Wash. Admin. Code § 16-232-020

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 16-232-020 - Boundaries and restrictions on use restricted herbicides in Walla Walla County Area 2A
(1) Area 2A description. (Buffer area surrounding Dixie and Walla Walla.) An area, excluding a one mile radius from the center of the town of Dixie, starting at the intersection of the common boundary line between Sections 14 and 15, T6N, R32E and the Washington-Oregon state line; thence north along the section lines six miles more or less to the northwest corner of Section 14, T7N, R32E; thence east along the section lines ten miles to the southwest corner of Section 9, T7N, R34E; thence north along the section line one mile to the northwest corner of Section 9, T7N, R34E; thence east along the section lines two miles to the southwest corner of Section 2, T7N, R34E; thence north along the section line one mile to the northwest corner of Section 2, T7N, R34E; thence east along the section lines two miles to the southwest corner of Section 31, T8N, R35E; thence north along the section lines six miles to the northwest corner of Section 6, T8N, R35E; thence east along the section lines and the Columbia-Walla Walla County line twenty-four miles to the northeast corner of Section 1, T8N, R38E; thence south along the Columbia-Walla Walla County line fourteen miles more or less to the Washington-Oregon state line; thence west along the state line fifteen miles to the common boundary line between Sections 15 and 16, T6N, R36E; thence north along the section line one mile more or less to the northwest corner of Section 10, T6N, R38E; thence east along the section lines two miles to the southwest corner of Section 1, T6N, R36E; thence north along the section lines three miles to the northwest corner of Section 25, T7N, R36E; thence east along the section line one mile to the southwest corner of Section 19, T7N, R37E; thence north along the section line one mile to the northwest corner of Section 19, T7N, R37E; thence east along the section line one mile to the northeast corner of Section 19, T7N, R37E; thence north along the section line one mile to the southwest corner of Section 8, T7N, R37E; thence west along the section lines nine miles to the northeast corner of Section 15, T7N, R35E; thence south along the section line one mile to the southeast corner of Section 15, T7N, R35E; thence west along the section line one mile to the southwest corner of Section 15, T7N, R35E; thence south along the section lines one mile more or less to State Route 12; thence westerly along State Route 12, excluding the right of way, three miles more or less to the intersection with Detour Road; thence southwesterly along Detour Road, excluding the right of way, one-half mile more or less to the intersection with Forest Road; thence south along Forest Road, excluding the right of way, one mile more or less to the intersection with Frog Hollow Road at the southwest corner of Section 6, T6N, R35E; thence east along Frog Hollow Road, excluding the right of way, one mile more or less to the intersection with Locher Road; thence south along Locher Road, excluding the right of way, one mile more or less to the Washington-Oregon state line; thence west along the state line fifteen miles more or less to the point of beginning.
(2) Area 2A restrictions. The use or application of low volatile formulations of use restricted herbicides is prohibited on and after April 15th through October 31st: Provided, That 2,4-DB is allowed on alfalfa seed crops at any time.

Wash. Admin. Code § 16-232-020

Amended by WSR 19-02-039, Filed 12/26/2018, effective 1/26/2019

Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.21, 15.58, and 34.05 RCW. 07-11-041A, § 16-232-020, filed 5/9/07, effective 6/9/07. Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.58 and 17.21 RCW. 88-05-033 (Order 1965), § 16-232-020, filed 2/12/88; 80-03-026 (Order 1665), § 16-232-020, filed 2/20/80.