The department may issue special exceptions which include any requirement for permits as described in 9VAC25-610-140. Special exceptions shall not be renewed, except in the case of special exceptions that have been issued to allow groundwater withdrawals associated with state-approved groundwater remediation activities. In the case of reissuance of a special exception for a state-approved groundwater remediation activity, the department may require the holder of the special exception to submit any information required in 9VAC25-610-90, 9VAC25-610-92, and 9VAC25-610-94, and may require compliance with any criteria described in 9VAC25-610-110. In the case where any other activity that is being supported by the specially excepted withdrawal will require that the withdrawal extend beyond the term of the existing special exception, the groundwater user shall apply for a permit to withdraw groundwater.
9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-610-220
Statutory Authority: § 62.1-256 of the Code of Virginia.