The college will have a SCB composed of one chairperson and three decision-making members who shall be vice presidents and deans or directors as designated by the college and trained to conduct the full adjudicative process. The SCB will serve as a standing committee until a final decision is made regarding the student conduct matter for which it was convened. Any SCB member who has a personal relationship with either party or any personal or other interest which would prevent a fair and impartial review and decision will be recused from the proceedings. The chairperson will preside at the disci pli nary hearing an d wi ll provide administrative oversight throughout the hearing process but will not participate in the deliberations of the decision-making members. The three decision-making members constitute a quorum of the SCB and may act accordingly. The college may retain an advisor to the SCB, including an assistant attorney general.
Wash. Admin. Code § 132S-100-117