Wash. Admin. Code § 132L-350-100

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 132L-350-100 - Definition of disciplinary action

In accordance with the procedures outline in this code, the following disciplinary actions may be imposed upon students found to be in violation of this code:

(1)Warning: Notice in writing that the student has violated one or more term of this code of conduct and that continuation or repetition of the same or similar may be cause for more severe disciplinary action. This sanction is not subject to appeal.
(2) Disciplinary probation: Formal action placing specific conditions upon the student's continued attendance and warning the student that further misconduct may subject the student to suspension or dismissal. Probation may be for a limited period or may be for the duration of the student's attendance at the college.
(3)Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property, or for injury to persons, or for reasonable costs incurred by the college in pursuing an initial investigation. This may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation. Failure to make restitution, or to make in writing college-approved arrangement to pay, will result in suspension for an indefinite period provided that the student may be reinstated upon payment.
(4)Change of grade: Applies only to violations regarding cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, multiple submission, and plagiarism. The college in accordance with the grading policy of the college assigns students grades. Instructors as part of the professional academic judgment and evaluation of the instructor ordinarily assign students grades. In the case of a finding of cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, or plagiarism as defined in this code, and only as a result of the official disciplinary processes as outlined in this code, the student conduct officer may authorize an instructor to change the grade, or may record a change in grade, for the academic exercise in which academic dishonesty occurred or for the entire course in which academic dishonesty occurred. This penalty may be imposed in addition to other authorized penalties as outlined in this code. Instructors may issue an "incomplete" ("I") grade pending the outcome of any investigation or disciplinary hearing by the student conduct officer related to academic dishonesty.
(5) Summary suspension: Immediate exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities in accordance with this code.
(6)Suspension: Dismissal from the college and from status as a student for a stated period of time. The notice suspending the student will state in writing the term of the suspension and any condition(s) that must be met before read-mission is granted. The student so suspended must demonstrate that the conditions for readmission have been met. There is to be no refund of tuition or fees for the quarter in which the action is taken, but tuition and fees paid in advance for a subsequent quarter are to be refunded. Suspension may also include withdrawal and/or limitations in one or more courses, services, or programs without revocation of student status.
(7)Deferred suspension: Notice of suspension from the college with the provision that the student may remain enrolled contingent on meeting any conditions(s) specified. Not meeting the contingency shall immediately invoke the suspension for the period of time and under the conditions originally imposed.
(8)Dismissal: The surrender of all rights and privileges of membership in the college community and exclusion from the campus and college-owned or controlled facilities without any possibility of return. There is to be no refund of tuition or fees for the quarter in which the action is taken, but tuition and fees paid in advance for a subsequent quarter are to be refunded.
(9)Forfeiture of state-funded financial aid: Applies only to violations regarding hazing. The forfeiture of any entitlement to state-funded grants, scholarships, or awards for a specified period.
(10) Withdrawal of official recognition: Any student organization, association, or student living group that knowingly permits hazing to be conducted by its members or by others subject to its direction or control shall be deprived of any official recognition or approval granted by Centralia College. In addition, any organization, association, or student living group that knowingly permits hazing is strictly liable for harm caused to persons or property resulting from hazing. If the organization, association, or living group is a corporation, whether for profit or nonprofit, the individual directors of the corporation may be held individually liable for damages. Withdrawal of official recognition may also be applied to any organization, association, or living group for other violations of Centralia College policies, rules, or regulations concerning such organizations.
(11)Disqualification from athletics: Any student found by the college to have violated this code related to the use, possession, sale, or delivery of controlled substances is subject to additional sanctions, including disqualification from college-sponsored athletic events.
(12)College or community service: Assignment of labor or responsibilities to any student or student organization with the college or local community. May also include mandatory attendance at educational programs or courses or other assignments.
(13) Fines: Monetary fines up to five thousand dollars for any student organization or up to five hundred dollars for any student. Restitution may be added as an additional monetary sanction.
(14)Protective or no-contact order: Prohibition of direct or indirect physical and/or verbal contact with another individual or group. Any form of communication may be limited. Restrictions on locations or specified minimum distances may be imposed. Other reasonable restrictions to protect the safety and welfare of others may also be imposed. An immediate, protective or no-contact order may also be issued by the student conduct officer or his or her representative prior to any disciplinary hearing upon the sworn or affirmed written and signed testimony of any complainant that the complainant is in reasonable fear of intimidation, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, or harm, provided that the subject of such order is duly notified in writing either in person or by first class mail and is provided the opportunity to appeal such an order at an initial disciplinary hearing within seven days after notification to the student conduct officer in writing of intent to appeal. An appeal may be combined with the normal disciplinary action of an initial disciplinary hearing if charges have also been filed.
(15)Professional evaluation: Referral for drug, alcohol, psychiatric, psychological, or medical evaluation may be required. Recommendations as part of any such evaluation may become part of any sanction. If the evaluation indicates that the student is not capable of functioning within the college community, the student will remain suspended until and unless future evaluation recommends that the student is capable of reentering the college. The student may choose the professional within the scope of practice and with the professional credentials as defined by the college. The student shall pay for the cost of the evaluation. The college reserves the right to send a student to a professional of its own choosing at cost to the college.
(16)Hold on awarding of degree or issuance of official transcript: In the event that the conditions of other sanctions such as, but not limited to, fines, restitution, and community service, are not fulfilled, the college may place a hold on the issuance of a degree or certificate and may place a hold on the issuance of an official transcript. In addition, the college may prevent further registration. These holds will be lifted upon fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the imposed sanction.

Wash. Admin. Code § 132L-350-100

Adopted by WSR 15-18-054, Filed 8/27/2015, effective 9/27/2015