for the removal or decontamination of dangerous wastes, waste residues, or equipment, bases, liners, soils or other materials containing or contaminated with dangerous wastes or waste residue, then such removal or decontamination must assure that the levels of dangerous waste or dangerous waste constituents or residues do not exceed:
(i) For soils, groundwater, surface water, and air, the numeric cleanup levels calculated using unrestricted use exposure assumptions according to the Model Toxics Control Act Regulations, chapter 173-340 WAC as of the effective date or hereafter amended. Primarily, these will be numeric cleanup levels calculated according to MTCA Method B, although MTCA Method A may be used as appropriate, see WAC 173-340-700 through 173-340-760, excluding WAC 173-340-745; and
(ii) For all structures, equipment, bases, liners, etc., clean closure standards will be set by the department on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the closure performance standards of WAC 173-303-610(2)(a)(ii) and in a manner that minimizes or eliminates post-closure escape of dangerous waste constituents.
(3) Closure plan; amendment of plan.
(a) The owner or operator of a dangerous waste management facility must have a written closure plan. In addition, certain surface impoundments and waste piles from which the owner or operator intends to remove or decontaminate the dangerous waste at partial or final closure are required by WAC 173-303-650(6) and 173-303-660(9) to have contingent closure plans. The plan must be submitted with the permit application, in accordance with WAC 173-303-806(4), and approved by the department as part of the permit issuance procedures under WAC 173-303-840. The approved closure plan will become a condition of any permit. The department's decision must assure that the approved closure plan is consistent with subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of this section, and the applicable requirements of WAC 173-303-630(10), 173-303-640(8), 173-303-645, 173-303-650(6), 173-303-655(8), 173-303-660(9), 173-303-665(6), 173-303-670(8), 173-303-680(2), and 40 C.F.R. 264.1102 (incorporated by reference at WAC 173-303-695). A copy of the approved plan and all revisions to the plan must be furnished to the department upon request, including request by mail until final closure is completed and certified in accordance with subsection (6) of this section. The plan must identify steps necessary to perform partial and/or final closure of the facility at any point during its active life. The closure plan must include at least:
(i) A description of how each dangerous waste management unit at the facility will be closed in accordance with subsection (2) of this section;
(ii) A description of how final closure of the facility will be conducted in accordance with subsection (2) of this section. The description must identify the maximum extent of the operation which will be unclosed during the active life of the facility;
(iii) An estimate of the maximum inventory of dangerous wastes ever on-site over the active life of the facility. (Any change in this estimate is a Class 1 modification with prior approval under WAC 173-303-830(4));
(iv) A detailed description of the methods to be used during partial closures and final closure, including, but not limited to, methods for removing, transporting, treating, storing, or disposing of all dangerous wastes, and identification of the type(s) of the off-site dangerous waste management units to be used, if applicable;
(v) A detailed description of the steps needed to remove or decontaminate all dangerous waste residues and contaminated containment system components, equipment, structures, and soils during partial and final closure, including, but not limited to, procedures for cleaning equipment and removing contaminated soils, methods for sampling and testing surrounding soils, and criteria for determining the extent of decontamination required to satisfy the closure performance standard;
(vi) A detailed description of other activities necessary during the closure period to ensure that all partial closures and final closure satisfy the closure performance standards, including, but not limited to, groundwater monitoring, leach-ate collection, and run-on and runoff control;
(vii) A schedule for closure of each dangerous waste management unit and for final closure of the facility. The schedule must include, at a minimum, the total time required to close each dangerous waste management unit and the time required for intervening closure activities which will allow tracking of the progress of partial and final closure. (For example, in the case of a landfill unit, estimates of the time required to treat or dispose of all dangerous waste inventory and of the time required to place a final cover must be included.); and
(viii) For facilities that use trust funds to establish financial assurance under WAC 173-303-620(4) or (6) and that are expected to close prior to the expiration of the permit, an estimate of the expected year of final closure.
