Section 132D-116-070 - Authorization for issuance of permitsParking permits shall be issued to students, faculty members, staff members, guests and visitors of the college pursuant to the following regulations:
(1) The dean of administrative and student services is authorized to issue parking permits to students upon the registration of their vehicle with the college at the beginning of each academic period; provided, the academic period shall not include summer school.(2) Faculty, staff, and employees may be issued parking permits if they register their vehicle upon employment with the college.(3) Temporary visitor parking permits or special parking permits may be issued by the dean of administrative and student services or his or her designee(s) if issuance enhances the business or operation of the college.Wash. Admin. Code § 132D-116-070
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 88-24-014 (Order 88-01), § 132D-116-070, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89.