Agency rules that are likely to be omitted from WAC publication by the office of the code reviser under the authority of RCW 34.05.210 may, upon application by the agency to the office of the code reviser for an exemption, be exempted by the office of the code reviser from the form and style requirements of this chapter, other than requirements that are imposed by statute. An application for exemption must be made by the agency and approved by the office of the code reviser before filing the rules.
Wash. Admin. Code § 1-21-150
Statutory Authority: RCW 1.08.110, 34.05.385, 1.08.001, and Executive Order 97-2. 06-16-019, § 1-21-150, filed 7/24/06, effective 8/24/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.385 and 34.08.030. 89-12-028 (Order 89-1), § 1-21-150, filed 5/31/89.