(ix) For facilities where the director has applied alternative requirements under subsection (1)(e) of this section, WAC 173-303-645(1) (f), or 173-303-620(1)(d), the closure plan must include either the alternative requirements or a reference to the enforceable document that contains the alternative requirements.
(b) The owner or operator must submit a written notification of or request for a permit modification to authorize a change in operating plans, facility design, or the approved closure plan in accordance with the applicable procedures in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840. The written notification or request must include a copy of the amended closure plan for review or approval by the department.
(i) The owner or operator may submit a written notification or request to the department for a permit modification to amend the closure plan at any time prior to the notification of partial or final closure of the facility.
(ii) The owner or operator must submit a written notification of or request for a permit modification to authorize a change in the approved closure plan whenever:
(A) Changes in operating plans or facility design affect the closure plan; or
(B) There is a change in the expected year of closure, if applicable; or
(C) In conducting partial or final closure activities, unexpected events require a modification of the approved closure plan; or
(D) The owner/operator requests the director apply alternative requirements under subsection (1)(e) of this section, WAC 173-303-645(1) (f), or 173-303-620(1)(d).
(iii) The owner or operator must submit a written request for a permit modification including a copy of the amended closure plan for approval at least sixty days prior to the proposed change in facility design or operation, or no later than sixty days after an unexpected event has occurred which has affected the closure plan. If an unexpected event occurs during the partial or final closure period, the owner or operator must request a permit modification no later than thirty days after the unexpected event. An owner or operator of a surface impoundment or waste pile that intends to remove all dangerous waste at closure and is not otherwise required to prepare a contingent closure plan under WAC 173-303-650(6) or 173-303-660(9), must submit an amended closure plan to the department no later than sixty days from the date that the owner or operator or department determines that the dangerous waste management unit must be closed as a landfill, subject to the requirements of WAC 173-303-665, or no later than thirty days from that date if the determination is made during partial or final closure. The department will approve, disapprove, or modify this amended plan in accordance with the procedures in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840. The approved closure plan will become a condition of any permit issued.
(iv) The department may request modifications to the plan under the conditions described in (b)(ii) of this subsection. The owner or operator must submit the modified plan within sixty days of the department's request, or within thirty days if the change in facility conditions occurs during partial or final closure. Any modifications requested by the department will be approved in accordance with the procedures in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840.
(c) Notification of partial closure and final closure.
(i) The owner or operator must notify the department in writing at least sixty days prior to the date on which they expect to begin closure of a surface impoundment, waste pile, land treatment, or landfill unit, or final closure of a facility with such a unit. The owner or operator must notify the department in writing at least forty-five days prior to the date on which they expect to begin closure of a treatment or storage tank, container storage, or incinerator unit, or final closure of a facility with only such units.
(ii) The date when they "expect to begin closure" must be either:
(A) No later than thirty days after the date on which any dangerous waste management unit receives the known final volume of dangerous wastes or, if there is a reasonable possibility that the dangerous waste management unit will receive additional dangerous wastes, no later than one year after the date on which the unit received the most recent volume of dangerous waste. If the owner or operator of a dangerous waste management unit can demonstrate to the department that the dangerous waste management unit or facility has the capacity to receive additional dangerous wastes and they have taken, and will continue to take, all steps to prevent threats to human health and the environment, including compliance with all applicable permit requirements, the department may approve an extension to this one-year limit; or
(B) For units meeting the requirements of subsection (4)(d) of this section, no later than thirty days after the date on which the dangerous waste management unit receives the known final volume of nondangerous wastes, or if there is a reasonable possibility that the dangerous waste management unit will receive additional nondangerous wastes, no later than one year after the date on which the unit received the most recent volume of nondangerous wastes. If the owner or operator can demonstrate to the department that the dangerous waste management unit has the capacity to receive additional nondangerous wastes and they have taken, and will continue to take, all steps to prevent threats to human health and the environment, including compliance with all applicable permit requirements, the department may approve an extension to this one-year limit.
