Wash. Admin. Code § 132T-100-030

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 132T-100-030 - Definitions

The following definitions shall apply for the purpose of this student code of conduct unless such terms are defined otherwise herein:

Advisor - A person of the complainant's or respondent's choosing who can accompany the complainant or respondent to any conductrelated meeting or proceeding. This person cannot be involved in the case either as a witness or a college employee who has been involved in the matter. Chapter 132T-105 WAC describes the college's student conduct procedures for handling Title IX complaints.

Assembly - Any overt activity engaged in by one or more persons, the object of which is to gain publicity, advocate a view, petition for a cause, or disseminate information to any person, persons, or group of persons.

Board of trustees - The five member governance board appointed by the governor of the state of Washington for Walla Walla Community College District 20.

Business day - A weekday, excluding weekends, college holidays, or other days the college is closed, most often used to represent a timeline of 10 days or less.

Calendar day - A calendar day includes weekdays and weekends, most often used to represent a timeline of more than 10 days.

College - This chapter is specific to Walla Walla Community College District 20.

College employee - Any person employed by the college or volunteering at the college performing assigned duties.

College facilities - Any and all real and personal property controlled, rented, leased, or operated by the college, including all buildings and appurtenances affixed thereon or attached thereto. College facilities extend to distance education classroom environments and agencies or institutions that have educational agreements with the college.

College premises - All campuses of the college, wherever located, and includes all land, buildings, facilities, vehicles, equipment, and other property owned, used, or controlled by the college including parking lots, adjacent streets, and sidewalks.

Complainant - A person who reports that a violation of the student code of conduct has occurred towards themselves, another person, a group of people, or college property. In matters of sexual misconduct outside of the Title IX definition, a complainant is an alleged victim of sexual misconduct. Chapter 132T-105 WAC describes the college's student conduct procedures for handling Title IX complaints.

Complaint - A description of facts that allege a violation of the student code of conduct or other college policy.

Conduct review officer - The vice president of student services or designee responsible for receiving and for reviewing or referring appeals of student disciplinary actions in accordance with the procedures of this code.

Controlled substance - Any drug or substance as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW as now law or hereafter amended.

Disciplinary action - The process by which the student conduct officer imposes discipline against a student for a violation of the student code of conduct. Disciplinary action does not include instructional decisions and actions that are under the authority of faculty members and instructional administrators, such as determination of academic credit and grading. These determinations and any review or appeal of these are outside the scope of this chapter.

Disciplinary appeal - The process by which an aggrieved student can appeal the discipline imposed by the student conduct officer. Disciplinary appeals from a suspension in excess of 10 business days or an expulsion or dissolution of a student organization are heard by the student conduct board. Appeals of all other appealable disciplinary action shall be reviewed by the conduct review officer through brief adjudicative proceedings.

Policy - The written regulations of the college as found in, but not limited to, the student code of conduct and any other official regulation written or in electronic form.

Preponderance of the evidence - The standard of proof used with all student disciplinary matters at the college that are within the jurisdiction of the student code of conduct, which means that the amount of evidence must be at 51 percent or more likely than not before a student is found responsible for a violation.

President - The chief executive officer of the college appointed by the board of trustees or, in such president's absence, the acting president or designee. The president is authorized to delegate any of their responsibilities and reassign any and all duties and responsibilities as set forth in this chapter as may be reasonably necessary.

RCW - Revised Code of Washington can be accessed at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/.

Respondent - The student(s) or student organization alleged to have violated a college policy, including this student code of conduct, and against whom disciplinary action is being taken or initiated. Chapter 132T-105 WAC describes the college's student conduct procedures for handling Title IX complaints.

Rules of the student code of conduct - The rules contained herein as now exist or which may be hereafter amended.

Service or filing - The process by which a document is officially delivered to a party. Service or filing is deemed complete and computation of time for deadlines begins upon personal delivery of the document or upon the date the document is electronically mailed and/or deposited into the mail. Documents required to be filed with the college such as requests for appeals, are deemed filed upon actual receipt by the office as designated herein during office hours.

Student - Any person taking courses at or through the college, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, and whether such courses are credit courses, noncredit courses, online courses, continuing education courses, contract courses, or otherwise. Persons are considered students for purposes of this chapter who withdraw after allegedly violating the student code of conduct, including individuals who are:

(a) Not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the college; or

(b) Who have been notified of their acceptance for admission. Student conduct board - Also referred to as the SCB is a three member panel which presides over cases that could result in a sanction of expulsion, suspension for more than 10 business days, withholding or revocation of a degree or certificate, and/or loss of recognition of a student organization using the full adjudicative process pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW.

Student conduct meeting - The conduct meeting with the student conduct officer using the brief adjudicative process to determine responsibility for violations of the student code of conduct.

Student conduct officer - Referred to as SCO, is the person designated by the college president to be responsible for the administration of the student code of conduct or designee. The SCO is authorized to delegate their responsibilities as may be reasonably necessary.

Student organization - Any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for college recognition, such as clubs and associations, and are recognized by the college as such.

Visitors - Guests, applicants, contractors, vendors, advisory board members, foundation board members, and members of the public on college premises.

WAC - The Washington Administrative Code can be accessed at http://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/.

Wash. Admin. Code § 132T-100-030

Adopted by WSR 22-18-029, Filed 8/29/2022, effective 9/29/2022