Wash. Admin. Code § 162-04-033

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 162-04-033 - Availability of public records
(1)Hours for inspection of records. Public records are available for inspection and copying during normal business hours of the human rights commission, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding legal holidays. Records must be inspected at the Olympia office of the human rights commission. Many public records are also available for inspection and copying on the human rights commission's website at any time, at no cost.
(2)Organization of records. The human rights commission will maintain its records in a reasonably organized manner. The human rights commission will take reasonable actions to protect records from damage and disorganization. A requestor shall not take human rights commission records from the human rights commission. A variety of records is available on the human rights commission's website at www.hum.wa.gov. Requestors are encouraged to view the documents available on the website prior to submitting a records request.
(3)Making a request for public records.
(a) Any person wishing to inspect or copy public records of the human rights commission should make the request in writing on the human rights commission's request form, or by letter, fax, or email addressed to the public records officer designee at the email address records@hum.wa.gov, or by submitting the request in person at the human rights commission, 711 S. Capitol Way, Ste. 402, P.O. Box 42490, Olym-pia, Washington 98504 and including the following information:

* Name of requestor;

* Address of requestor;

* Other contact information, including telephone number and any email address;

* Identification of the public records adequate for the public records officer or designee to locate the records;

* Any limitations to the records request, such as by date that the record was created, by respondent entity, or by statu-torily covered area such as employment or housing;

* The date and time of day of the request.

(b) If the requestor wishes to have copies of the records made instead of simply inspecting them, they should so indicate and make arrangements to pay for copies of the records or a deposit. Pursuant to WAC 132-04-037 charges for copies are provided in a fee schedule available at 711 S. Capitol Way, Ste. 402, P.O. Box 42490, Olympia, Washington 98504, or at www.hum.wa.gov.
(c) A records request form is available for use by requestors at the office of the public records officer designee and online at www.hum.wa.gov.
(d) The public records officer designee may accept requests for public records that contain the above information by telephone or in person. If the public records officer desig-nee accepts such a request, they will confirm receipt of the information and the substance of the request in writing.
(e) If requestors refuse to identify themselves or provide sufficient contact information, the agency will respond to the extent feasible and consistent with the law.

Wash. Admin. Code § 162-04-033

Adopted by WSR 21-18-025, Filed 8/23/2021, effective 9/23/2021