Wash. Admin. Code § 118-04-100

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 118-04-100 - Classes of emergency workers

The following classes of emergency workers and the scope of duties of each class are hereby established.

(1) Administration includes, but is not limited to, technical, administrative, and clerical services and may involve recruiting, coordinating, and directing any emergency support activities.
(2) Aviation includes duties performed by pilots licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration, operating Federal Aviation Administration approved aircraft, in support of emergency management activities. No compensation will be provided under chapter 38.52 RCW for those activities of air search which are the statutory responsibility of the Washington state department of transportation, aviation division.
(3) Communications includes, but is not limited to, any emergency communications activities carried out in accordance with approved state or local emergency operations and communications plans.
(4) Engineering includes, but is not limited to, structural, lifeline, electrical, civil, or mechanical engineering activities, inspection services, structural stability evaluation, and other emergency engineering-related activities such as construction, closure, demolition, repair, and maintenance of highways, roads, streets, bridges, as well as all types of buildings and facilities.
(5) Fire service includes, but is not limited to, assisting firefighting forces or agencies in both urban and rural areas, rescuing persons or protecting property, instructing residents regarding fire prevention, providing emergency information to individual citizens about methods of detecting fires and precautions to be observed to reduce fire hazards. This class does not include volunteer firefighters enrolled under and while in the performance of duty under chapter 41.24 RCW.
(6) General includes, but is not limited to, duties which can be performed by persons without permanent specific emergency assignment. These emergency workers may include personnel who are not ordinarily a part of an emergency response organization and who do not have any specific training or qualifications, but whose participation is essential to a specific emergency operation such as conducting sandbagging operations during a flood. These persons may be necessary for training or exercise activities such as serving as disaster casualties. These personnel shall register as temporary emergency workers for the period of time they are participating in emergency activities.
(7) Hazardous materials includes, but is not limited to, hazards materials incident response duties, such as planning and coordination of response resources conducted in accordance with approved state or local emergency operations and hazardous materials plans.
(8) Law enforcement includes, but is not limited to, securing compliance with local, state, and federal laws, in a manner consistent with chapter 38.52 RCW, and assisting law enforcement officers with administrative and nonenforcement functions for the purpose of relieving commissioned personnel to carry out their enforcement duties.
(9) Mass care includes, but is not limited to, the provision of food, clothing, and lodging in mass care centers for persons whose homes have been destroyed or have been made temporarily uninhabitable by emergency or disaster, evacuation service for other than medical cases, registration and information, health and welfare inquiries, provision of temporary housing, counseling performed by qualified counselors, and other necessary assistance to disaster victims. It includes all duties required by current shelter management guidelines and procedures published in approved state or local emergency operations and shelter plans.
(10) Medical includes, but is not limited to, medical and surgical field teams, triage, general emergency and mobile hospitals, nursing service, first aid and ambulance service, sanitation, mortuary and laboratory service, medical-related radiological monitoring, precautionary measures for biological or chemical incidents, identification of sick and injured, and other medical and health services. This class also includes critical incident stress debriefing teams.
(11) Public education includes, but is not limited to, duties involving public education and informational activities necessary to keep the public informed during an emergency or disaster as well as activities designed to prevent persons from becoming lost or injured during wilderness or other outdoor activities.
(12) Radiological includes, but is not limited to, radiological monitoring, gathering and evaluating radiological data, providing technical guidance concerning radiological decontamination operations, reporting, and planning duties that are in accordance with approved state or local emergency operations and radiological emergency plans.
(13) Search and rescue includes, but is not limited to, duties involving searching for, rescuing, or recovering by means of ground, marine, or air activity any person who becomes lost, injured, or is killed while outdoors or as a result of a natural, human-caused, or technological disaster. These duties include instances involving searches for downed aircraft when ground personnel are used. This class includes urban search and rescue activities.
(14) Supply includes, but is not limited to, procurement, warehousing, staging, sorting, and release of supplies, equipment, and materials required during a mission, emergency, or disaster.
(15) Training includes, but is not limited to, all activities, public and private, relating to the education process and proficiency skill building for the enhancement of emergency preparedness under the concept of comprehensive emergency management, including but not limited to, specific courses, workshops, seminars, exercises, volunteer training activities, which includes the administration, reporting, and maintaining of appropriate records.
(16) Transportation includes, but is not limited to, the planning, organizing, maintaining, operating, and coordinating available means of transportation for the movement of supplies, evacuees, personnel, service animals, livestock, and equipment.
(17) Underwater diving includes, but is not limited to, the duties of underwater diving on any mission or training event. Workers serving in this capacity shall be certified in accordance with recognized national standards and shall provide proof of this certification to the local authorized official prior to conducting the task assigned.
(18) Utilities includes, but is not limited to, assisting utility personnel in the repair of water, gas, electric, telephone, telegraph, steam, sewer, and other utility facilities.

Wash. Admin. Code § 118-04-100

Statutory Authority: Chapter 38.52 RCW. 01-02-053, §118-04-100, filed 12/28/00, effective 1/28/01; 93-23-005 (Order 93-08), §118-04-100, filed 11/4/93, effective 12/5/93.