Wash. Admin. Code § 110-15-3565

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 110-15-3565 - Consumers' responsibilities
(1) When a person applies for or receives SCC program subsidies, the applicant or consumer must, as a condition of receiving those subsidies:
(a) Give DSHS correct and current information so that DSHS can determine the consumer's eligibility and authorize child care payments correctly;
(b) Choose a licensed or certified child care provider who meets requirements of WAC 170-292-3750;
(c) Pay the provider for child care services when the consumer requests additional child care outside of the current authorization;
(d) Pay the provider for optional child care programs for the child that the consumer requests. The provider must have a written policy in place charging all families for these optional child care programs;
(e) Document their child's attendance in child care by having the consumer or other person authorized by the consumer to take the child to or from child care:
(i) If the provider uses a paper attendance record, sign the child in on arrival and sign the child out at departure, using their full signature and writing the time of arrival and departure; or
(ii) Record the child's attendance using an electronic system if used by the provider;
(f) Provide the information requested by the fraud early detection (FRED) investigator from the DSHS office of fraud and accountability (OFA). If the consumer refuses to provide the information requested within fourteen days, it could affect the consumer's benefits;
(g) Cooperate (provide the information requested) with the child care subsidy audit process.
(i) A consumer becomes ineligible for SCC benefits upon a determination of noncooperation and remains ineligible until he or she meets child care subsidy audit requirements.
(ii) The consumer may become eligible again when he or she meets SCC requirements in Part III of this chapter and cooperates.
(iii) Care can begin on or after the date the consumer cooperated and meets SCC requirements in Part III of this chapter.
(h) Ensure that their children who receive subsidized child care outside of their own home are current on all immunizations required under WAC 246-105-030, except when the parent or guardian provides:
(i) A department of health (DOH) medical exemption form signed by a health care professional; or
(ii) A DOH form or similar statement signed by the child's parent or guardian expressing a religious, philosophical or personal objection to immunization;
(i) Pay the copayment directly to the child care provider or arrange for a third party to pay the copayment directly to the provider; and
(j) Pay the provider the same late fees that are charged to other families, if the consumer pays a copayment late or picks up the child late.
(2) In cases of overdue or past due copayments, the consumer, as a condition of maintaining eligibility, must do one of the following:
(a) Pay past or overdue copayments;
(b) Give DSHS a written agreement between the provider and consumer to verify that copayment arrangements include one or more of the following:
(i) An installment payment plan;
(ii) A collection agency payment plan;
(iii) In-kind services in lieu of paying the copayment; or
(iv) Forgiveness of the copayment from the provider; or
(c) Provide proof that the consumer has attempted to pay a copayment to a licensed provider who is no longer in business or a license-exempt provider who is no longer providing child care. "Proof" includes, but is not limited to, a signed return receipt for correspondence not responded to, or a returned document that was not picked up.

Wash. Admin. Code § 110-15-3565

WSR 18-14-078, recodified as § 110-15-3565, filed 6/29/18, effective 7/1/18

Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.070, chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 16-19-107, § 170-290-3565, filed 9/21/16, effective 10/22/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.060, 43.215.070, and chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 16-09-059, § 170-290-3565, filed 4/15/16, effective 5/16/16; WSR 12-11-025, § 170-290-3565, filed 5/8/12, effective 6/8/12; WSR 11-12-078, § 170-290-3565, filed 5/31/11, effective 7/1/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.060, 43.215.070, 2006 c 265, and chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 09-22-043, § 170-290-3565, filed 10/28/09, effective 12/1/09.