Wash. Admin. Code § 173-218-030

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-218-030 - Definitions

"Abandoned well" means a well that is unused, unmaintained, or is in such disrepair as to be unusable.

"AKART" is an acronym that means all known, available and reasonable methods of prevention, control and treatment. AKART shall represent the most current methodology that can be reasonably required for preventing, controlling, or abating the pollutants associated with a discharge. The concept of AKART applies to both point and nonpoint sources of pollution. The term "best management practices" typically applies to nonpoint source pollution controls, and is considered a subset of the AKART requirement. The storm water management manuals (see definition in this section) may be used as a guideline, to the extent appropriate, for developing best management practices to apply AKART for storm water discharges.

"Aquifer" means a geologic formation, group of formations or part of a formation capable of yielding a significant amount of ground water to wells or springs.

"Beneficial uses" mean uses of the waters of the state which include, but are not limited to, use for domestic, stock watering, industrial, commercial, agricultural, irrigation, mining, fish and wildlife maintenance and enhancement, recreation, generation of electric power and preservation of environmental and aesthetic values, and all other uses compatible with the enjoyment of the public waters of the state.

"Best management practices" mean approved physical, structural, and/or managerial practices that, when used singularly or in combination, prevent or reduce pollutant discharges.

"Caprock" means geologic confining formation(s) that has sufficiently low permeability and lateral continuity to prevent the migration of injected carbon dioxide and other fluids out of the geologic containment system.

"Cesspool" means a drywell that receives untreated sanitary waste containing human excreta, and that sometimes has an open bottom and/or perforated sides that discharge to the subsurface.

"Commercial business" means a type of business activity that may distribute goods or provide services, but does not involve the manufacturing, processing or production of goods.

"Contaminant" means any chemical, physical, biological, or radiological substance that does not occur naturally in ground water or that occurs at concentrations greater than those found naturally.

"Contamination" means introduction of a contaminant.

"Dangerous waste" means those solid wastes designated in WAC 173-303-070 through 173-303-100 as dangerous, or extremely hazardous or mixed waste. As used in chapter 173-303 WAC, Dangerous waste regulations, the words "dangerous waste" will refer to the full universe of wastes regulated by chapter 173-303 WAC.

"Decommission" means to fill or plug a UIC well so that it will not result in an environmental or public health or safety hazard, nor serve as a channel for movement of water or pollution to an aquifer.

"Department" means department of ecology.

"Dispersion" means the release of surface and storm water runoff from a drainage facility system such that the flow spreads over a wide area and is located so as not to allow flow to concentrate anywhere upstream of a drainage channel with erodible underlying granular soils.

"Drywell" means a well, other than an improved sinkhole or subsurface fluid distribution system, completed above the water table so that its bottom and sides are typically dry except when receiving fluids.

"Existing well" means a well that is in use at the adoption date of this chapter.

"Fluid" means any material or substance which flows or moves whether in a semisolid, liquid, sludge, gas, or any other form or state.

"Geologic containment system" means the geologic formations that both receive the injected carbon dioxide (CO2) and contains or sequesters it within the system's physical boundaries. The containment system is a three-dimensional area with defined boundaries that includes one or more geologic formations.

"Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide" means the injection of carbon dioxide into subsurface geologic formations to permanently prevent its release into the atmosphere.

"Geologic sequestration project" means the surface and underground facilities used to inject carbon dioxide for sequestration and includes: Geologic containment system, monitoring zone(s) and surface facilities described in the permit application.

"Geologic sequestration project boundary" means a three-dimensional boundary defined in permit that encloses all surface and underground facilities of the geologic sequestration project and extends vertically to the overlying ground surface.

"Ground water" means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the surface of land or below a surface water body.

"Ground water protection area" means a geographic area that is by or close by a surrounding community and nontransient noncommunity water system, that uses ground water as a source of drinking water (40 C.F.R. 144.87) and other sensitive ground water areas critical to protecting underground sources of drinking water from contamination; such as sole source aquifers, highly productive aquifers supplying private wells, critical aquifer recharge areas and/or other state and local areas determined by state and local governments.