(iii) If the facility's permit is terminated, or if the facility is otherwise ordered, by judicial decree or final order to cease receiving dangerous wastes or to close, then the requirements of (c) of this subsection do not apply. However, the owner or operator must close the facility in accordance with the deadlines established in subsection (4) of this section.
(iv) Removal of wastes and decontamination or dismantling of equipment. Nothing in this subsection will preclude the owner or operator from removing dangerous wastes and decontaminating or dismantling equipment in accordance with the approved partial or final closure plan at any time before or after notification of partial or final closure.
(4) Closure; time allowed for closure.
(a) Within ninety days after receiving the final volume of dangerous wastes, or the final volume of nondangerous wastes if the owner or operator complies with all applicable requirements in (d) and (e) of this subsection, at a dangerous waste management unit or facility, the owner or operator must treat, remove from the unit or facility, or dispose of on site, all dangerous wastes in accordance with the approved closure plan. The department may approve a longer period if the owner or operator complies with all applicable requirements for requesting a modification to the permit and demonstrates that they have taken and will continue to take all steps to prevent threats to human health and the environment, including compliance with all applicable permit requirements, and either:
(i) The activities required to comply with this paragraph will, of necessity, take longer than ninety days to complete; or
(A) The dangerous waste management unit or facility has the capacity to receive additional dangerous wastes, or has the capacity to receive nondangerous wastes if the owner or operator complies with (d) and (e) of this subsection;
(B) There is a reasonable likelihood that they or another person will recommence operation of the dangerous waste management unit or the facility within one year; and
(C) Closure of the dangerous waste management unit or facility would be incompatible with continued operation of the site.
(b) The owner or operator must complete partial and final closure activities in accordance with the approved closure plan and within one hundred eighty days after receiving the final volume of dangerous wastes, or the final volume of nondangerous wastes if the owner or operator complies with all applicable requirements in (d) and (e) of this subsection, at the dangerous waste management unit or facility. The department may approve an extension to the closure period if the owner or operator complies with all applicable requirements for requesting a modification to the permit and demonstrates that they have taken and will continue to take all steps to prevent threats to human health and the environment from the unclosed but not operating dangerous waste management unit or facility, including compliance with all applicable permit requirements, and either:
(i) The partial or final closure activities will, of necessity, take longer than one hundred eighty days to complete; or
(A) The dangerous waste management unit or facility has the capacity to receive additional dangerous wastes, or has the capacity to receive nondangerous wastes if the owner or operator complies with (d) and (e) of this subsection;
(B) There is reasonable likelihood that they or another person will recommence operation of the dangerous waste management unit or the facility within one year; and
(C) Closure of the dangerous waste management unit or facility would be incompatible with continued operation of the site.
(c) The demonstrations referred to in (a)(i) and (ii) and (b)(i) and (ii) of this subsection must be made as follows: The demonstrations in (a)(i) and (ii) of this subsection must be made at least thirty days prior to the expiration of the specified ninety-day period; and the demonstration in (b)(i) and (ii) of this subsection must be made at least thirty days prior to the expiration of the specified one hundred eighty-day period unless the owner or operator is otherwise subject to the deadlines in (d) of this subsection.
