Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 132E-122-280 - Participation of advisors and attorneys(1) Each party involved in sexual misconduct proceedings may appear alone or with another to advise and assist them during any conduct proceeding.(2) Any advisor who accompanies the complainant, respondent, or witness may provide support or guidance but may not speak, represent, or advocate on their behalf during sexual misconduct proceedings with the exception of full adjudication proceedings (WAC 132E-122-290 through 132E-122-350).(3) An advisor may not delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with proceedings.(4) An accommodation of a spokesperson (a person who would address the college official, or assist the person in addressing the college official) may be approved if a person's documented disability warrants such an accommodation.(5)Notice of attorney advisor. Anyone who plans to have an attorney present during a conduct proceeding must notify the conduct officer ( or 425-388-9282) Title IX coordinator (TitleIXcoordinator@ or 425-388-9271), or chair of the student conduct committee (email address or phone number) of this intent four business days in advance of the scheduled sexual misconduct proceeding.(6) When scheduling procedural meetings and/or interviews, the college will make reasonable efforts to accommodate an advisor. However, the availability of individuals directly involved in the proceedings, including the personnel assigned to the matter, as well as the expectation to promptly complete the proceedings may, in the campus' constituent discretion, take priority when determining the date and time for the proceedings.Wash. Admin. Code § 132E-122-280
Adopted by WSR 18-01-119, Filed 12/19/2017, effective 1/19/2018