"Hazardous substances" mean any dangerous or extremely hazardous waste as defined in RCW 70.105.010(5) and (6) or any dangerous or extremely dangerous waste as designated by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any hazardous substance as defined in RCW 70.105.010(14) or any hazardous substance as defined by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any substance that, on the effective date of this section, is a hazardous substance under section 101(14) of the federal cleanup law, 42 U.S.C., Sec. 9601(14); petroleum or petroleum products; and any substance or category of substances, including solid waste decomposition products, determined by the director by rule to present a threat to human health or the environment if released into the environment.

"High threat to ground water" means, for this chapter, a UIC well is a high threat to ground water when it receives fluids that cannot meet the criteria in chapter 173-200 WAC Water quality standards for ground waters of Washington (GWQS) at the top of the aquifer, which include, but are not limited to, the following examples: A UIC well that receives drainage, that has not been pretreated and does not meet the GWQS; such as, from an area where storm water comes into contact with a vehicle fueling area, airport deicing activities, storage of treated lumber or vehicle washing; or a UIC well that receives a discharge that is determined to be an imminent public health hazard by a legal authority or is prohibited in this chapter.

"Improved sinkhole" means a naturally occurring karst depression or other natural crevice found in volcanic terrain and other geologic settings that has been modified by man for the purpose of directing and emplacing fluids into the subsurface.

"Infiltration pond" means an earthen impoundment used for the collection, temporary storage and infiltration of incoming storm water runoff.

"Infiltration trench" means a trench used to infiltrate fluid into the ground, is generally at least twenty-four inches wide and backfilled with a coarse aggregate. Perforated pipe or a product with similar use may also be installed.

"Industrial wastewater" means water or liquid-carried waste from industrial or commercial processes, as distinct from domestic wastewater. These wastes may result from any process or activity of industry, manufacture, trade or business, from the development of any natural resource, or from animal operations such as feedlots, poultry houses or dairies. The term includes contaminated storm water and leachate from solid waste facilities.

"Monitoring zone(s)" means the geologic formations, identified in the application for a geologic sequestration project, where chemical, physical and other characteristics are measured to establish the location, behavior and effects of the injected carbon dioxide in the subsurface and to detect leakage from the geologic containment system. At a minimum, a monitoring zone must be established beneath the ground surface but outside of the geologic containment system to detect leakage of injected CO2 except where other monitoring is approved by the director.

"Motor vehicle waste disposal well" means a Class V injection well that is typically a shallow disposal system that receives or has received fluids from vehicular repair or maintenance activities such as auto body repair shop, automotive repair shop, new and used car dealership, specialty repair shops or any facility that does any vehicular repair work (40 C.F.R. 144.81).

"New injection well" means an injection well that is put in use following the adoption date of this chapter.

"Nonendangerment standard" means to prevent the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into the ground water if the contaminant may cause a violation of the Water quality standards for ground waters of the state of Washington, chapter 173-200 WAC or may cause health concerns.

"Nonpollution-generating surface" means a surface considered to be an insignificant source of pollutants in storm water runoff and/or a surface not defined as a pollution-generating surface.

"Person" means any political subdivision, local, state, or federal government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, partnership, association, firm, individual, or any other entity whatsoever.

"Point of compliance" means the location where the facility must be in compliance with chapter 173-200 WAC Water quality standards for ground waters of the state of Washington; the top of the aquifer, as near to the source as technically, hydrogeologically, and geographically feasible.

"Pollution" means contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of waters of the state, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or odor of the waters, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters of the state as will, or is likely to, create a nuisance or render such waters harmful, detrimental, or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses, or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life.

"Pollution-generating surfaces" mean the surfaces are considered a significant source of pollutants in storm water runoff. Pollution generating surfaces include pollution generating pervious surfaces and pollution generating impervious surfaces such as surfaces that are subject to: Regular vehicular use, industrial activities, or storage of erodible or leachable materials that receive direct rainfall, or the run-on or blow-in of rainfall, use of pesticides or fertilizers or loss of soil; or leaching such as from metal roofs not coated with an inert, nonleachable material, roofs that are subject to venting of manufacturing, commercial, or other indoor pollutants. Examples of commercial indoor pollutants are commercial facilities such as restaurants where oils and other solid particles are expected to be expelled. It does not include normal indoor air venting at commercial facilities where activities such as cooking, processing, etc., do not take place. Examples are: Roads, unvegetated road shoulders, bike lanes within the traveled lane of a roadway, driveways, parking lots, unfenced fire lanes, vehicular equipment storage yards, airport runways, lawns, and landscaped areas that apply pesticide applications; such as golf courses, parks, cemeteries, and sports fields except for landscaped areas that are approved infiltrative best management practices.