(d) The department may allow an owner or operator to receive only nondangerous wastes in a landfill, land treatment, or surface impoundment unit after the final receipt of dangerous wastes at that unit if:
(i) The owner or operator requests a permit modification in compliance with all applicable requirements in WAC 173-303-830 and 40 C.F.R. Part 124 and in the permit modification request demonstrates that:
(A) The unit has the existing design capacity as indicated on the part A application to receive nondangerous wastes; and
(B) There is a reasonable likelihood that the owner or operator or another person will receive nondangerous wastes in the unit within one year after the final receipt of dangerous wastes; and
(C) The nondangerous wastes will not be incompatible with any remaining wastes in the unit, or with the facility design and operating requirements of the unit or facility under this part; and
(D) Closure of the dangerous waste management unit would be incompatible with continued operation of the unit or facility; and
(E) The owner or operator is operating and will continue to operate in compliance with all applicable permit requirements; and
(ii) The request to modify the permit includes an amended wastes analysis plan, groundwater monitoring and response program, human exposure assessment required under RCRA section 3019, and closure and post-closure plan, and updated cost estimates and demonstrations of financial assurance for closure and post-closure care as necessary and appropriate, to reflect any changes due to the presence of dangerous constituents in the nondangerous wastes, and changes in closure activities, including the expected year of closure if applicable under subsection (3)(a)(viii) of this section, as a result of the receipt of nondangerous wastes following the final receipt of dangerous wastes; and
(iii) The request to modify the permit includes revisions, as necessary and appropriate, to affected conditions of the permit to account for the receipt of nondangerous wastes following receipt of the final volume of dangerous wastes; and
(iv) The request to modify the permit and the demonstration referred to in (d)(i) and (ii) of this subsection are submitted to the department no later than one hundred twenty days prior to the date on which the owner or operator of the facility receives the known final volume of dangerous wastes at the unit, or no later than ninety days after the effective date of this rule in the state in which the unit is located, whichever is later.
(e) In addition to the requirements in (d) of this subsection, an owner or operator of a dangerous wastes surface impoundment that is not in compliance with the liner and leachate collection system requirements in 42 U.S.C. 3004(o)(1) and 3005(j)(1) or 42 U.S.C. 3004 (o)(2) or (3) or 3005 (j)(2), (3), (4) or (13) must:
(i) Submit with the request to modify the permit:
(A) A contingent corrective measures plan, unless a corrective action plan has already been submitted under WAC 173-303-645(10); and
(B) A plan for removing dangerous wastes in compliance with (e)(ii) of this subsection; and
(ii) Remove all dangerous wastes from the unit by removing all dangerous liquids, and removing all dangerous sludges to the extent practicable without impairing the integrity of the liner(s), if any.
(iii) Removal of dangerous wastes must be completed no later than ninety days after the final receipt of dangerous wastes. The department may approve an extension to this deadline if the owner or operator demonstrates that the removal of dangerous wastes will, of necessity, take longer than the allotted period to complete and that an extension will not pose a threat to human health and the environment.
(iv) If a release that is a statistically significant increase (or decrease in the case of pH) over background values for detection monitoring parameters of constituents specified in the permit or that exceeds the facility's groundwater protection standard at the point of compliance, if applicable, is detected in accordance with the requirements in WAC 173-303-645, the owner or operator of the unit:
(A) Must implement corrective measures in accordance with the approved contingent corrective measures plan required by (e)(i) of this subsection no later than one year after detection of the release, or approval of the contingent corrective measures plan, whichever is later;
(B) May continue to receive wastes at the unit following detection of the release only if the approved corrective measures plan includes a demonstration that continued receipt of wastes will not impede corrective action; and
(C) May be required by the department to implement corrective measures in less than one year or to cease the receipt of wastes until corrective measures have been implemented if necessary to protect human health and the environment.
(v) During the period of corrective action, the owner or operator must provide semiannual reports to the department that describe the progress of the corrective action program, compile all groundwater monitoring data, and evaluate the effect of the continued receipt of nondangerous wastes on the effectiveness of the corrective action.
(vi) The department may require the owner or operator to commence closure of the unit if the owner or operator fails to implement corrective action measures in accordance with the approved contingent corrective measures plan within one year as required in (e)(iv) of this subsection, or fails to make substantial progress in implementing corrective action and achieving the facility's groundwater protection standard or background levels if the facility has not yet established a groundwater protection standard.
(vii) If the owner or operator fails to implement corrective measures as required in (e)(iv) of this subsection or if the department determines that substantial progress has not been made pursuant to (e)(vi) of this subsection the department will:
(A) Notify the owner or operator in writing that the owner or operator must begin closure in accordance with the deadline in (a) and (b) of this subsection and provide a detailed statement of reasons for this determination; and
(B) Provide the owner or operator and the public, through a newspaper notice, the opportunity to submit written comments on the decision no later than twenty days after the date of the notice.
