Wash. Admin. Code § 16-149-060

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 16-149-060 - Application requirements
(1) Applications must be submitted on the form provided by the department, and must include:
(a) A completed application form.
(b) A diagram of the cottage food operation premises identifying what areas of the residence will be used for the cottage food activities.
(i) The diagram must clearly identify and show the location of all cottage food operation preparation equipment, contact work surfaces, equipment washing and sanitizing sinks or tubs, primary toilet room, handwashing areas, and storage areas.
(ii) Everything illustrated on the diagram must be clearly labeled.
(c) A copy of all recipes and a description of the processing steps and packaging step.
(d) Examples of all product labels.
(e) The proposed cottage food operational dates of processing for the current year.
(f) A description of the types of sales or a list of the proposed sale locations for the current year.
(g) Documentation verifying that the water used at the cottage food operation site complies with the requirements of this chapter. For a well, spring or other private water supply, the water must have a passing bacterial test conducted within 60 days of submitting an application to the department. A copy of the test results must be attached to the permit application.
(h) A copy of the applicant's food worker card and that of any other persons who will be conducting cottage food operation food processing.
(i) If pets are present at the location, a pet control plan that precludes pet entry/access to all areas of the cottage food operation during operating hours and exclusion from storage areas must be submitted.
(j) If infants or children under six years of age are present at the location, a child control plan that precludes child entry/access to all areas of the cottage food operation during operating hours must be submitted.
(2) The department must receive the completed cottage food operation application packet along with check or money order for the permit fee at least six weeks before processing. In accordance with RCW 69.22.030(1) and 69.22.040(3), the fees for the permit are $75 for the public health review, $125 for each annual inspection and $30 for processing the application and permit.
(3) Upon receiving a new or renewal application, the department will conduct a public health review of all recipes and proposed labels. If the public health review is satisfactory, the department will contact the applicant to schedule an on-site inspection.
(4) If the applicant fails the on-site permitting inspection, the applicant may withdraw the application or request a second inspection by submitting:
(a) Documentation to the department explaining how the applicant corrected the failures and
(b) $125 for the new inspection. If the applicant fails a second inspection, the application is denied.
(5) Once received, the cottage food operation permit must be prominently and conspicuously posted for customers at all points of sale.
(6) Applicants are prohibited from preparing and selling cottage food products regulated by this chapter until they receive their cottage food operation permit.
(7) Cottage food operation permits must be obtained every two years and expire two years from the last date of the month of permit issuance.
(8) The department will not refund application fees after receipt of a cottage food operation application.
(9) To obtain an application for a cottage food operation permit, contact the department at:

Washington State Department of Agriculture

Food Safety Consumer Services Division

P.O. Box 42560

Olympia, WA 98504-2560

Email: cottagefoods@agr.wa.gov

Website http://agr.wa.gov.

Wash. Admin. Code § 16-149-060

Amended by WSR 16-06-014, Filed 2/19/2016, effective 3/21/2016
Amended by WSR 24-01-031, Filed 12/11/2023, effective 1/11/2024

Statutory Authority: RCW 69.22.020 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 12-12-016, § 16-149-060, filed 5/24/12, effective 6/24/12.