"Proper management of storm water" means AKART has been provided or the well owner has demonstrated that the discharge will meet the nonendangerment standard.

"Radioactive waste" means any waste which contains radioactive material in concentrations that exceed those listed in 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, and Column 2.

"Retrofit" means taking actions to reduce the pollutant load from a UIC well to meet the statutory requirements of 40 C.F.R. 144.12 and RCW 90.48.010. These actions may include, but are not limited to: Changes to the source control activities and/or structures around the well; an upgrade to the well such as adding a catch basin or spill control device; and/or addition of pretreatment facilities or decommissioning. The selection of actions is based on local priorities, required by the department or the local jurisdiction to address a documented water quality problem.

"Rule authorized" means a UIC well that is registered with the department and meets the nonendangerment standard. If a well is rule authorized, it does not require a state waste discharge permit from the department.

"Sanitary waste" means liquid or solid wastes originating solely from humans and human activities, such as wastes collected from toilets, showers, wash basins, sinks used for cleaning domestic areas, sinks used for food preparation, clothes washing operations, and sinks or washing machines where food and beverage serving dishes, glasses, and utensils are cleaned. Sources of these wastes may include single or multiple residences, hotels and motels, restaurants, bunkhouses, schools, ranger stations, crew quarters, guard stations, campgrounds, picnic grounds, day-use recreation areas, other commercial facilities, and industrial facilities provided the waste is not mixed with industrial waste.

"Septic system" means a well that is used to discharge sanitary waste below the surface and is typically comprised of a septic tank and subsurface fluid distribution system or disposal system. (Also called on-site sewage system.)

"Sequestration" means to set apart or remove.

"State waste discharge permit" means a permit issued in accordance with chapter 173-216 WAC, State waste discharge permit program.

"Storm water" means the portion of precipitation that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate, but flows via overland flow, interflow, pipes and other features of a storm water drainage system into a defined surface water body, or a constructed treatment, evaporation, or infiltration facility.

"Storm water manuals" mean the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern or Western Washington or other manuals approved by the department.

"Storm water pollution prevention plan" means a documented plan to implement measures to identify, prevent, and control the contamination of storm water and its discharge to UIC wells.

"Subsurface fluid distribution system" means an assemblage of perforated pipes, drain tiles, or other similar mechanisms intended to distribute fluids below the surface of the ground.

"Underground source of drinking water" means ground waters that contain fewer than 10,000 mg/L of total dissolved solids and/or supplies drinking water for human consumption.

"UIC well" or "underground injection control well" means a well that is used to discharge fluids into the subsurface. A UIC well is one of the following: (1) A bored, drilled or driven shaft, or dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension; (2) an improved sinkhole; or (3) a subsurface fluid distribution system.

"Waste fluid" means any fluid that cannot meet the nonendangerment standard at the point of compliance, which is the top of the aquifer.

"Well assessment" means an evaluation of the potential risks to ground water from the use of UIC wells. A well assessment includes information such as the land use around the well which may affect the quality of the discharge and whether the UIC well is located in a ground water protection area. It may include the local geology and depth of the ground water in relation to the UIC well if the well is considered a high threat to ground water.

"Well injection" means the subsurface emplacement of fluids through a well.

"You" means the owner or operator of the UIC well.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-218-030

Statutory Authority: Chapter 80.80 RCW. 08-14-011 (Order 07-11), § 173-218-030, filed 6/19/08, effective 7/20/08. Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.21A and 90.48 RCW. 06-02-065 (Order 01-10), § 173-218-030, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.445. 84-06-023 (Order DE 84-02), § 173-218-030, filed 2/29/84.