(C) If the department receives no written comments, the decision will become final five days after the close of the comment period. The department will notify the owner or operator that the decision is final, and that a revised closure plan, if necessary, must be submitted within fifteen days of the final notice and that closure must begin in accordance with the deadlines in (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(D) If the department receives written comments on the decision, it will make a final decision within thirty days after the end of the comment period, and provide the owner or operator in writing and the public through a newspaper notice, a detailed statement of reasons for the final decision. If the department determines that substantial progress has not been made, closure must be initiated in accordance with the deadlines in (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(E) The final determinations made by the department under (e)(vii)(C) and (D) of this subsection are not subject to administrative appeal.
(5) Disposal or decontamination of equipment, structures and soils. During the partial and final closure periods, all contaminated equipment, structures and soils must be properly disposed of or decontaminated unless otherwise specified in WAC 173-303-640(8), 173-303-650(6), 173-303-655(8), 173-303-660(9), 173-303-665(6), or under the authority of WAC 173-303-680(2) and (4). By removing any dangerous wastes or dangerous constituents during partial and final closure, the owner or operator may become a generator of dangerous waste and must handle that waste in accordance with all applicable requirements of WAC 173-303-170 through 173-303-230.
(6) Certification of closure. Within sixty days of completion of closure of each dangerous waste management unit (including tank systems and container storage areas), and within sixty days of the completion of final closure, the owner or operator must submit to the department by registered mail or other means that establish proof of receipt (including applicable electronic means), a certification that the dangerous waste management unit or facility, as applicable, has been closed in accordance with the specifications in the approved closure plan. The certification must be signed by the owner or operator and by an independent qualified registered professional engineer. Documentation supporting the independent qualified registered professional engineer's certification must be furnished to the department upon request until it releases the owner or operator from the financial assurance requirements for closure under WAC 173-303-620(4).
(7) Post-closure care and use of property.
(a) Post-closure care for each dangerous waste management unit subject to post-closure requirements must begin after completion of closure of the unit and continue for thirty years after that date and must consist of at least the following:
(i) Groundwater monitoring and reporting as required by WAC 173-303-645, 173-303-650, 173-303-655, 173-303-660, 173-303-665, and 173-303-680; and
(ii) Maintenance and monitoring of waste containment systems as applicable.
(b) Any time preceding partial closure of a dangerous waste management unit subject to post-closure care requirements or final closure, or any time during the post-closure period for a particular unit, the department may, in accordance with the permit modification procedures in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840:
(i) Shorten the post-closure care period applicable to the dangerous waste management unit, or facility, if all disposal units have been closed, if it finds that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment (e.g., leachate or groundwater monitoring results, characteristics of the dangerous waste, application of advanced technology, or alternative disposal, treatment, or reuse techniques indicate that the dangerous waste management unit or facility is secure); or
(ii) Extend the post-closure care period applicable to the dangerous waste management unit or facility if it finds that the extended period is necessary to protect human health and the environment (e.g., leachate or groundwater monitoring results indicate a potential for migration of dangerous waste at levels which may be harmful to human health and the environment).
(c) The department may require, at partial or final closure, continuation of any of the security requirements of WAC 173-303-310 during part or all of the post-closure period when:
(i) Dangerous wastes may remain exposed after completion of partial or final closure; or
(ii) Access by the public or domestic livestock may pose a hazard to human health.
(d) Post-closure use of property on or in which dangerous wastes remain after partial or final closure must never be allowed to disturb the integrity of the final cover, liner(s), or any other components of any containment system, or the function of the facility's monitoring systems, unless the department finds that the disturbance:
(i) Is necessary to the proposed use of the property, and will not increase the potential hazard to human health or the environment; or
(ii) Is necessary to reduce a threat to human health or the environment.
(e) All post-closure care activities must be in accordance with the provisions of the approved post-closure plan as specified in subsection (8) of this section.
(8) Post-closure plan; amendment of plan.
