Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-219-360 - Storage and distribution system requirements This section applies only to the storage or distribution facilities for Class A and Class B reclaimed water.
(1) Operational storage or distribution. The stored reclaimed water must meet the provisions of WAC 173-219-370, unless waived by the lead agency, in consultation with health when health is the nonlead agency. Water that is of equal or better quality than reclaimed water may be used with reclaimed water in storage or distribution systems provided the water supply is protected by an approved air gap in accordance with WAC 51-56-1500.(2) Labeling. The generator, distributor, and user must label or use color-coded purple (Pantone 512, 522, or other shade approved in the engineering report) for all new reclaimed water piping, valves, outlets, storage facilities, and other appurtenances.(3) Pipe separation. Reclaimed water distribution systems must, as determined in the reclaimed water engineering report prepared under WAC 173-219-210, provide adequate separation between the underground-reclaimed water lines and sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, potable water lines, and potable water wells, to protect water quality.(4) Distance to potable water supply intakes. The minimum horizontal distance between Class A and Class B reclaimed water storage and distribution and potable water supply intakes, including wellheads, springs, surface water, or designated groundwater under the influence of surface water, must be two hundred feet and identified in the reclaimed water engineering report prepared under WAC 173-219-210.(5) Cross-connection control. Potential cross-connections between the reclaimed water and potable water and between the reclaimed water and wastewater, stormwater, or other systems of lower water quality must be managed as described in WAC 173-219-310.(6) Distribution or use by entities other than the generator. Unless expressly stated otherwise in enforceable ordinances or contracts, the generator is responsible for all reclaimed water facilities and activities inherent to the generation and delivery of the reclaimed water. (a) The generator and the distributor must coordinate with all potable water system purveyors in those service areas the generator operates or owns facilities for treatment, storage and distribution, and/or reclaimed water uses as required under WAC 173-219-180.(b) Coordination must include, but is not limited to, cross-connection control requirements under WAC 173-219-310, pipe installation, storage and other facility construction, reclaimed water uses, wellhead protection, emergency responses, and any changes to these to assure protection of public health. The reclaimed water permit may include conditions authorizing the distribution or use of reclaimed water by entities other than the generator via the use agreement if enforceable provisions are in place ensuring construction, operation, maintenance, and use meet all the requirements of the reclaimed water permit, this chapter, and chapter 90.46 RCW.(7) Other design requirements. Reclaimed water distribution pipe material, valves, valve covers, hydrants, and associated components must meet the standards provided by the lead agency.(8) Conversion of existing storage tanks or pipe systems for reclaimed water use. In addition to the requirements in this section, the generator must apply for and receive approval from the lead agency prior to converting existing potable water storage and pipe systems to reclaimed water storage and/or distribution. Prior to approval, the lead agency may require project specific design details for conversion of existing infrastructure (storage tanks and pipe systems) for storage and distribution of reclaimed water. If the lead agency approves the conversion of existing storage and pipe systems for reclaimed water use, the generator must identify the water conveyed as nonpotable reclaimed water, in conformance with chapter 51-56 WAC, where applicable.
(9) Distribution by transport vehicles. The lead agency may allow distribution of reclaimed water using tank trucks or similar transport vehicles to distribute reclaimed water provided:(a) Vehicles are clearly identified with reclaimed water advisory signs such as "nonpotable water."(b) Vehicles used for transporting hazardous or dangerous waste are never used to transport reclaimed water.(c) Vehicles used for delivering potable water for potable use are never used to transport reclaimed water, unless they then stop transporting potable water for potable purposes.Wash. Admin. Code § 173-219-360
Adopted by WSR 18-03-166, Filed 1/23/2018, effective 2/23/2018