(a) The owner or operator of a dangerous waste disposal unit must have a written post-closure plan. In addition, certain surface impoundments and certain piles from which the owner or operator intends to remove or decontaminate the dangerous wastes at partial or final closure are required by WAC 173-303-650 and 173-303-660, respectively, to have written contingent post-closure plans. Owners or operators of surface impoundments and waste piles not otherwise required to prepare contingent post-closure plans under WAC 173-303-650 or 173-303-660 must submit a post-closure plan to the department within ninety days from the date that the owner or operator or department determines that the dangerous waste management unit must be closed as a landfill, subject to the post-closure requirements. The plan must be submitted with the permit application, in accordance with WAC 173-303-806, and approved by the department as part of the permit issuance procedures under WAC 173-303-840. The approved post-closure plan will become a condition of any permit issued.
(b) For each dangerous waste management unit subject to the requirements of this subsection, the post-closure plan must identify the activities which will be carried on after closure and the frequency of these activities, and include at least:
(i) A description of the planned groundwater monitoring activities and frequencies at which they will be performed;
(ii) A description of the planned maintenance activities, and frequencies at which they will be performed to comply with WAC 173-303-645, 173-303-650, 173-303-655, 173-303-660, 173-303-665, and 173-303-680 during the post-closure care period, to ensure:
(A) The integrity of the cap and final cover or other containment structures in accordance with the requirements of 173-303-645, 173-303-650, 173-303-655, 173-303-660, 173-303-665, and 173-303-680; and
(B) The function of the facility monitoring equipment;
(iii) The name, address, and phone number of the person or office to contact about the dangerous waste disposal unit or facility during the post-closure care period;
(iv) And, for facilities where the director has applied alternative requirements under subsection (1) (e) of this section, WAC 173-303-645(1) (f) or 173-303-620(1)(d), the post-closure plan must include either the alternative requirements or a reference to the enforceable document that contains the alternative requirements.
(c) Until final closure of the facility, a copy of the approved post-closure plan must be furnished to the department upon request, including request by mail. After final closure has been certified, the person or office specified in (b)(iii) of this subsection must keep the approved post-closure plan during the remainder of the post-closure period.
(d) Amendment of plan. The owner or operator must submit a written notification of or request for a permit modification to authorize a change in the approved post-closure plan in accordance with the applicable requirements of WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840. The written notification or request must include a copy of the amended post-closure plan for review or approval by the department.
(i) The owner or operator may submit a written notification or request to the department for a permit modification to amend the post-closure plan at any time during the active life of the facility or during the post-closure care period.
(ii) The owner or operator must submit a written notification of or request for a permit modification to authorize a change in the approved post-closure plan whenever:
(A) Changes in operating plans or facility design affect the approved post-closure plan; or
(B) There is a change in the expected year of final closure, if applicable; or
(C) Events which occur during the active life of the facility, including partial and final closures, affect the approved post-closure plan; or
(D) The owner/operator requests the director to apply alternative requirements under subsection (1)(e) of this section, WAC 173-303-645(1) (f), or 173-303-620(1)(d).
(iii) The owner or operator must submit a written request for a permit modification at least sixty days prior to the proposed change in facility design or operation, or no later than sixty days after an unexpected event has occurred which has affected the post-closure plan. An owner or operator of a surface impoundment or waste pile that intends to remove all dangerous waste at closure and is not otherwise required to submit a contingent post-closure plan under WAC 173-303-650 or 173-303-660 must submit a post-closure plan to the department no later than ninety days after the date that the owner or operator or department determines that the dangerous waste management unit must be closed as a landfill, subject to the requirements of WAC 173-303-665. The department will approve, disapprove, or modify this plan in accordance with the procedures in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840. The approved post-closure plan will become a permit condition.
(iv) The department may request modifications to the plan under the conditions described in (d)(ii) of this subsection. The owner or operator must submit the modified plan no later than sixty days after the department's request, or no later than ninety days if the unit is a surface impoundment or waste pile not previously required to prepare a contingent post-closure plan. Any modifications requested by the department will be approved, disapproved, or modified in accordance with the procedures in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840.
(9) Notice to local land authority. No later than the submission of the certification of closure of each dangerous waste disposal unit, the owner or operator of a disposal facility must submit to the local zoning authority or the authority with jurisdiction over local land use and to the department a survey plat indicating the location and dimensions of landfill cells or other dangerous waste disposal units with respect to permanently surveyed benchmarks. This plat must be prepared and certified by a professional land surveyor. The plat filed with the local zoning authority or the authority with jurisdiction over local land use must contain a note, prominently displayed, which states the owner's or operator's obligation to restrict disturbance of the dangerous waste disposal unit in accordance with the applicable requirements of this section. In addition, no later than sixty days after certification of closure of each dangerous waste disposal unit, the owner or operator must submit to the local zoning authority or the authority with jurisdiction over local land use and to the department, a record of the type, location, and quantity of dangerous wastes disposed of within each cell or other disposal unit of the facility. For wastes disposed of before November 19, 1980 (March 12, 1982, for facilities subject to this chapter but not subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 264), the owner or operator must identify the type, location, and quantity of the dangerous wastes to the best of their knowledge and in accordance with any records they have kept.
(10) Notice in deed to property.
(a) No later than sixty days after certification of closure of each dangerous waste disposal unit, the owner or operator must submit to the local zoning authority, or the authority with jurisdiction over local land use, and to the department a record of the type, location, and quantity of dangerous wastes disposed of within each cell or other disposal unit of the facility. For hazardous wastes (as defined in WAC 173-303-040) disposed of before January 12, 1981, the owner or operator must identify the type, location, and quantity of the dangerous wastes to the best of their knowledge and in accordance with any records they have kept.
(b) Within sixty days of certification of closure of the first dangerous waste disposal unit and within sixty days of certification of closure of the last dangerous waste disposal unit, the owner or operator must:
(i) Record, in accordance with state law, a notation on the deed to the facility property, or on some other instrument which is normally examined during title search, that will in perpetuity notify any potential purchaser of the property that:
(A) The land has been used to manage dangerous wastes;
(B) Its use is restricted under this section; and
(C) The survey plat and record of the type, location, and quantity of dangerous wastes disposed of within each cell or other dangerous waste disposal unit of the facility required in subsection (9) of this section have been filed with the local zoning authority, or the authority with jurisdiction over local land use, and with the department; and
(ii) Submit a certification, signed by the owner or operator, that they have recorded the notation specified in (b)(i) of this subsection, including a copy of the document in which the notation has been placed, to the department.
(c) If the owner or operator or any subsequent owner of the land upon which a dangerous waste facility was located wishes to remove dangerous wastes and dangerous waste residues, the liner, if any, or contaminated soils, they must request a modification to the post-closure permit in accordance with the applicable requirements in WAC 173-303-800 through 173-303-840. The owner or operator must demonstrate that the removal of dangerous wastes will satisfy the criteria of subsection (7)(d) of this section. By removing dangerous waste, the owner or operator may become a generator of dangerous waste and must manage it in accordance with all applicable requirements of this chapter. If they are granted a permit modification or otherwise granted approval to conduct such removal activities, the owner or operator may request that the department approve either:
(i) The removal of the notation on the deed to the facility property or other instrument normally examined during title search; or
(ii) The addition of a notation to the deed or instrument indicating the removal of the dangerous waste.
(11) Certification of completion of post-closure care. No later than sixty days after completion of the established post-closure care period for each dangerous waste disposal unit, the owner or operator must submit to the department, by registered mail or other means that establish proof of receipt (including applicable electronic means), a certification that the post-closure care period for the dangerous waste disposal unit was performed in accordance with the specifications in the approved post-closure plan. The certification must be signed by the owner or operator and an independent qualified registered professional engineer. Documentation supporting the independent qualified registered professional engineer's certification must be furnished to the department upon request until they release the owner or operator from the financial assurance requirements for post-closure care under WAC 173-303-620(6).
(12) Off-site recycling and used oil processor closure plans. The owner or operator of an off-site recycling facility subject to regulation under WAC 173-303-120(3), (4), or used oil processor or rerefiner subject to WAC 173-303-515(9) must have a written closure plan.
(a) Submittal. For new facilities, the closure plan must be submitted with the notification required under WAC 173-303-060. For existing facilities, the closure plan must be submitted within one hundred eighty days of the effective date of this regulation. For closure plans denied under (b) of this subsection that will be resubmitted, the amended plan must be resubmitted within ninety days after the owner or operator receives the denial.
(b) Review by department. Decision to approve or deny. Closure plans must be submitted to department for review, comment, approval or denial. The department decision to approve a closure plan must assure it is consistent with requirements in subsections (2) and (12) of this section. The department decision to deny a closure plan must be justified on the inability or unwillingness of the owner and operator to meet requirements in subsections (2) and (12) of this section or WAC 173-303-620(1)(e). The department's decision may be appealed under the provisions of WAC 173-303-845.
(c) Availability. A copy of the approved closure plan and all updates to the plan must be maintained at the facility and furnished to the department upon request, including request by mail, until final closure is completed and certified in accordance with subsection (6) of this section.
(d) Contents of plan. The closure plan must identify steps necessary to perform final closure of recycling units at any point during its active life. The closure plan must include at least:
(i) An estimate of the maximum inventory of dangerous wastes or used oil ever on-site over the active life of the facility;
(ii) Descriptions, schedules, and disposal or decontamination procedures in subsections (3), (4), (5), (6) of this section, except any provisions dealing with permits, permit applications, modifications or approvals. The term "recycling unit" will replace the terms "dangerous waste management unit" or "regulated unit" in these subsections. Any references to permits or permit modifications in these subsections do not apply.
(e) Obligation to amend. At least sixty days prior to a major change at an off-site recycling or used oil processor/rerefining facility, the owners/operator of that facility must submit an amended closure plan. A major change may include the addition of a recycling or recovery process that is subject to WAC 173-303-120(3) or (4), any increase in the maximum inventory of dangerous waste or used oil described in the previously approved closure plan, the closure of an existing recycling unit, or a change in ownership or operational control. The department must approve or deny, with justification, the revised closure plan. Refer to (a) of this subsection when a closure plan is denied if the closure plan needs to be resubmitted. Alternatively, the owner or operator may challenge the denial pursuant to WAC 173-303-845.
(f) Notification of closure. At least forty-five days prior to closure, an owner/operator must provide written notice to the department of intent to close.
(g) Relationship to closure plans for permitted facilities. A facility owner/operator that is subject to permitting and closure planning requirements for storage, treatment or disposal that is also required to prepare a closure plan for off-site recycling or used oil processing/rerefining, may satisfy the requirements of this subsection by combining all closure requirements in a single closure plan.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-303-610

Amended by WSR 15-01-123, Filed 12/18/2014, effective 1/18/2015
Amended by WSR 19-04-038, Filed 1/28/2019, effective 4/28/2019

Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. 09-14-105 (Order 07-12), § 173-303-610, filed 6/30/09, effective 7/31/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, and 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. 04-24-065 (Order 03-10), § 173-303-610, filed 11/30/04, effective 1/1/05; 00-11-040 (Order 99-01), § 173-303-610, filed 5/10/00, effective 6/10/00. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. 98-03-018 (Order 97-03), § 173-303-610, filed 1/12/98, effective 2/12/98; 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-610, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95; 94-01-060 (Order 92-33), § 173-303-610, filed 12/8/93, effective 1/8/94. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW, 40 C.F.R. Part 271.3 and RCRA § 3006 ( 42 U.S.C. 3251). 91-07-005 (Order 90-42), § 173-303-610, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. 89-02-059 (Order 88-24), § 173-303-610, filed 1/4/89; 87-14-029 (Order DE-87-4), § 173-303-610, filed 6/26/87; 84-14-031 (Order DE 84-22), § 173-303-610, filed 6/27/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.95.260 and chapter 70.105 RCW. 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-610, filed 2/10/82.